Chapter 7: Men become bad when they have money!

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Author: [ Collect this chapter ] [Complain]Big Capital Villains in the Entertainment Circle 7
  Chapter 7

  Shen Jiming knew that Qiao Zhuo's decisions were always accurate, so he could only signal to the staff behind him to stop suppressing the hotly searched public relations.

  Without the pressure of capital, public opinion almost instantly made the headlines.

  Even late at night, netizens expressed their opinions and opinions enthusiastically.

  "[Picture] I just registered at the hospital where Lin Song is staying. There were a lot of men in suits standing at the door of the VIP ward, and something didn't look right at first sight."

  "Do you still have to be suspicious? Take a look at the movies signed by Qiao Group and see what kind of crap they are. Movies, I'm speechless. These movies have a box office of over 100 million!"

  "Just saying it silently is just a game of capital."

  "Don't ordinary viewers have the right to speak? The quality of a movie should be judged by the audience, not by others. Marketing and traffic are deceived into movie theaters!"

  "I really want to shout at Qiao Zhuo to pay me back my money! Damn it, even if you make bad movies, the market will be confused by these funders."

  "The focus has gone astray, the point is Wasn't it Qiao Group that put pressure on Lin Song? They beat people to the hospital. What era is this in? Don't we really want to investigate such people and companies?"

  "Is there really a video of the beating? Why don't I believe it?"

  "It's not a beating. My cousin is a prop in "Rose Street". He said that he was forced to expose himself to rain and high fever by the sponsor's father."

  The hot search was still on the topic until the early morning. In the first position, the discussion among netizens has become more and more heated, but Qiao Zhuo doesn't care. He is the president of Qiao Group, and he is a big capital who can turn his hands into clouds and rain. There are countless chains behind him, and there are layers of interests. The level cannot be brought down by just some words of talk.

  At three o'clock in the morning on such an extraordinary day, the Qiao Group's official blog suddenly posted a Weibo message, causing everyone to rush to refresh it.

  The traffic volume was so high that even Weibo was stuck for a few minutes. After a while, the first batch of netizens who saw Weibo began to spit out sweet things again.

  I saw that the new Weibo posted by Qiao Group turned out to be a promotional poster for the movie "Rose Street". Ruan Yunzhi's soft smiling face occupied most of the page, and the man huddled in a small corner was Lin Song.

  For a time, the anger of the audience was ignited again, and the comments on the official blog became more and more unpleasant.

  After such a big thing happened, Liu Ben thought that Qiao Zhuo would not visit the set again, but what he didn't expect was that Qiao Zhuo actually came to the set at the start of the first scene.

  Qiao Zhuo's pomp was even bigger than before, and a group of bodyguards in black followed him. As soon as he walked into the shooting location, he immediately pointed at the many staff members and shouted: "Confiscate the mobile phones! Hand over all the mobile phones, no filming is allowed." Any material related to the movie!"

  The studio was in an uproar, and before Liu Ben could say anything, another person came in at the door.

  Lin Song was seen rarely wearing a light gray suit, which made his figure even more upright and powerful. His hair was combed behind his forehead, and his sharp eyes could no longer be blocked. His handsome face still had an indifferent expression.

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