Chapter 20: Dog leash

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Author: [ Collect this chapter ] [Complain]Noble Omega Villain 4
  Chapter 4

  After Qiao Zhuo finished fooling the small system, he felt that the last trace of drowsiness had disappeared, so he walked into the palace gate.

  Su Feifei, who had just been promoted to a personal bodyguard, accompanied her all the way. Her expression was no longer as frightening as yesterday, and Qiao Zhuo felt a little relieved about this. Qiao Zhuo didn't see many people during the whole process of entering the palace. Seeing his confusion, the waiter who led the way   took

  the initiative to explain: "Your Excellency, there was a robbery incident in the slums in the suburbs not long ago. The two princes went to deal with it early in the morning."

Most of the people in remote slums are beta, but once a violent incident turns into a violent incident, it will not be solved in a short time. The decadent empire was rotten from top to bottom. Excessive taxes and unfair social status made the common people more and more angry. Sooner or later, all this being squeezed would be a knife stabbed at the princes and nobles who did not know the suffering.

  Following the villain's character, Qiao Zhuo snorted and said: "Are they those greedy poor people again?"

  The waiter got used to Qiao Zhuo's tone and repeatedly echoed: "Of course, Your Excellency, you are both making trouble and robbing. It's really annoying." ."

  Qiao Zhuo scolded expressionlessly: "They should be taught a harsh lesson, otherwise they will always dream about things they shouldn't get."

  Su Feifei, who was following Qiao Zhuo one step behind, lowered her eyes and paid no attention. But the anger in her heart is slowly awakening. She also grew up in the suburbs. She was born and raised there, and was promoted to the Duke's Palace as a guard just because of her status as an alpha. She didn't expect that the nobles would view it like this. of the people, it's really sad and ridiculous.

  The system prompts: "Host, the villain's attack on the heroine branch is completed."

  The system said: "Waiting for the male and female protagonists to meet above, Chu Xiu felt pity for Su Feifei who was oppressed by you, and then the sky thundered and the earth fired... Host you All he needs to do is to desperately arouse Chu Xiu's anger."

  Qiao Zhuo raised his eyebrows lightly, "It won't go wrong, right?"

  The system vowed: "It's absolutely impossible this time!"

  Chu Xiu's disgust value kept increasing, and Su Feifei The sub-plot is also executed perfectly. The system firmly believes that Qiao Zhuo can not only complete the career growth value of the male protagonist this time, but even the emotional sub-plot can be completed perfectly!

  Qiao Zhuo walked into the main hall wearing complicated aristocratic costumes. Her brilliant blond hair shone in the sun, extremely gorgeous. The small pearls that covered her front were white and smooth. The pearls strung on her coat did not take away the attention of Qiao Zhuo's appearance.

  Qiao Zhuo found that there was another person besides the old emperor in the spacious palace.

  I saw Imperial Marshal Chu Xiu sitting on the right side. He heard the noise and looked up. He saw that the person coming was Qiao Zhuo. There was no surprise in his eyes. He said hello in a cold and deep voice: "Your Majesty the Duke."

  As a third-S-level alpha, Chu Xiu looked strong and steady. He was no longer wearing the marshal's military uniform yesterday, but an ordinary general's uniform. The black and gold cloak on his shoulders made him look even more fierce. His distant eyes were repelling. outside.

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