Chapter 55: Desire surges in my heart

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In front of him, Rakshasa had a hibiscus-like face, and there was no charm between his eyebrows, but it was alluring.

The atmosphere in the elevator was stagnant for a while. Yu Ying was so angry that he wanted to reach out and gently pull Qiao Zhuo, but Yu Xuan stopped him first.

"Are you hungry?" Yu Xuan immediately took out the Qiankun bag from behind. It seemed that the man had been prepared, and whispered: "Here you go."

Qiao Zhuo was quite surprised when he saw this. He didn't expect that Yu Xuan actually prepared food. , a pair of peach blossom eyes curled up, and he said teasingly: "When will the little Taoist priest be free to catch the little devil?"

Yu Xuan lowered his eyelids and said lightly: "I couldn't sleep the other night, so I went out for a walk."

This is true . It is thought-provoking. Yu Xuan has always been dignified, calm and rational. What kind of tangled things did he think of in the middle of the night before he got up to catch such a large group of brats?

System: "..." An ominous premonition.

Su Qianfan's face was shocked, and he spoke nervously: "Elder brother, how do you catch little ghosts and feed them to Rakshasa? This, this is against the rules..." It seems that Eldest Brother has been completely stunned by this Rakshasa, and he goes back There is one more thing to report to Master.

Qiao Zhuo raised his eyes and looked at Su Qianfan and smiled. What would his expression be like if he knew that Yu Xuandu had let him eat the ash.

The system sighed: "Host, you are really evil."

Qiao Zhuo: ":)" Yu Xuan looked at Qiao Zhuo's slender neck hanging down and said in a deep voice: "Qian Fan, there is no need to let master know about these things


Su Qianfan was stunned when he revealed his inner thoughts, and said calmly: "Yes, senior brother."

After that, looking at the overly gorgeous Qiao Zhuo in front of him, Su Qianfan actually had the illusion that he was looking at Daji. This is clearly the soul-eating erotic ghost described in the previous storybook!

Yu Ying on the side was so angry when she saw Qiao Zhuo and Yu Xuan behaving intimately that she suddenly sneered with an evil tone in her tone: "A group of sanctimonious stinky Taoist priests, you want me to tell you how full a few brats can be, Qiao Zhuo, I I'll catch some living people for you."

As soon as Qiao Zhuoyan knife flew up, Su Qianfanxian was shocked and said: "How can you eat living people? Master has told me to take good care of Rakshasa ghosts. If you want to harm ordinary people, "People, let me first hear whether my senior brother agrees!"

Yu Ying was filled with evil energy and snorted: "If Qiao Zhuo didn't agree, would it be your turn to make irresponsible remarks?"

Su Qianfan was aroused by the evil energy coming towards him. You have to take a few steps back suddenly. What kind of ghost is this? He held the talisman in his hand, but he still didn't take action.

Now there are two against two in the elevator that is going down. Suqian Fanzhen has no confidence that Yu Xuan will not be held back.

Seeing that he was too frightened to move, Yu Ying lowered his face and said, "Since you don't have the guts, don't provoke me."

Qiao Zhuo was only thinking about having enough to eat, and didn't pay any attention to the quarrel between Yu Ying and Su Qianfan. He held Yu Xuan's raised hand at his waist and sucked the kid, his pale cheeks were faintly red, and the black hair on his neck gradually deepened.

The overly stunning beauty made Yu Ying and Suqian Fan stop their quarrel and stare at Qiao Zhuo.

Yu Xuan frowned sharply, and suddenly and coldly moved sideways to block Qiao Zhuo's figure, just enough so that Yu Ying and Su Qianfan behind him couldn't even see a single hair of the man's hair.

This move aroused Yu Ying's dissatisfaction: "Yu Xuan!"

Even Su Qianfan felt an inexplicable regret in his heart. When he came back to his senses, he was shocked. How could he look at Rakshasa and see the dullness, and be known by others? What should I do? !

After the Qiankun bag deflated, Qiao Zhuo stood up leisurely. He saw that the man's body was more solid, and the red line on his wrist could no longer restrain him.

The system prompts: "Host, the plot has reached a critical point, please step in and take control."

As the biggest villain in the small world, Qiao Zhuo also needs to suppress other little ghosts from causing mischief. This time, the Night Parade of Hundred Ghosts was caused by others.

When Yu Xuan saw Qiao Zhuo stand up, an indistinct trace of regret flashed in his eyes. The man was rubbing the dark Qiankun bag in his hand, and his heart was surging with desire. He didn't have half of the abstinence that other people said, it was clearly the opposite!

The tit-for-tat confrontation between Yu Ying and Yu Xuan was so obvious that even Su Qianfan, who was missing a string in his head, could see the clues at this moment.

The person involved, Qiao Zhuo, still looked content and content, as if he didn't take all this seriously.

Su Qianfan put back his wandering thoughts and said solemnly: The main business now is to solve the problem of the Night Parade of Hundred Ghosts! How could he keep thinking about such unimportant things.

When everyone arrived at Zhongge Pavilion on the outskirts of the city and a group of disciples were already doing the practice on the spot, the wind was still strong in the sky, and in the howling cold air, Qiao Zhuo saw a dark abyss-like door hanging in the center of the suppression of various talisman formations.

When Zhong Ge caught a glimpse of Yu Xuan, he was overjoyed and immediately said: "Xuan'er!"

Yu Ying wore a black mask to hide herself among the crowd, and no one paid attention to him for the time being.

Because of the red thread, Qiao Zhuo could only follow Yu Xuan forward.

The crowds of people were actually larger than those who suppressed the Rakshasa that day. Qiao Zhuo squinted his eyes slightly and looked at the dark ghost gate in the sky with a smile as if watching the excitement.

Zhong Ge's eyes glanced at Qiao Zhuo for a moment, but he immediately looked back and quickly explained to Yu Xuan: "The ghost gate is open, and hundreds of ghosts are about to rush out. Xuan'er, come and help me set up the formation."

Now the ghost gate was faintly buzzing. , Hundred Ghosts Night Walk was already an unstoppable catastrophe, but Yu Xuan still concentrated his mind and stepped forward, his arms neatly painted the demon-suppressing talisman array, and the blue-white spell rose majestically and rushed into the distance.

Qiao Zhuo clicked his tongue twice when he saw this, and said to the system: "The male protagonist's cultivation level has increased again?"

The system was choked and did not dare to reveal more. In the past few days, Yu Xuan could hardly sleep every night, sitting cross-legged and meditating, but his cultivation level had skyrocketed. .

Many disciples came together to help, but still could not trace back to the wide open Ghost Gate. Dusk was approaching, and the sinister wind became more and more howling. Zhongge immediately ordered: "Retreat!"

All those suppressed in the Ghost Gate were fierce ghosts and evil spirits. , once faced with a direct confrontation, this group of disciples may be completely wiped out.

Zhongge's heart was shaken. Is this catastrophe destined to be unstoppable?

Seeing everyone else around him turning around and leaving quickly, Yu Xuan still stood firm, using a steady stream of spells at his hand to head towards the ghost gate.

Qiao Zhuo stood beside him with his arms crossed, raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Little Taoist priest, are you really not afraid of death? The door of hell is wide open, and what comes out of it is not something you can deal with now. You should listen to your master and leave obediently." Let's go."

Yu Xuan's forehead was covered with sweat, but he still didn't move at all. "Once the suburbs are lost, there will be no safe place in the world. I can't leave."

Qiao Zhuo was speechless, but a man suddenly came behind him. , Yu Ying said coldly: "Qiao Zhuo, leave with me, it's too dangerous here."

Yu Xuan reluctantly glanced sideways at Yu Ying. This was the first time he didn't refute Yu Ying's words to take Qiao Zhuo away. .

Qiao Zhuo narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "Wait a little longer."

Yu Ying stared at the ghost gate in the sky with a pair of evil eyes, and wanted to persuade again: "Qiao Zhuo..." At the beginning of the words, he saw someone who was still casting spells on the side. Yu Xuan suddenly stretched out his arm and put it to his lips and bit it hard.

The blood trail snaked down to his elbow, and Qiao Zhuo's heart was shaken, and there was a hint of imperceptible anxiety in his tone.

Qiao Zhuo: "What are you doing?" Yu Xuan's white clothes were messy in the strong wind, but his star eyes were as firm as ever. It is true that a gentleman saves the world as others said, "I will untie the magic rope, you follow..." Speaking of Yu Ying's two He paused for half a second before saying the word, but then quickly continued: "Follow Yu Ying and leave."

It's not that Yu Xuan hasn't noticed the emotional connection between him and Yu Ying these days, but he has never been able to find the truth. Yu Ying simply looks different from ordinary monsters, and his cultivation is unpredictable. Qiao Zhuo has him by his side. Protected, Yu Xuan felt more at ease.

Qiao Zhuo frowned and snorted impatiently: "What do you think of me?" He was a Rakshasa who had cultivated for thousands of years, but he was just a ghost sect, so what did he have to fear?

The red thread on his wrist was indeed untied as Yu Xuan said, and the inexplicable feeling of bondage disappeared from his heart. Qiao Zhuo suddenly felt his fingertips slightly numb. What did it feel like?

The system suddenly said: "It's a small bug, host, let me help you clean it up."

Qiao Zhuo agreed casually. Seeing that Yu Xuan was not coming back, Zhongge in the distance unexpectedly ran over. Seeing Zhongge returning, Suqian Fan The disciples all followed him back.

Zhong Ge angrily shouted: "What are you doing with me?! Go back!"

The disciples were unmoved. Su Qianfan's somewhat silly face showed a trace of determination that cannot be ignored, "I will advance and retreat with my fellow disciples! "

The disciples shouted in unison: "Advance and retreat together with our fellow sects!"

The talisman array that had dimmed suddenly lit up again, and a steady stream of spells poured into Yu Xuan's back.

Yu Ying stood aside and lowered her eyelashes. Instead of speaking sarcastically as usual, she was extremely quiet.

But even so, it was destined that the gate of hell would open wide. When the last light in the sky was completely submerged, a roaring sound sounded, as shocking as a giant Pangu falling from the sky. The black door of the abyss in the sky creaked and the lock fell.

Zhongge yelled with splitting eyes: "Retreat!!" The

heavy-haired old man tried his best to convert the suppression talisman array into a protective talisman array at the last moment, and a dark yellow protective cover enveloped everyone in it.

Jeering laughter came from above the head, and countless white-faced imps with big heads and fangs crawled out. Behind them, a huge creature slowly walked out, with a bull's head and huge horns. The muscles all over the body were bulging and knotted. It was dozens of meters long. It was probably the ancient Titan. So is the beast.

Just when everyone was shocked, countless strange and terrifying ferocious ghosts emerged one after another, and the disciples in the front row were about to become their first meal.

The system prompt sounded urgently: "Host, please take control of the current situation and not let the small world collapse."

Qiao Zhuo stood behind Yu Xuan and looked at the scene in front of him and narrowed his eyes, "Little system, you are really looking for trouble for me. "

System: "Hey."

Just when Qiao Zhuo was about to take action, the system said again: "Please be careful not to destroy the villain's character, and don't let others regard you as the savior."

Qiao Zhuo took a deep breath: "...Is there anyone? I said you really have a lot of requests."

System: ":)"

Zhong Ge was already heartbroken. Yu Xuan took his place and stretched out his hand to strengthen the protective shield. However, one person was still unable to defeat ten thousand ghosts. As time passed by, The man gradually began to lose strength.

System: [The male protagonist Yu Xuan's career growth value +10. 】

The Bull-Headed Titan noticed the white-headed kid's indestructible protective shield and was attracted towards it. Just as he stretched out his hand to crush the barrier, he heard a very light and casual voice coming from inside: "Presumptuous."

Qiao Zhuo said with a gloomy face. No longer restraining the Rakshasa aura around him, a majestic pressure came over. Compared with the Titan in front of him, it was extremely terrifying. The air-conditioning was like a cold pool, freezing everyone in the protective cover to shivering.

Yu Xuan lowered his eyelids, as if he had foreseen this.

But others were trembling with fear. Which was more terrifying, the evil within the ghost gate, or the Rakshasa in front of them? The facts are before our eyes!

The Bull-headed Titan's movements stagnated. With its huge body and no consciousness at all, it actually wanted to reach out towards the protective shield. Seeing this, Zhong Ge hurriedly said: "Please help me!"

For Qiao Zhuo, this was not just a pillow for him when he was dozing off. He was worried about how to keep the villain's character intact.

Seeing Zhong Ge asking such a question, Qiao Zhuo, who had just scolded the Bull-headed Titan, was no longer anxious. In the anxious eyes of everyone, he could only see his peach blossom eyes smiling as crooked as the moon, and said unhurriedly: "You want me Help, show sincerity..." Qiao Zhuo pointed at Yu Xuan and said, "Just him, I want to eat his heart."

Yu Xuan: "..."

Zhong Ge immediately shouted: "This is absolutely impossible. "Please change your condition!"

The villain can't be reasonable. Since Zhong Ge doesn't agree, it proves that this condition is indeed right. Qiao Zhuo lowered his face and said coldly: "Then there is no need to talk.

" Ge was extremely anxious and wanted to speak again, but Yu Xuan, who was casting a spell in front of him, suddenly said: "Okay."

Zhong Ge: "?"

Su Qianfan: "?!" Yu Ying,

as calm as he was, turned to look at him with a puzzled expression. .

Qiao Zhuo: "..." This is different from what he thought.

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