Chapter 38: Hot body temperature

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Liu Yun couldn't do much in treating the illness, so he only said in a hurry: "The master is confused because of his illness. The acupuncture is very painful. Both girls can't hold him together. No one can hold him down except you now." ."

Baozhu and Baozhen had seen Liu Yun's posture when applying acupuncture, and it was true that neither of them could hold him up.

Yan Xi glanced at Qiao Zhuo, who was lying on the bed and was almost unconscious, and quickly approached him regardless of his shouting to get out.

The man suppressed his nervousness and thought anxiously about how Qiao Zhuo could be so ill. Normally, he wouldn't be able to tell at all, but it just made people think that he was weaker than ordinary people.

Yan Xi put his arm on Qiao Zhuo's shoulder, and the hot body temperature instantly made him frown in discomfort.

Qiao's forehead was burning hot, and he opened his eyes in a daze. He saw Yan Xi helping him sit up, and lightly slapped the man's arm, "I told this guy to get out, I don't want it." He helped."

Baozhu and Baozhen, as the few people who knew the inside story, did not dare to interrupt at this time.

When administering the acupuncture, everything was based on Liu Yun's words, and even the master could not resist. Facing Qiao Zhuo's muttering, he only said: "Master, please bear with me for the time being. Once your disease develops, don't suppress it hard, I'm afraid your body will collapse.

Liu Yun frowned Wanmai's brows and turned around to ask: "Didn't I say that you are not allowed to eat meat and fish, and you are not allowed to eat too much? Who is responsible for the master's recent meals?" Baozhu

and Baozhen immediately knelt down. This mistake made her The two of them couldn't afford it, so they could only say tremblingly: "Master doesn't want to eat plain porridge all the time, so he has let the kitchen serve a few dishes to satisfy his craving in the past few days."

Liu Yun sighed deeply, "If he doesn't want to eat, you can just let it go. Him? He finally adjusted his body to five points, and now it's back to two points. Seeing that winter is coming, do you want him to hold on?"

Every word Liu Yun said hit Yan Xi's heart violently, Qiao Zhuo's The disease is so serious!

"Open your clothes." Liu Yun spread out the wrapped silver needles on the edge of the table. Looking back, he found that Yan Xi still maintained his motion of supporting people and remained motionless.

Liu Yun frowned: "Yan Xi."

Yan Xi woke up with a start, and pulled Qiao Zhuo's belt with trembling hands.

Qiao Zhuo's whole body was burning hot, and the sacrificial attire he was wearing was very complicated, so Yan Xi pulled him away with all his strength.

Qiao Zhuo: "..." This damn familiar feeling.

System: "..." This is an increasingly ominous premonition.

The white jade-like chest flashed past. Yan Xi curled his neck and fixed his gaze on Liu Yun. He tried not to look at Qiao Zhuo at all, but the person in his arms seemed to be soft and boneless, and his back pressed against her body made him feel hot. Passing it to Yan Xi's chest, Yan Xi's heartbeat was beating fast, and she was anxious and despised her own reaction.

"Hold on, Master," Liu Yun took out a very long silver needle and came closer. When he bent down, he glanced at Yan Xi and repeated the instruction: "You must hold it tight."

Yan Xi hugged Qiao Zhuo from behind and smelled The words are even more powerful.

Qiao Zhuo's arm was controlled, and he quickly told the system: "Turn down the pain!"

The next second the system responded, severe pain came from his heart, and Qiao Zhuo almost fainted from the stimulation.

The system hurriedly said: "I have adjusted the host to the lowest level!"

Qiao Zhuo was about to cry but had no tears. Did Liu Yun have poor medical skills? Why did it hurt so much!

Yan Xi held Qiao Zhuo's arms and could clearly feel and feel every tremor and cry of pain he held back.

Yan Xi subconsciously told Liu Yun to be gentle.

Liu Yun held the silver needle and said angrily: "Don't you think I don't want to be gentle? I was born with this disease in my womb, and my heart is naturally weaker than others. If I hadn't used a cruel needle to hold my breath..."

Liu Yun just said He said half of it, but the rest of the room could guess it.

After two or three more injections, Qiao Zhuo was in so much pain that he couldn't speak. He was covered in cold sweat. He held Yan Xi's hand behind him and said as if to consult: "Put a few less needles."

Qiao Zhuo's tone It was so different from usual, soft and soft, which made Yan Xi's heart beat fast when he was anxious.

Liu Yun didn't say much. After a few injections, Qiao Zhuo almost fainted from the pain.

"Get out and hit the wall!" Qiao Zhuo said in a daze: "Drag Yan Xi out!" Liu

Yun, as if he had experienced such a scene many times, said to Yan Xi: "Don't worry, the master is just saying angry words. " ."

And Yan Xi, who had just been scolded by Qiao Zhuo, knew that there was no way he would be spared this scolding.

"The needles are all stuck, I'll get them when it's time for two cups of tea." Liu Yun said and was about to leave. Yan Xi glanced at Qiao Zhuo who had passed out in his arms, frowned and asked, "I'm supporting the master myself? "

Liu Yun had already left quickly, leaving behind Baozhu and Baozhen who said quickly: "We are going to follow Mr. Liu to prepare the medicine. Please help Young Master Yanxi to hold the Master up and not let him move the needle."

The two of them said. Alone in a room, Yanxi's heart beat like thunder.

The person in Yan Xi's arms really turned into blue and white porcelain at this moment. He had to be careful when moving and speaking, for fear that Qiao Zhuo would suddenly break.

Perhaps it was the silver needle that had its effect. Qiao Zhuo, who had been drowsily closing his eyes, slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were not as confused as before, but slightly sober.

Yan Xi lowered his eyes and looked at the top of Qiao Zhuo's head with a deep expression. The extremely close distance allowed him to clearly smell the aroma of the medicine on the man's body. Unlike the robe that was only slightly stained, his whole person was trapped in him at the moment. In Yan Xi's arms, the huge sense of satisfaction made Yan Xi hold her even harder.

Qiao Zhuo always reminded him of the misty cold air in the mountains and the mountain lotus leaves blooming outside the study window.

"Yanxi, have you eaten the leopard's guts?" Qiao Zhuo scolded sternly: "Let me go."

Yanxi's movements did not slow down at all, and said: "I'll forgive you, sir, but after you pull out the needle, how many blows are you going to make on me ?" I all deserve it."

Qiao Zhuo snorted, and the remaining strength had just evaporated. At this time, his voice lowered again and asked: "Did you attract a group of wolves in the village?"

Yan Xi knew that Qiao Zhuo was just a suspicion and not confirmed. He pretended not to understand the evidence and asked, "Master, what do you mean by wolf?"

Qiao Zhuo wanted to break away from Kai Yanxi's arms but was unable to do so. The man's arms were like iron welds, so powerful that it was almost impossible to hold him down. No effort required.

Qiao Zhuo's usually pale and frail body was shaking slightly at this moment, and the ends of his eyes were red, making Yan Xi's suppression subconsciously loosen for a while.

No matter how arrogant this man is at this moment, he can't resist him at all.

This thought violently struck Yan Xi's mind, making his eyes grow darker.

Qiao Zhuo struggled for a long time and saw no change, so he said viciously: "A wolf like you."

Yan Xi's voice was a little deeper, "It turns out that in the master's heart, I am a wolf. Master, are you afraid of me?"

Qiao Zhuo said coldly . He snorted, "Afraid? I'm afraid I'm not the one who should be afraid. If you want to run, you have to consider how far you can run."

After speaking, Qiao Zhuo said excitedly to the system: "It's finally my turn to say this. !"

System: "..."

Yan Xi said: "I won't run away, Master."

Qiao Zhuo: "People's hearts are separated from each other, I don't believe what you said."

Yan Xi paused for a moment and asked: "Master, you don't believe it Me."

Qiao Zhuo did not hesitate, "Yes, I don't believe it."

After a long silence, Yan Xi's tone and expression returned to normal, and he said, "Master, be careful. Mr. Liu told me not to let you move."

Qiao Zhuo smiled. He spoke out, his eyes full of coldness, "You should listen to Mr. Liu, why don't you remember anything he taught you? Recognize your identity, Yan Xi."

Yan Xi narrowed his eyes and asked, "What is the master talking about? What is my identity in the master's heart?"

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became tense. Yan Xi hoped that Qiao Zhuo would not speak out about worshiping the mountain god so straightforwardly. Or looking forward to the sacrifice has nothing to do with Qiao Zhuo.

Otherwise, how would he face the fact that he fell in love with a demon.

But the reality was like a hard slap on Yan Xi's face, causing burning pain.

Just listen to Qiao Zhuo's direct words, "The twelve-year deadline is approaching, and it's time for you to understand your destiny. Worshiping the mountain god is a big deal, and you must prepare early."

The smoke-like man tore open the house like this. With the soft illusion, every word he spoke was like a sharp knife cutting into Yan Xi's heart

. Yan Xi pursed her thin lips tightly, and the veins on her neck popped out.

The system prompt sounded: "The male protagonist Yan Xi's career growth value +20."

"Sacrifice to the mountain god..." Yan Xi repeated softly, and asked with a serious face: "Have you ever thought about letting us come back alive?"

Qiao Zhuo looked like Hearing something funny, he said coldly: "It is your supreme honor to be selected to worship the mountain god. Your names will be remembered by the ancestors in the village for generations."

Yan Xi's heart trembled violently in front of the bloody reality, and his voice was suppressed when he spoke. He couldn't help but say hoarsely, "Master, in your heart I... who are we?" Is it really just an offering that can be discarded at will?

Qiao Zhuo had obviously raised them for eight years, and it was time for a dog to develop feelings.

The complex emotions in Yan Xi's downcast eyes were surging wildly. Yes, raising a dog can cultivate feelings. Qiao Zhuo is really cold-hearted and cold-faced, but what about himself who is tempted by such a devil? people?

The system prompted: "Host, the male protagonist's mood is fluctuating violently."

Qiao Zhuo frowned, holding back the pain in his heart, and sneered weakly: "What is it? If the twelve of you can be appreciated by the mountain god, you can continue to protect the twelve in Qiaojia Village. Years are considered blessings."

"Blessings?" Yan Xi's teeth trembled, and as his blood surged, strong hatred mixed with ridiculous love rose.

The system exclaimed: "Host, the male protagonist Yan Xi's disgust value has been increased by 100!"

Qiao Zhuo felt that this time the emotional line could definitely be corrected, so he struck while the iron was hot: "Since you have been selected, it is your life, twelve people , both are indispensable."

Qiao Zhuo's words were a warning to Yan Xi that there was no chance of escape, and also a hint that he already knew everything about the foreigners.

"My life?" Yan Xi laughed in a low voice: "I may have heard a saying, man can conquer nature."

All the thoughts he originally had about Qiao Zhuo converged into a crazy desire to plunder and possessiveness in Yan Xi's heart. What on earth is going on? Yes, this man would never say such hurtful words.

Qiao Zhuo: "Man can conquer the sky? But in this mountain, I am the sky."

Qiao Zhuo said this without any emotion, and his tone was so calm that it made Yan Xi feel dazed. This man was not talking big words, but he firmly believed that he was born with I think so.

"After committing the crime of killing, aren't you afraid of falling into the Hell of Hell forever?" Yan Xi hugged Qiao Zhuo tightly and asked through gritted teeth, his eyes full of boiling hatred mixed with unwillingness and grievance.

"You are so unbridled. Worshiping the mountain god is not considered a crime, let alone falling into hell forever, haha." Qiao Zhuo, who was about to fall asleep in a daze, sneered a few times, "I have the protection of the mountain god, and I am the patriarch who protects the peace of Qiao's village. Who dares?"

Yan Xi closed his eyes tightly, and Qiao Zhuo fell asleep in his arms for a long time. When he opened them again, Yan Xi had restrained his temperament, and the look in the man's eyes instantly changed, as if he had grown completely reborn in an instant.

Since Qiao Zhuo is the god of Qiaojia Village, he will bring down the sky, and with the blessing of the mountain god, he will smash the temple to pieces. Yan Xi frowned, and he was determined to see who Qiao Zhuo would ask for help.

You only have yourself, and you can only be yourself.

When Qiao Zhuo fell into a coma, the system prompt sounded: "The male protagonist Wu Yanxi's career growth value +10."

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