Chapter 41: Medicated bath

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The bedroom was filled with mist. Because they were taking medicinal baths in winter, Baozhu and Baozhen had already placed three small stoves outside the screen to keep warm.

Qiao Zhuo wore a thin coat to cover up her nervousness and turned her head to read the book. She rubbed the corner of the book with her white knuckles. She was as beautiful as jade under the candlelight. Her usually pale cheeks were now slightly flushed due to the warmth, making people unable to look away.

"Master, the medicinal bath is covered." After Baozhu and Baozhen finished speaking, they stepped back and left. After several struggles, Qiao Zhuo finally got up and walked behind the screen. As soon as he took off his coat, the bedroom door was pushed open.

Qiao Zhuo felt nervous in his heart, his hands trembled, and he turned around and asked, "Who?!"

Yan Xi had not yet dried his head after washing. He stepped into the room with one step and heard a sound. He could not enter or stop, so he could only reply loudly. "Sir, it's me."

Qiao Zhuo clenched his clothes tightly with his fingers, with a tangled expression on his face. After a while, he just said: "I asked you to come in before you came in."

The man at the door responded with a hoarse voice: "Yes, master ."

Yan Xi just stood waiting outside the bedroom screen. Qiao Zhuo seemed not to know that the screen could not completely cover his figure, but instead outlined his slender waistline against the candlelight.

How Qiao Zhuo opened his clothes and took off his clothes, and how he raised his knees and bent down to enter the bathtub were all clearly revealed on the steamy screen. Yan Xi could not speak to remind him, so he could only tilt his head and try not to look at Qiao Zhuo's actions. A move.

But the man's desire couldn't be restrained anymore, and Yan Xi's throat became increasingly dry. Seeing Qiao Zhuo sit in the tub, Yan Xi asked, "Master, can you give me a cup of tea?"

The sudden sound made Qiao Zhuo sit down. Zhuo was startled and made a soft splash sound. He must have hit somewhere on the wall of the barrel. Yan Xi could imagine his red eyes.

I can't think about it anymore! Yan Xi clenched his fists tightly, and his nails dug into the flesh.

Qiao Zhuo hissed, perhaps enduring the pain, and his tone became colder and said: "There is it on the table, pour it yourself."

Yan Xi turned around in a hurry after hearing this, picked up the medicine paper Liu Yun gave him in the morning, unfolded it, and drank it with tea. The taste filled his mouth, but the man's expression remained unchanged, even a little relaxed.

Yanxi's pure yang body is a great tonic for Qiao Zhuo, but sleeping close to her every day and protecting her hands and feet from time to time are like torture to Yanxi. The pain is mixed with secret joy, and then she can only Gritting his teeth and restraining himself, no one else could endure it for as long as Yan Xi.

The system started the silent mode again, and Qiao Zhuo got used to it. He only submerged his neck completely in the water before calling out: "Come here."

Yan Xi took a deep breath with his back turned, and then turned around and approached after seeing nothing strange.

The scene he saw across the screen was thousands of times more beautiful than what Yan Xi had imagined. When he saw the dark-haired beauty raising her eyes covered with water mist, Yan Xi suddenly felt that the flowers and candles in the wedding room were nothing more than that.

Qiao Zhuo noticed that Yan Xi's hair was wet, frowned and asked, "Is it raining outside?"

Yan Xi put his hand on his robe and lowered his eyes and said, "I was joking, I took a bath and burned incense before coming here."

Qiao Zhuo: "..."

Yan Xi Xi had dreamed of such rebellious scenes for countless nights, but now he suddenly became shy when he had to undress his clothes in front of Qiao Zhuo. The man had broad shoulders and a thin waist. With a tug of his hand, the gown was unbuttoned.

Qiao Zhuo turned his head and didn't look, but his hearing was more sensitive and he could guess that Yan Xi was hanging his clothes on the screen.

"Master, I'm so sorry." Yan Xi said in a hoarse voice. The next second, there was only a slight sound of water, and the man stepped in.

Medicinal baths pay attention to soaking, so Qiao Zhuo could only let Yan Xi hug him. Yan Xi raised his hand to pick up Qiao Zhuo's long hair and asked: "Master, can I tie it up for you?"

The dream red rope was now placed on the dressing table. , Qiao Zhuo felt that what Yan Xi said made sense, so he casually responded: "Tie it up."

Yan Xi reached for the red rope and tied it on Qiao Zhuo as he had practiced countless times in his mind. The tassel was wrapped around the black hair and swept on his chest. Qiao Zhuo could clearly see his bright red mole by turning his head to the west.

Qiao Zhuo found that Yan Xi was very skilled, and teased: "I'm not very good at writing, but I'm very good at tying my hair."

Yan Xi pursed her thin lips and said, "Please punish me, master."

Qiao Zhuo snorted, "What will I punish you for? These days, because of your pure yang body, I should also thank you."

Qiao Zhuo thought that because of Yan Xi's disgust level, which is close to the sky, he is so close to him at this moment, and he doesn't know how disgusted he must be in his heart.

Yan Xi, who was thought by Qiao Zhuo to live every second like a year, is really living every second like a year now, but he is not bored, but hooked.

Yan Xi suddenly asked: "Is the master here alone just now knocking on his knees?"

Qiao Zhuo did not respond.

Yan Xi frowned and observed, the man's body was as white as cold jade, and he was raised with precious wealth. Even if the clothes he wore were a little worn, there would be red marks on his body, let alone knocking against a wooden barrel now.

Seeing Yan Xi's hot eyes scanning him from head to toe, Qiao Zhuo's ears turned red and said coldly: "Toes, don't worry, it's nothing serious."

Unexpectedly, as soon as Qiao Zhuo's voice fell, Yan Xi actually moved sideways to the opposite side of Qiao Zhuo. , the barrel is so wide that even five people can lie down horizontally, but Qiao Zhuo, who wanted to bury himself in the water at this moment, saw Yan Xi moving carelessly and asked in fright, "What are you doing?"

There was a splash of water, and Yan Xi He actually helped Qiao Zhuo's ankle and lifted it up, lowered his eyes and asked: "Master, where are you knocking? Let me see."

Qiao Zhuo's face turned red, he pursed his lips and cursed: "How presumptuous! Let go!"

Baozhu and Baozhen stood there. Outside the door, Qiao Zhuo would lose face if there was any sound coming from the room at this moment.

But Yanxi suddenly wasn't afraid of him. She stubbornly held her slender ankle and searched around, and finally saw a fingernail-like bruise on the instep.

Yan Xi's eyebrows instantly furrowed and he said, "I'm going to get the medicine."

Qiao Zhuo didn't even have time to stop him. He saw the man getting up and getting out of the bath, but after a while he came back with a small white bottle in his hand.

Qiao Zhuo's shrunken feet were pulled over by him again.

"The medicine Mr. Liu gave me is very effective for this kind of scar." Yan Xi said as he unscrewed the cap of the bottle and applied it to Qiao Zhuo.

Seeing the hesitation on Qiao Zhuo's face, Yan Xi explained: "It's the medicine I got from Mr. Liu when I was in trouble. I can take it with peace of mind."

Qiao Zhuo: "..."

Okay, you're just trying to remind me here.

But Yanxi didn't have any other ideas. After applying the medicine, he got wet again.

Qiao Zhuo snorted, "Why, this medicine is so effective that it can heal injuries when put into water?"

Qiao Zhuo's words suddenly woke Yan Xi up, and he saw the man raised his hand, and his ankle was placed on his broad shoulder.

Qiao Zhuo: "!!"

"Yan Xi!!"

Late at night in winter, Qiao Zhuo's cold voice came from the backyard room, and Bao Zhuozhen outside the door looked at each other, and then they all shut up.

Mr. Liu said that as long as the master's illness can be cured, one cannot always rely on the master's temperament.

Qiao Zhuo held on to the edge of the tub and shrank back, but his feet were held down by Yan Xi, unable to move even an inch.

"Yan Xi, let go." Qiao Zhuo's ears turned red, obviously extremely embarrassed and angry.

But Yan Xi said sternly: "Master, you also said that this medicine will not work when it is mixed with water."

Qiao Zhuo said angrily: "If it doesn't work, just apply it again. What kind of behavior do you have now!"

Yan Xi frowned: "Master is always angry. Of course, the sooner the injury heals, the less painful it will be."

"That's ridiculous!" Qiao Zhuo struggled to get up, but was held down by Yan Xi, "Master, be good."

Yan Xi was so powerful that Qiao Zhuo couldn't get away no matter how hard he struggled, so he had no choice but to finish the medicinal bath obediently as he said.

Yanxi stretched out his hand to scoop up the water, and when he felt the warmth, he stretched out his hand to shake the bell on the table.

Hearing the sound, the maids filed in with clean clothes. Yan Xi got up early and put on her coat. Qiao Zhuo was drying it off when he felt soreness in his legs.

For a moment, an extremely complex and familiar feeling came to mind.

Qiao Zhuo lowered his eyes and did not look at Yan Xi. The man stood in the room with a tall figure, forcefully picking up Qiao Zhuo's figure that was blocking him and putting on clean clothes.

Baozhu and Baozhen were of no use. They only spoke from outside the screen: "Master Yanxi, the housekeeper in the back hall is calling you."

Qiao Zhuo narrowed his eyes and asked, "What's wrong with Qiao Dadong so late?"

Baozhu said slowly: "Master, I don't know."

Yan Xi responded directly and neatly: "Master, don't worry, I will come back as soon as I go."

Qiao Zhuo: "..." Who is worried about you? It's nonsense.

Everyone in the room left one after another, and the system, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke: "Host, the emotional line in the small world has been confirmed to have collapsed, and there is no need to save it."

Qiao Zhuo widened his eyes and wondered: "How is it possible, Yan Xi's disgust value is not Is it over 100?"

The system sighed, "Yes, the male protagonist's disgust value is indeed over 100, but the female protagonist has already made a lifelong commitment to the second male lead."

Qiao Zhuo was stunned while holding the tea cup, what do you mean? Qiao Shanshan and Qiao Xiuwen are together? !

Seeing Qiao Zhuo's silence, the system seemed to understand what he was thinking and said, "It's just what you think, host."

Qiao Zhuo: "Oh."

After a while, Qiao Zhuo suddenly looked innocent and said, "You can't blame me this time. ."

System: "... Sorry."

Qiao Zhuo thought about something and his hands trembled, then asked: "Then Yan Xi won't be perverted again, right?"

Before the system could say anything, Qiao Zhuo's eyes glanced at the instep where it was smeared. He used some ointment and said dirty words, so he seemed to have become a pervert.

When Yan Xi rushed to the back hall, he saw two people standing inside who seemed to be arguing. When he got closer, he saw that besides Qiao Dadong, the other person was Hu Rui.

It had been a long time since he had seen this person in Qiao's house, but now that he had met him, Yan Xi found that the jealousy in his heart had not dissipated.

Hu Rui glanced at Yan Xi and said angrily: "Someone just happened to be here. Butler, please ask me clearly, so that I can give an explanation to the guys below."

Hu Rui didn't know Yan Xi's current status in Qiao's house. He kept trying to explain, saying that it was Yan Xi who flooded his gunpowder factory warehouse.

Qiao Dadong asked him for evidence, but the other party couldn't tell him anything.

Yan Xi glanced coldly and asked in a deep voice: "What happened? What do you want to explain?"

Hu Rui took a step closer and said angrily: "A group of nameless outsiders came into Qiaojia Village around the Lantern Festival, and the gunpowder factory was also there. Most of the water was deliberately released that afternoon. Do you dare to say that you didn't do anything about it?"

Those people were really covert. It took Hu Rui several months of research to find out some clues, and the clues clearly pointed to the man in front of him.

But for some reason, Qiao Dadong changed his usual picky look and stood beside Yan Xi without any explanation and said in a conciliatory tone: "Shopkeeper Hu, be careful what you say. Don't talk nonsense without evidence."

Hu Rui frowned, "Butler Qiao, don't worry. Is such an ambitious person staying in Qiao's house and by Master Qiao's side?"

The words "Master Qiao" touched Qiao Dadong's feelings. Outsiders didn't know it, but they understood that Yan Xi and Qiao Zhuo were now inseparable. If Yan Xi If he really colludes with outsiders, both internally and externally, the first and most dangerous person to bear the brunt is Qiao Zhuo!

Thinking of this, Qiao Dadong's face darkened. This matter must be investigated! We have to find out! Moreover, the master wanted to investigate this matter clearly when he was ill. He was delayed due to his serious illness. Now it is time to pick up the matter.

Before he could speak, Hu Rui's nose suddenly twitched, and his anger became even more intense, "Why are you smelling of Qiao Zhuo's medicine! Tell me!"

Yan Xi raised his eyes, and the fierceness hidden in them made Hu Rui take half a step back in fright. , only to hear the man ask in an oppressive tone: "What do you have to do with Shopkeeper Hu?"

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