65 - New lead

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Jimin deserved to know everything, a voice within Jungkook's mind whispered in what seemed like a guilty conscience.

Jungkook should have done it eons ago. He should have told Jimin the truth about the photos, his dubious past... everything.

He had been consumed by guilt and remorse all this while, but like a coward, he told himself that everything that happened in the past was done by another 'Jungkook', the one who had died from the accident seven years ago. A side of him that had withered away.

He tried to separate himself from that 'Jungkook' as if they were not the same person to begin with. He also reassured himself that he would definitely tell Jimin after he had gotten the bigger picture.

But after being confronted by the blue-eyed man that night, after knowing that Jackson - his best friend and quite literally the person he trusted the most in this world- was someone from his past, Jungkook was forced to change his mind all over again.

It seemed like he had overestimated the severity of the matter. The price he had to pay for knowing the truth... might not be light. Jungkook did not mind if he had to suffer. Either way, it's not like he had not suffered before. But he could not drag any innocent people into his mess like how he did with Yoongi. And oh, if the same thing were to happen to Jimin...

Jungkook was not certain if he could stay sane.

Jimin looked him straight in the eye, his gaze utterly earnest. "Then... why don't you tell me?"

His question broke the train of Jungkook's thoughts. He blinked. "...Hmm?"

"You said... I don't know what kind of person you are..." Jimin's eyes were crystal clear, and within them Jungkook could see steel-like resolution, a hint of distress as well as other complex emotions he could not comprehend. "...Then why don't you tell me, Hyung? Isn't that the whole point of being in a relationship?"

Jungkook was taken aback when he heard this. Unable to help it, he let out a chuckle, which further dissolved into a full-body laughter. "S-Sorry..." he said when he caught a glimpse of the confusion in Jimin's features. "I didn't mean to laugh but oh God..." Jungkook shook his head helplessly. He just could not believe it. He was already thirty three for God's sake! He had lived one-third of his approximate lifespan, yet he still needed someone nine years younger to tell him something so obvious!

Jimin was right. Wasn't communication and honesty the most important aspect for a healthy relationship? How could he bring himself to lie to Jimin all this time? 'It's because you're a fucking idiot,' a voice that sounded awfully similar to Jackson rebuked him harshly.

This matter was actually simple. He needed to tell Jimin, and then if the omega could not accept his past, then... Jungkook would try to let him go. It might kill him to do it, but if that's what it took to keep Jimin safe, then he was perfectly willing.

Steeling himself, he faced Jimin with a reassuring smile. His heart and mind had become clearer once he decided his future course of action. "Okay, I will tell you, but... I might need to have a good talk with Jack before I do so. Can you wait for me until then?"

Jimin abruptly straightened up. His eyes widened in astonishment. He was just trying his luck when he proposed something like that. But who could have guessed that Jungkook would agree?! "Really...?" Jimin sought the Alpha's eyes, trying to find any hint of a lie within. "You're really willing to tell me?"

He did not ask why Jungkook needed to talk to Jackson first, and Jungkook was also too distracted by the shimmer in Jimin's eyes to notice this little fact. He felt distressed when he saw that his omega was on the verge of crying again. Why did he always make Jimin cry? Or... was his little omega just a big crybaby? Whatever it was, Jungkook could not bear to see any hint of sadness in those beautiful eyes of his.

Intertwined: Two fatesWhere stories live. Discover now