Lily Jones was waiting in the eastern Australian outback for her friend Oliver, who had a few people interested in joining the Brosisterhood (officially known as B.H.O.S.MK). The Brotherhood's purpose was to preserve humanity's knowledge of technology, engineering, scientific chemistry, maths, physics, energy, electronics, community, friendship, determination, and honor. Members of the Brotherhood won mech suits through single hand-to-hand combat without using weapons or cheating.
Lily planned to stockpile the mech suits, exoskeleton armour, and other advanced technologies designed by the Brotherhood. Her goal was to take back the surface world once the air became breathable again. She was standing in the eastern Australian outback, just west of Cannbarra Victoria, only a 40-minute drive from Mt Koziosco. Lily's father's tower was visible from almost every direction, from Victoria to Brisbane and everywhere in between. The tower was built to withstand a nuclear impact by activating a wall of thick metal that would deflect intense heat for some time before melting away. The building was also designed with a 5-star point wall that could be burnt away or heat-disputed, by the obstacle, or V-shaped bow of a ship, diverting the high-powered heat away from the building's inner structure.
Lily could not understand why her father had built the huge skyscraper right next to the biggest bunker in the world. When she asked him, he told her it was a way for people to see it as a landmark of what was and what is to come. Her father's plan worked, and people flocked to the area, eager to work on Project Fallout. He offered each person a place to live after they had worked on the project, and the people realized what he was doing and got behind him. Fifty thousand people now owe their homes and land to her father. Lily was proud of her work in every one of the major city and local Koziosco building town centers, including the town hall when she was only thirteen years old. The Siren she put up was a way to evacuate everyone to their homes inside the mountain.
As they pulled into the Koziosco Projects convention and exhibition center, Lily realized what Oliver was doing. He was distracting her from her thoughts. The convention center was as big as other stadiums but built to last for thousands of years into the future. Even though Lily had worked on the welds for every one of the major cities and local Koziosco building town centers, most people moving into town did not realize how innovative the town was.
Upon arrival, 30,000 people swarmed the streets, eager to enter the exhibition center. The center was said to be the epicenter of all trade and mining expos in Australia, with attendees from as far as Victoria and Brisbane.
Oliver pulled the break of the cherry bomb red car, which was completely silent thanks to its portable Fusion core made by Poseidon Energy, a bio-environmentally sustainable and unlimited power source. However, the cheap and nasty nature of their engineers meant that the cars would fade and break down after ten years unless purchased directly from the manufacturer at a markup for the latest and highest quality.
Lily waited for Oliver to open the door. She applied a thick coat of cherry-red lipstick and looked out at the rest of the lineup of cars. Thousands of people from all over Australia were there to see the car and technology expo at Koziosco Stadium, a KECEC (Koziosco Exhibition and Entertainment Centre).

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...