As the Overseer of Sector 189 in the northern, half of Alaska. The locals called Chugach National Park were vast and widely unaffected by the fallout travelling across the globe. Mikie was flying over the park. When he saw the green winds blowing, deathly rads towards the forests that are melting. The surrounding Anchorage Flattop mountains about 1066 metres high, his prototype was malfunctioning, and it just said
"Emergency landing. Emergency landing" sector 189 plese respond" the Ai was calling somthing Michael who was in his Jumpsuit ready to get into the TB51 power armour, when the Ai spoke loudly
Michal yelled out,
we can't land anywhere here. The VB chugged the FC and threw away the empty one." The cylinder opened as the VBs voice quietened. "Michael was in the stern Bay. When the FC reactors are malfunctioning, he uses his steel fist to lift the bottom of the Fussion Core. As it lifted up, he pinched it with his bulky fingers.The FC was glowing red, he has never seen one do that before. As he tossed it out, the doors were.
Counting the AI dipped left, gliding down a little as the FC started beeping louder and faster it blew up. Shakeing the VB.
As the AI touched down the bow skids and bounced as the wings took out several trees that were scorched, it slowed down, resting up against a grey hill of dead grass.
After the smoke settled, the door went flying. Indenting into the hill next to him, he jumped down. Michael was a techno wizard. His skill is unique. He tapped a few buttons on his RC, then as the AI was transfused to his TB51. It flashed behind the helmet.
"That was some hack. How did you do that so fast? The flash and movements on his viser inside the TB51 Helmet. As he walked off towards the coordinates.
"Did you know anything about Quantum mechanics? Asked Michael, who smirked.
"I know current knowledge but nothing but the basic physics. Why?
Michael just nodded he was thinking the best way would be to let the Overseer in this sector open the doors when the toxicity is so high. "Do you have a password? He asked the Ai, who was returning to this location, when Michael came across him on the beach.
"What do i say? Well, i have a code, yes, but it won't work if theres any organics near me. " Michael had an idea, he need to get into that place. His scanns tell him it's the key to the entire earths survival.
Canada has been hit, one of the scientists in Flattop Mt. Experimental Technology Laboratory owned by A Private investor named Mr . jones. "Jacob and Ethran are standing next to a tv that just went dark.
When the alarm went, Beleep, belpeep "outside contamination detection," the one named Ethran, bolted to the entrance and yelled. "Theirs someone outside." The elevator was already going down the man or woman in the TB51 they are sided with the ones that built that PA X0s.
"But we can't let them in! shouted Jacob. Cobolt. As he shut the shield case for the code Keypad. When Ethran already typed it in. He stepped back as the huge blast doors opened. And a familiar voice echoed around them.
"This is SAIMP, the prototype VB Artificial Michene intelligence. Code "37G28K29L6S13HnZ" they lower their wepons when their creation spoke.
"Who is this, and what happened out there? Asked Ethran, who dusted back his mask, makinging sure it eas sealed l. As the huge chamber closed, the secondary entrance was barricaded with several TB51s just standing there silant armed with Miniguns and a Gatling lazer.
"We require this one to disarm before entrance." Michael clulicked the buttons located in the fists. then his exo TB51 opened up. As he stepped from behind the Lamborghini style PA.
"Im Michael, i was just on the coast when it happened.
"He lools like one of ours, eh?" said the researcher. Who agreed that they need to know what "it" was.
"Well, all the bombs fell, i mean all of them." The look in his eyes was enough for them. "Where did you recover our tech from? Said Jacob he was holding the strangest thing. A spinning toy, of all things.
"That Ai, it was washed up on the beach after the impact i was able to get it just outside before it clonked out."
They noticed his Australian voice and wondered what he was doing all the way here.
"Oh. Ok, Ethran pointed to the twins in Steel armour as they left for search and recovery of the tech. Mikie went back tonthe armor and puled the FC his Rc, ring computer from his dimension was Technologically advanced he had to keep it away from them so he said " i will come with you to give you back your Technology.
"What do you mean we are recovering it right now?
Said Ethran his labcoat was unique, made from a silvery material like he was protected from a solar blast. Aluminium.
"Well, thats how I had your code, i transfused your AI to a Disk, and i will come with ya to return it" he said again but Ethran then finally realised he ment he had it as a portable device how interesting.
"How are you able to transport this? Mobility was not one of the perks. Was the VB case its transport?
"I have it here. He showed them a form of wrist device the Ring constructed to before he made it to Ethran.

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
Fiksi PenggemarThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...