The Brotherhood sent out a search party to investigate what happened to Salazar Greyborn and his men. As the crew approached his camp, Number 19, Joseph Moakai, and Mikie scanned the surroundings with Joey, who had taken over for 14 after she started a family.
"14, you got the scanner?" Mikie asked in a mixed Australian and New Zealand accent.
"Yes, here," came the reply, accompanied by shuffling noises. Then, louder: "I have it!" He pulled out the Range Finder. "The record of all Brotherhood armor... GPS pinged from the local G-K18 satellite. We have a ping!"
But then, his voice turned hesitant. "Sir, you're not going to like where it is."
Joseph Moakai looked down at the Aspirant Brotherhood Initiate, Number 12—Joey Brown, Ava Brown’s cuz Now that Lily had grown up, Joey was looking for something new, and joining the Brotherhood Pathfinders was his way of giving back to the community under Kosciuszko Mountain.
Mikie, examining the map, frowned. "It’s on the moon?!"
Both Mikie and Number 12 exclaimed the revelation at the same time.
Joseph Moakai, his voice muffled by the upgrades in his helmet, responded grimly, "They must have been abducted by the Zeta-Reckulorians."
Number 19 pointed skyward. "The one person who knew them is inside the Spear of Quazar back at the mountain."
"How do we get up there, Mikie?" someone asked, expecting him to have the answers.
Mikie scratched his chin thoughtfully, then looked around. "Have any of you heard of Project 'Auz.J19'?"
Mikie, who was a synthetic being with a human consciousness, started sounding increasingly erratic with every word.
"We have to get to an underground base. It was built by the Old World alliances before the war to reach the stars. To set a trap, we’ll need a piece of the Zeta aliens' tech."
As he spoke, Mikie’s Recon suit emitted a brief flash of blue light. Although his body lacked a half-life and he wouldn’t die, Mikie still wanted to appear as human as possible.
"The base is exactly 1,457 kilometers in that direction," he said, pointing northwest toward the Great Barrier Reef.
"How do you even know that?" asked Initiate Thathomas "Double T" Thompson, who was naturally skeptical but open to strange possibilities, having served in Auz-Nzd.
"Well, I have access to a virtual network called the Qultranet," Mikie explained. "It’s all around us, overlaid with a Leyline network that records almost everything that’s ever happened—even things people would rather keep hidden. The Qultranet synchronizes binary data with our subconscious."
"What does that even mean?" Joey asked, trying to follow along.
Mikie elaborated. "Think of it like this: The Qultranet is a background memory system. Imagine the universe as a river flowing over time. Now imagine a stone at the bottom of that river. Over time, the water erodes the stone, leaving a burrow or pore in its place. That ‘hole’ is like your palm’s unique imprint—it embodies the experience of your life."
Joey tried to understand. "So… the Qultranet is like the universe’s memory?"
"Exactly," Mikie confirmed. "And I can tap into that memory. I can recall events that never happened to me, like a fleeting dream you forget as you move on to your next safe place. The problem is, to maintain the Qultranet sync, you have to not think. And not thinking is like trying to stop a headache by focusing on it."
Mikie pulled a card from his jacket and flicked it onto the ground. The card sparked like fireworks before disintegrating.
The Initiates watched, bewildered, as Mikie continued. "Have you ever dreamed of magic or heard stories of extraordinary feats?"
Joey shook his head. "We’ve never seen this ‘magic’ you’re talking about. Everyone dreams, but we don’t remember them."
"You don’t remember them because Emonessite hasn’t reached your reality yet. But she will. Her ethereal plane spans all of Existia."
Sensing he was losing their attention, Mikie shifted gears. "In simpler terms, I can catch ideas and memories before they happen—hidden locations, government secrets, and even corporate experiments long abandoned. It’s how I know we need to go to Tera-9"
As they boarded the VB-7 transport, Mikie elaborated further. "The name Tera-9 is a cover. Beneath it lies the experimental rocket and MIRV quantum propulsion projects. Not even the highest levels of the corporation understand what they’re doing in Section 9. But it’s also where they reverse-engineered the Zeta-Reck spacecraft. That’s where the fission core and anti-gravity tri-core engine on your back came from."
He pointed to Joey’s armor, where three glowing blue lights surrounded by gold pulsed faintly.

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...