The explosion beneath Newcastle Gateshead. Deep beneath the east side vally, under watergate Park. The sound was loud, but the scenery was darkened foggy. As the glow creeping in a soft whistle was brezzing in from the oceans west from the North Sea. The city was in ruins. People surviving are awarmed by what they call, the Fog-Mega lobsters that hunt in the shalow, and deep sea.
They come in a few variety, some have multiple claw-and carapace. But after 3 months of living in 24,000 plus Irradiated North Sea, most feeding on other mutations that died from exposure. The sight might not have been prity. But it was the Mutations that got them so large that some have transmuted more than others. But non more than the creatures of the sea. Living in an eternal struggle for survival. But with hunters, fishermen rejected half of the catch attempts.
But the FogCraw Lobster was the fiercest. Built like a brick, sh#t house they charge from the fog. The pack that the glowingly one, sent across Britania, was found in all corners of the grest land now.' Two men, who lived on the outskirts of 'Old New Cas' they had boils th size of watermelon and thought their fishing poles had a line.
Nothing is the same. The fish here aren't biting," the one with a hat. That was filled with his mutating Skull.
"Wel, Gorgeey, yal gota pull, da line." he was not very smart, but the pair of them were worse together. But are best friends, they watched the nuke Cloud" but still went out during the storms. The worst part was the fog.
"As they continue fishing with just a stick and no, fishing line. The pair heard something strange from behind them.
"Two strange looking people who looked like, they was, dressed up like starfish. But as the fog cleared a bit, the pair scratched their heads almost simultaneously. When the creatures approched, their heads looked twosted like the tips of a Chiken DimSum.
Their appeared to be no features on the head to, maken sense of
Its body was greay, and thin woth 3 fingers and an elongated index finger."If yal looking for food, we got nothing," the two Half insane with radiation Toxicity. Joseph and Girgey stood up. But after they looked twice in their direction. The pair of them blanked out.
Gorge came to, in a lab of some kind, he shouted whats hapin, who.. as his voice felt like he was unable to speak. Suddenly, he passed out. He came to an operating table this time, but his friend Joseph was nowhere to be seen, the one with the cap.
He searched the room he was in, only to see nothing but feel a lot he didn't want to feel. One was a muggy watey bowl. "Is this a prison." He thinks then a light apears, in the shape of a Rectangular Lighht, with sime eyes behind the door. A voice chirped and clicked, then choked like a toad.
"Then a voice repeated, "You, your up move to the back. "
Gorge was stumbling to the back of the dark cell. But as he reached the back. The room was electrified. He saw flashes of what the cell looked like, and it was like being inside, someone's organ." Organic flesh twisted into the shape of the cell.Gorge was dragged out by his legs, some claw grappling his foot. The tall lanky Brut dident speak, but the other one that seemed to bark orders in some strange language only they understand. But occasionally speaking in Telepathy.
The hallway has ports. And Gorgey was looking out while they dragged him afloat like no gravity existed here.
The lanky one pointed to the room, which opemed up into a central nucleus made from a generating field that encompasses a mechanism with protective alloy. The lights generated had a Yellow-White smokey discharge.
Inside the lightning was a round, smooth sphere that looked like it spun around at half the speed of light. he watched it float past him as they dragged him to the captain. Below in a cell, some man was shaking the cage. And shouting, "Brotherhood!?"
He was dropped into a pod as the cold flashed crispy air. Of advanced cryogenics. The man named George was frozen. The other man was let go back on earth. When he stepped out from the fog, Joseph collapsed. There, 6 months later. His skeleton is still there, jackson stepped over it. With Aira on their way to the city Old New CASino.
"Apparently, they defeated a 100,000 Feral hord last week. "Aria said while straping her sword over her shulder. As Jackson drew his Sniper and lay back searching the horizon for proof of the hords defeat.
Piles of fires scattered across the city, surrounded by walls that have stood for 200 years. Or so it would seem with cars and trucks stacked up, as well as shippinf containers welded together th only thing, that looked like it was powered was the Castle in the centre of town.
"Alright, i appears the romers are right,' jackson, who sounded like he had a North London "Accent Aria was born in Scotland and, her green Indigo eyes are always changing with the weather. Or was it her mood. Jackson nodded as she hid behind the dubble deck bus.
As Jack strolled, I passed and awaited , but what for. He was searching for the glowing one for over 12 months now, as he heard roumers of this place, their was also roumers of a Glowing one leading all maner of creatures. Some fake others, real.
From beneth his feet, the Futurity Tech, Creations known as Organic Synthetic Evolving Intelligence. Grew restless as for months now mutated insects they call "Faraphzaki" or the Zaki have taken down most of their Electronic defence's.
"They are swarming the 5th level. All Security Swarms have been demisabeld." The Zaki have broken through the Walls and are heading for the city!"...
The transmission ended, but "Sakinju The BioSynths Main Director cut off transmission when his unit was compromised. Sakinju shook his head as the feed was also cut.
Over at ourpost 7, the wall that surrounds Biosynth Capital city Dysynth- Reko, the insects that have caused all this, have taken DNA from them and added it to its own. The one who just sent the transmission was on the floor, his head flung back as he sounded like his voice changed. But only his eyes flashed a sort of white haze.
The Creature that comes from an experiment the Biosynths released by Accident. The evolving parasite was invented before the 2060s ,but was put in Futurity Techs Vault located beneth the city. After breaking into some caverns.
The Vault contained all of the tech companies' failed , experiments, or banned by the council. When the archaeological sector investigated, by the time they got there, some of the guard and Dig crew had already touched the evidence.
He was standing next to a beaker with a glowing face in it. The hand is about to tap the glass. He saw its eyes move looking at him. Stepping backwards, he stumbled into a control pannel and released the Pit, filled with diacarded cryogenic hibernating cells, when released. Underground in the dark and damp.
The cell grew with the time they grew, adapting each year into something new.
The parasite created its own evolution deepunder the earth. While bwing Irradiated from sources unknown.

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...