As soon as she was listening, the scenes depicted what happened, but Ava didn't know what exactly. But the Maori Moakai man , with the last name Drakinjoh, nodded. He speaks a completely different language to Ava and her, Aboriginal ancestry.
But he was waiting for her to see who he is, the scene continued with part 2 of the Viking invasion. It was winter 1245 AD the 8th say of fighting. And the Drakinjoh and Moakai families gather in the north. Most of their land is divided amongst the 2 northern tips , rinning from Auckland city/Ākarana basically devided by the New Zealand state highway rinning virtually unwavan across the northern tip up to the Te Araoa trail.
The ocean smell was, getting right in him, the feel of the cold land was his home and Dohan Drakinjoh was in charge of the Low lining armys about 25,000 men and women who share the community duties evenly.
While many small groups protect the coat, where they landed was a stratigraphic point.
The brothers had a map. And one pointed to the coast off the west of where Auckland is now. The Moakai brother, named Kuhrēn and rhe Drakinjoh brother was Zurah, and their other brothers got back from the High Council meeting.
Puaka and Pōkiaha arrived on foot, running in the snow it was not wise, but they have been here for hundreds of years and know the seasons and the kands like its a sibling
"Your wife arrived 10 min ago with the rest of your party." Zurah, the tallest but also fittest, said, leaning on his hand carved bone washed up wale bone spear he made himself as part of the blacksmith. Puakah was puffing. He spoke up after chatching his breath.
"Just come from the west coast they are camping on the twisted flats. If we draw them into the lowe lineing flats, we can let the land take care of them. "
Said Purakah Drakinjoh to his brothers, Pōkiaha, Zeurah, and Kuhrēn Moakai.
Kuhrēn was the first the think, well if we play this smart, dont let them see us and drive them into, situations that will kill them, i can think of a hundred ways to die here in the north island alone Aotearoa
/New Zealand,"When their was a single voice, Kuhrēn didn't speak. He was thinking about the story's and dreams hes been having. He pictured a fight and wanted a war, but he also wanted trade and travel. He walked off, and Zeurahen, or Zeurah, followed they were brothers and as the others went inside. The women were devising their own plan. The elder/kauheke Laeu Moakai is 98 years old.
Now blind she was still walking like she was 30 but, the others made shure she dident run into ANYTHING, i mean anything she would almost hit something but Zurahs wife Aararoa was the fastest at picking soming up and placing it down, while Laeu pranced about like she was running down hill.
But she was just explaining how she and the other elders now passed taupuhi/chosen one. She was always telling stories, that's why Alleziah, Dephoia, and Gyhtahokai or Gyhta always follow her around the house.

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...