Ava had already walked away from the Brotherhood and the Sisterhood. She was inside her safe space. The command centre was a home. And the eyes and ears of the mountian. She can see and monitor anything from this seat. Cooper, who had free reign to enter. He always cooked the best food, evan if he was sometimes a bit pushy. She appreciated the food and company.
The world was a little better now, but the storms are so bad that she is considering postponing the expedition to Appalachia.
But a new alam sounded from the map, 'what is that where is that." Said Ava Brown. Her friend Cooper is just about to leave..whe he hears Ava. Say this " Is that underneath the ancient city?
"Cooper knew this place like his own hand, but that was beyond the under city, evan past what Jones described as the first civilizations."
Ava zoomed in to the camras position, noticing something moving in the shadows of the abysses. "What ya think that is?
"Ava felt a voice rise from behind his brain, like a few people talking in a room. Behind her, but then one voice rose up in front of her. Clearly, seeing a ghost of the Augmented Bone Armour, she never takes off.
As she got a memory now of who it was, the lady who looked pale, but not sick.. her eyes are pink. And she had a tattoo on her forhead that looked like the mountian. She spoke softly "A darkness has been unleashed, but thats not the onky ancient Evil to exist, it awaited countless civilizations, rise and fall absorbing radiation from, both the sun and invention of nuclear Wepons over and over, for 9 billion years. Doomed to repeat the cycle.
He had absorbed enough, now to rise one and for all, what will be done connot be undone" then a memory of, the civilization that first landed here 9 billion eons ago, she felt like she was a part of, Something Ava dident understand. But Cooper saw her to, like he was involved to.
"She turned to cooper, still in her seat, "did you see that?
She asked with a cracked voice, "i heard it to, what could she mean? What is this, evil?"
She shook her head. "we dont know, i have a feeling we will find out soon." As soon as the ghost was gorn, the ground shook, releasing the Invisible Anti-Omnimon-Leviathan according to Law (ragnarock) local Law, the Ngarigo/ Walgalu people Told stories of the Rainbow Snake, is respected and, honerd as a immortal creative and powerful being, with the ability to Clens the corruption of those Irradiated by, radiation.
Sturring below, the huge Rainbow Leviathan coiled around its Irradiating Geode- a huge green crystalline egg that it protected for 10 billion years im the centre of Auz, in a place that never moved. She protected her Leviathan egg, shielding her only young from the darkness that surrounded it, dark energy space.
The darkness scales, and see-through skin nolonger rainbow from absorbing and transforming its young to become something new, something different.
It was letting go of its egg but ready to depart this world. The mountian shook at a 2.4, and things moved clearly around ava. She felt this exponential increase in energy as the rest of the Brotherhood didn't understand what was going on.
Ava, looking through the viser of her Helmet’s neon-lends. She knew something was coming, but it flew through the mountian like a ghost. A shadow but briefly brushed the tower as it flew up into the sky above and straight out into space as the essence of all the corruption of the earth.
Shed skins like a snake. The dark mother Leviathan exoloded in space, next to the sun. Where its dark energy was enough to blind the suns rays gor but a seccond before the Leviathans corruption faded into the background of the universe, 9 billion years of darkness corruping the earth faded as a new, light emerged from the deep below Mt Kosciuszko.
Ava felt this void lift, like she was being affected by some dark entity, but then it was gorn, and she forgot what happened.
Ava takes a breath for the first time. In her entire life, consciousness is free of darkness that surrounded the earth for so long.
A voice echoed in the darkness below. She was being called. But from, who or what? Soon after, she looked over at Cooper, "Do you feel different? Cooper looked down at his hands, taking a conscious breath.
She was starting to get up when she heard some commotion outside. Cooper got out first. There was Lily and Her grandmother, arguing about who would take the leader of the 4 factions of the Brotherhood.
"The Sisterhood is the rightful leader to be named elder," but as the Sisterhood fight, the Brotherhood approched from the Steel tower.
Ava Brown - We need to unite. Nothing can save us but ourselves. The human race is more important than technology, Sister Lily said. As she stepped forward , Ava was always the. Natural voice of reason, but with their new guests right there. It was hard not to let them into the debate.
Coopers' voice went higher than he ever has spoken before. A settlement is no settlement at all. If we desire both, we need to make specific rules to dictate how we operate. Our law is fine. We need to gather the technology we need to take back the surface,"
Unfortunately, we dont have the resources to take the entire planet, we need to establish small towns, from here out linking them together under the same trade" said The Brotherhood ls Priest , and the Sait if the britherhoods scribe faction.
"Ava turned to the others, who called themselves the Playmakers.
"Now your settlement is a part of ours. You have a say to Joseph. He scratched his chin. His jumpsuit sounded like it streched when he moved.
"We should take down the Factions wall and become one single unit, like a team should be. From.my experience is the best way to survive is to cooperate, Empathise, Theories and plans my Gal, we shuld be The Brother hood of Steel. And with both female and male inclusion by not naming or branding things, as separate. We all have bones right, then we are all one race one, unity there is no way to put this, but to come together or we will surly perish like the rest of the world."
Joe made sense, and ava agreed we would have one leader. An elder who we discuss plans and put strategies into motions. The saints and the priests still wanted their power.
And ava can sense a rise in anger in both, but jackson stepped in before Ava said anything,
"I come from Britain, we lost a lot of people, i was instantly turned into a Ghoul. But when i met, mikie and the Playmakers they habe made me feel, like i was a part of something bigger then me, if we intend to survive we need to establish a proper rankings and induction system, allowing just anyone to join, is no longer an option.
I travelled to the old US, and up to central Mexico through the mountian and back down to the Philippines islands. One thing i learnt was that for all th3 battles i have fought, theres non more important then community as it stands the earth is in a bad spot, and this mountian is the key to survival of the human race, then we need to clense the earth of these monstrositys,"
"Ok, ava turned to the settlement, her light multicultural skin barly visbale theou the bone armour. Took her helmet off.
"From now on, we are the Brotherhood of Steel." Sisterhood of the ranks, please unite, with us"
The Sisterhood had about half the Human power in the complex 150 thousand without them, things would be chaos and devided, worse."Lily senior took her helemt off to, "we will still be the Sisterhood, just as part of this Place the Sisters will join your ranks Ava, but only for as long as you are alive" Lily Jones the second stood forward her grandmother, who was agreeing to join, she felt outraged but her Farther's would be with them, if they can only crawl out through the Fallout.
Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...