It was 2098 February 21 years later 19th as the army of the Mountain gear up for the expedition to Appalachia Lily senior, and Lily The second, both agreed they are the best fit to lead the expedition to the usa, the Sisterhood.
"It's been only a few months, and the storms have grown larger in potency and ,far reaching they where called the Gama Cyclones 5 all up constant turrents of radioactive water and lightning made from Gama Radioactive glow. Ava stood there watching the holographic display of the earth inside the Commander Of Earths Chambers. She was secluded isolated. The only one who came to visit her was Cooper, his indian companion, partner, and wife now Guptra, who had been there from a century before.
As she throttled the controlls, replaying the storms above in the barro earth. Or so they think. She was getting full visions from the future. The creatures that she feels ,controlling the other mutants like slaves. But suddenly , alam went off for the spire.
Someone was attempting to get inside, and sue had a full advanced radiation Sute, with a western revolver. Somehow, she scaled the Steel Tower. Hwr Farther built over a hundred years.
Ava got up and left the command post, pushing past Cooper, who was getting hwr food. He said, "Hey! What was that for? " she only pointed to the surface. Oh, what? Dont know, ava just said, "Insisting they go with her." Cooper told his wife to go home, but she wanted to come see. They are the ones who secretly lead the Mt.K( Fallout Project)
2 sectors of the first brotherhood were formed by Lily Senior, she called it the Sisterhood to their female clerics, and for the male level, they called themselves the Brotherhood the Elders have yet to be Made, but the first expedition to outer Auz, was devided by the Brotherhoods 7 Factions with different options they formed clubs ,but are formally known and recognised now as The 7 Factions under the Kreed of rhe tower of steel, the bunker if immortal steel was their sanctuary.
Mt Koziosco was transformer over and over by many civilizations, holds secrets the Brotherhood never knew they keep. With sections among sections hidden by time and the adapting Flora, they glow in some parts, extending down and out a cross old Auz.
It took nearly 4 min to make it up the shaft to the tower, and the Brotherhood Faction Beta-Recon 7 are stationed in the lower levels. 7 of them, out of Armour, when it was code never to remove it, as it serves all their needs. To be out of armour in a high-ranking position as this. AVA the boys shout. She had her armour with the spear, but nobody noticed the tip missing like it was its feature.
"Get upstairs, now we have an intruder. I am unsure of there alone."
The Beta-Recon 7 had already gotten up the steps, and then Ava took the VIP elevator to the top. The steel tower was like a huge bow of a master clas 5 unlimited Capacity commercial vessal sticking out of the south east side of the Mt Koziosco City with the untouched City behind it and the entrance to Mt Koziosco complex protected the plant life perfect concealed the base of the Mountain.
Snow no longer fell , but synthetic trees still grow taller each year, immune to radiation. Ava was opening the sealed compartment to shout at the Intruder , not able to sleep for weeks she was fed up being in that trap she called the command centre. The Beta-Recon 7 team finally made it to the top when Cooper came up to Ava Brown, who seemed a little on edge.
"Hey, is anyone in there, i am joe, and we come from below. I travelled the mine shafts to get here,"
"Cooper looked back at the beta team, who refused to go down there from the way they were talking. Nobody could have survived that?
Ava confirmed it from Cooper, who nodded. "If they survived that they can't be half bad , what are you looking for? Ava yelled down the rectangular narrow 1800 mm tube. The camera showed quite a few Sutes, and one of them had a Tri-fussion reactor straps to his back.

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...