Jackson waved Ariah over, as she jogged over, they both felt it. The ground shakes as the cars almost move sideways. She grabbed a hold of the car next to her.but this EQ was about 5.7 jackson reads on his RC-TECH Display. Much like the rest of the world's its on the second cycle of tectonic convergence.
The signs are there after the final impact, generate enough head & force to reefnight the outer core of the planet, Heated innter iron core"
Jackson ran up to Aria, who sighed. "Well, that was the second one this week."
Jackson peered over to the city below. They kept walking through the wasteland. Nothing was in between them and the aswers they sought.
When the city walls come into view, "they're more intricate than i was thinking, whoever welded this together was professional.
Aria knew people in New Castle, but are they still alive." A lot of people have died since they started. But with resistance and fire power. The small team at the castle, who was a preper to. Horded stockpiles of wepons and military memorabilia. As soon as they got within 500 meters of the walls. They fired, but jackson shouted out. "Oi we aint ferals," pulling his scare crow had down, as Ariah showed hwr face to.
"They are smooth, let them through" the wall, well it was 4 dubble Decker busses stacked up, and made into a wall. That drew our left and right. The first sight was the huge junk city made from the ciry itself. Like cars cut down evan planes.
Makeshift homes scatter the citys other features. But inky extended for about 1klm in height but extended out and around from that like a bean shape. The Crator From.a Titan was large enough to take half the north side of the new castle. The build-up of walls around just seemed smart at the time. A load of cars had flooded Newcastle the day after.
But the city was alive. With people unaffected by the outside. "From the looks of things they have build something here," Aria said, her hand on her shulder strangely familiar with this place.
It took them about 20 min to walk around the 24/7 city called Oldnew.
2 men talk over a Rad-Rat. While speaking of current events.The lobster Fog-JUMPERS have been attacking the northwest side of the city. I hear they have been holding them back with the lazer directed Misiles!"
Jackson held his grip tight on Aria's . Hand she squeezed tight back, the walk took them to a castle, with a man speaking to the city. "
We have news from Buckingham palace, the survived beneath The Abby and have sent word that they will retake the surface when All Mutants have been irradicate."
So what of the king? Is he still alive?" Asked one of the crowd. "The man in the T-45 PA" then from behind him the duke of oldnew.
"Duke EdinNeu held his head high. Holding the peace amongst the surviving colony of Oldnewcastle "Oldanu was established to protect those who can't protect themselves, we are on the edge of building an army. To take out the surrounding ferals." We need able body men and women to fight in the Good fight," said in a posh, tone he was attempting to appeal.
But the people wanted their homes, "the king promised to take back the land, then when is this? Said another voice from below.
Duke Edinneu was only duke from taking what he wanted, but nobody was aware the duke changed, a few weeks back. The old duek passed away from Radiation Toxicity. And this man, who was his second Commander. Slimed in and took charge.
Surviving but not thriving the city was under stress. There are too many to feed, but they dident know that the food they eat. Was highly Irradiated. And it's only been a few weeks. Jackson, who looks like a smoothskin. Continued walking towards the dukes palace. Aira let go when se seen a library.

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...