Jackson held his hand on the edge of the corner , next to Big ben , The glowing ONE had already seen him and ducked behind the rooftop. His packs spread across the Ruined Irradiated London City, the countryside was vast , with glowing fog taking up most of the baron dry landscape with very few greens left.
A stomp in the wattery footprint of an animal they used to call the skinwalker, the 150,000 Ferals stormed the landscape like it was all out buffe. Feeding on everything on site. In the fog, things become hazey. They would run then stop with their arms half up to their chest like meircats, the glowing one had already imprinted on them all. And his word was like denying a god.
Jackson, however, with his make shift crippling hook made for the ruined rooftop of Big ben, still in tact. He was Curtin, for sure 98% that the a Corrupted Glowing one saw him when his ferals left. The glowing green eyes. Are all he sees in Atoms plain.
But that thing was not the prophet he claimed to be. Sirrounded by nothing but ferals, he had left himself open for another, Intelligent Ghoul. He keeps his mind closed, no thinkin. He closed his eyes when he got to the roof, alright taking a breath in he pulled himself up.
The rood was crawling with Roamers the most resilliant of all lower class Feral Ghouls. They threw radioactive slime at people from their gut, but as he walked, they paid him no attention seeing his blackened eyes.
Some approached and sniffed him right in the face, only to look back around at the mass of things infesing the old halls of Big ben. He remembered about this time last year him and Amelia, her great black hair, with striking yellowish green eyes.
His heart beats a bit faster, remembering why he is here in this position. I'm just about to go to the doorway when something big comes out. It had armour and was not only hulkingly huge but his 7 feet tall Mutated skin, made it glow but not jusy that, its eyes looked right at him before Jackson ducked behind the wall of the Glass lookout. Inside a glow of flashed, "What is he doing? That's not a feral. it's...his words dident come out suddenly, he was surrounded.
The 5 different types made them especially lethal when it came to mele and hand to hand combat. Jackson was on the ground being beaten. But as his flesh bruised and welted as thir fists the suizr of basketballs keep hiting him, his skin healed. But just when the pain when. It comes back just as hard.
He pulled his face back and then felt some rise in heat, but it was not heat. The fire was him. He didn't feel a thing, but jackson was engulfed in green flames, riseing and disappearing just as quickly as they jumped him. The hulking Ferals pulled back to the door.
Jackson was in the frey, but this time he saw through it like it had a transparency of 50%, but with no need to put his elbows up and protect himself form rhe shine of Atoms landscape of radiation.
He saw hills and vallys of green fire. But everything was not just made of the Gren glow of toxic rads. But he had different spectra of radiation, but he saw only green. Loudly, a voice echoed across the hills
An ominous voice, seemingly from sll directions.
"You must end him now. He is the corruption we forseen. there will be Reckoning."He felt the anger of Atom, the one sending him on this wild chase. But is it possible can he really do this. Hisbody floated back down to the scorched Ultracite Crystal Grew around him as jackson came back to reality, but he knew that something was different.
The roof was ruined, halfway across , but still solid as it is wide, the entire estate, somehow untched until jackson troted acound to the other side above jubilee Cafe, where he seen the crator he watched all of the glowing ones Victims. The fron of the old Palace was the only part that seems to be damaged leading our to the old abby witch was intact, appart from just out from Buckingham palace about 5klm where the series of impacts, devastated the surrounding landscape.

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...