Za?!" shouted the old fool Gregory Firemane. His own crew was not happy, but Za was now the champ, and if he returns from the hunt, he will be named leader of the Brotherhood of Steel faction. Next to him in the VB-4 was his second. They call them the grants, responsible for the landing zone clearing.
As they dropped out of the steel tower, the jets from the VB-4 engines lit up, their infinite power source via Bluetooth from the mountain reactor. Za grew restless as they dipped and dived through the blue. It went on forever in every direction. Green trees protected by some force still had radiation visible in parts of the flora that were not fortunate enough to have immunity.
The VB-4 dropped down, and the second, who had just a number on his shoulder, dropped out at 500 meters up. Landing on the ground, he pulled out his hammer, with a broken set of FCs but leaking radiation. He watched a normal brown bear and a kangaroo. He was not expecting the roo. It hopped up on its hind, long, bulky legs and kicked the bear. It was not the one.
But the second threw a flashbang, as the shots of the VB were enough to shoo them away for now. The VB landed, and Elder Za dropped out, followed by his other crew, who began to search for any vantage point while Za readied himself for the initiation he had practised so many times intraining
The Grey Ghoul legend his dad told him before he passed 10 years ago: the outback is vast, and the Drop Bear is mysterious. They used to call it the Bunyip, or the Outback Bigfoot. But the only way to bring one down is to let it drop on you, roll, and hope you don't get bitten. If you do, cut the infected areas."
His story was one thing keeping him going through this apocalypse. His men and the Saint Scribe had already set up camp, but the camp was only a distraction for the Grey Giant known as the Drop Bear.
Za dragged a log over to sit down but looked around at the pop-up MK3 torrents. He pulled up his RC-TECH adaptive, which overlaid a holographic image of the Blue Mountains. The smell of eucalyptus trees drowned out the smell of the river calml, pooling next to the Brotherhood camp.
The roo was sniffing the air. Originally herbivores, the high rad storms had twisted the appearance of most animals in the Outback Auz. Elder-to-be Za stayed awake for 5 hours, but he was nodding off when he heard something shuffling in the bushes. The others were standing by the VB-4. One was sleeping in his suit. Knowing the air is fine, they were still getting ticks from the Geiger counter.
Za was looking out at the huge gaping starscape when a light appeared to move but go down and dip towards them. He thought nothing of it but continued looking out for any sign of the Drop Bear.
But when he drifted off for a split second, the entire camp was surrounded in a beam of light. The others were screaming over the intercom.
"Za, what's happening...?" he was cut off short when the light shook the ground, and suddenly Za found himself afloat in the air, free-floating. Za couldn't reach the switch to release him from the X05, but by the time he could, he passed out.
Three hours later, Salazar Greyborn woke up to the sounds of squeaks and clicked, but a foggy feeling and a blue hazeweres all he saw. Suddenly, the strange noise was followed by silence, then a bright light he could not see.
Surrounded by steel, now his hands are now bound. He only sees things above move about while he is stuck. A man who was cowering but floating while being dragged by the foot by a claw.
Shaking the cage, he shouts. BROTHERHOOD, BROTHERHOOD, as the man is taken to be part of the experimental Abominations these things create.
"Recent uncovering of the Fast Effective Viral Mutations 17 was recovered from the surface Madam Zang!"
She stood up for the first time in 3 months, "Show me what they have done to it!?" She demanded loudly as his officer hands the artifact to Zetara Zang. She wrapped her grey tri-fingers around the sticky vile."Hey eyes, Analysing the substance, her ovel dark eyes, without shadow and ominous. It's almost like a fly. Only millions of small sounds as colour reflect in her mind. The 5th Sense "the humans corrupted the " Architects Plauge, making their own versions.... well, if they want to, defile the ancients DNA." She fell silant, then called for the lead researcher.
A scrawny Green Zeta entered with its robotic assistant. His viser dropped.
'Dekceck kryachukecknic"Madam, you called for me?" His eyes a softer plae grey. But as his wrinkles tightened, he smiled at the sight of the lost artifact. "FEV, they call it down there, but the verson has been corrupted by biotechnology." Zetara Zang said with a raspy croaky voice.
"Go to the labs beneth the nucleus of the Steel moon, we will find a way to make use of this," she said to the Green researcher. Who nodded, and his assistant carried the vial of green Goo"

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...