Michael was held up in an old mine, north of the west coast of Alaska. As he stands there watching a shockwave of detonations light up the invasion, he runs into cover. The dark was fear for the secconds it took to get to the back of the old mine.
"What did you do? He asked, pointing the pistol at the man in the recon armour, "i did what i had to, for my land. Can you say the same? He grunted and dropped the gun. Then, I walked off. His hypothesis is correct he has a matter of hours before the cave is flooded. Either go deeper or. He ran out, looked left and right and down to the beach his body was still fine, but his skin felt like it was burning.
There in the sand was a set of TB-51s he had to get that thing open or.. the beach was cleared of most things as the impacts are scattered he had about 5m before the wind changed.
The 51 was not too deep in the sand but with all the snow and water practically vaporising around him
.the back popped open. But the final test was if there was anyone inside. The chamber was empty, as Michael climbed in, he saw the downed VB, and wondered if it worked still the airline filtration was active.With his 3 FCs at 100%, he had to get more, or it was all over rover. He set off to the Verta Bird with the 2 miniguns attached. He was just sitting there for him like a gift from out of nowhere. After he churned it over, positioned it, then climbed in. Attached himself closings the sealed roller doors. This must be an updated version. He can see several attachments inside on the port side, which were an oxygen scrubber and water purifier.
Michael was turning the key when the alam sounded, and a voice startled him. "I am CD4VB the prototype. When you're ready, I can take off.
It's safe to station your TB51 in the Bays at the back. This is a contamination free cockpit.' Michael turned then lifted his heavy but light feet. To the back of the ship.
Where would you like to go? The air is approximately 34,057 R+. If you like, i can fly clear of the radiation and then go from there. "
After a long silence Michael who was not going to say anything but he said "yes please" thinking what to do this was not what he was expecting their technology shuld be league's behind this Artificial Michene intelligence.
The VB took off across the scorched alaska landscape. Go to this location, please. " he entered the longitudinal and latitudinal destination, and the VB titled. The bow lifted towards the citys in ruin and hoped to make it to The us by Dawn. Canada was huge, but alaska and canada..

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
أدب الهواةThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...