The endless breath continues as Cass calls Leo. Who was about to finish the last hukkah? His tongue pokening out, he felt the syncing brotherhood of their team. All blacks are powerful and have a small glimpse into the past. Always keeps them close like a dream.
It was Storm who saw it first. The Tekakah Tribe was one of the last well-practised and known tribes of the mountain.
As her call went un, she answered, but it was too late. The mushroom cloud has already 3, rising in the distance.
Leo turned to his brother. He almost had a tear forming in his eye. But he didn't cry when the teardrop fell. The sound of his tears. Was louder than any bomb in the silence of the end.Storm never speaks too much his attitude was that of a puppy, but a violent werewolf when you made him angry. He speaks up for those who get used and put down. Depression and anxiety had grown to 45% of people in 2077. Other means like kiachikoto and meditation have expanded into many, many fields. The storm was mixing Kickboxing UFC and Kiajindo the art of defence.
After the seconds passed by, the team realised that whatever they do now will determine if people will survive here on this land.
The guy who has been to their training games every day and every game. They called him Frodo as he was, as small as a hobbit, but as big-hearted and strong as any of them.
Part 2 -- 20 min ago 9:23 am
He was observing a channel known only to Frodo. He found it after hacking into the conversation between two people who spoke in code, 123, through to 346 active 357 to 1278 active. He has been waiting 6 years for this after setting Drafted. He hated war but knew he had to do it.
Losing half a lounge and dying 3 times in combat. He was done and was dismissed with pay. For his service, a new Titanium IronClad tripple Pistion jetpack attachment, with the X0III style black Cabonimium Quazarcrystal, EXPERIMENTAL optics. Ad hyper-nucleic boosts with auto-inject Stim, and Mx upgrade medic he got the prototype details from the Cobolt Files.
Frodo was a genius and an electro-engineer who was a self-taught scientist, intelligent 16, with Charisma 14 his inventive and receptive, Agility and dance moves were something to behold He collected power armour and his property just south of the north islands, south-west region. Pōkenoa short drive from the stadium. He was afraid, but he knew that this was the thing he was waiting and hacking for.
Tensions in the Global WW3, after several nations grew civil war, broke out across the world when. Nothing of the last 1000 years was remembered, and the lessons of the past were forgotten a twisted ride of violence and destruction until the inevitable war closed in, to the point of endless.
Frodo's eyes went wide when he heard it. just released 12,000 nuclear warheads that were just the larger nations. But he prepared for this.
His 25 Exo collection was rigged to activate on his command to protect all blacks, his favourite team, but when he clicked the button. And the entire shed rises from the empty property. But when it stopped. The power armour moved on its own, beginning the 10-minute trek to the stadium he had 15 min to get there and get them into the armour, and he hoped it would one day help.
The army of Autonomous Power armour Steelnshield powder coating made them all look different, but their numbers painted white on the back each one specially designed for each player according to approximations. On Frodo account.
There were still 5 min left, but people began to stare as he and the army of autonomous XOPA's Jetpacking toward Aukland NZ, their Mark 3 Stealth augments were something he had been working on for a few years. After using a stealth B. And learning how the Metaphysical Barrier bent light around the subject.
Frodo was not just brilliant, but he was a local engineer as well as a worker who built parts of the stadium. EdenPark was so close but felt the impending doom and charged in. Jetpacking, the 23 X0PRs dropped down out of the sky.
Invisible, the team still in mid-Haka, the silhouette of the stealth mode, sites just out jetting the nuke close to the city, the armour attached around each player as soon as they finished.
Frodo was held up in his armor directing the sets of different numbered sites with help from Quantum Ai his site was adapted to hold the machine intelligence in the form of a cube called a biolumanessite cubicle central Power Cube. Given to Frodo/
Michal, by a strange man with a raspy voice and a wheelchair that was seamless and so not from this time.The detonation rises as the black heroes emerge from radiation-sealed units. each one panting from the sheer intensity of the moment.
Crackling from their shared radio channel, a voice rises from the ashes surrounded by ash and the shockwave hitting them each with a blast of 12,000+ rads that hit their Giger counters
FRODO HERE, he sounded confident and clear. But the fellas down in the stadium just died.
Hey" listen to my voice the end may be upon us but you all now have a chance to save as many as you can with no, ill effect on you people are not prepared to put there for any of this. But was so following low my lead you can do it"
While the 23 team members are glad to be alive, the storm was running so fast that he forgot he had a jetpack.
Frodo spoke he listened but didn't answer breathing, Leo ran straight after him when he saw his number 21, and the others followed suit.
' You have chammo, and jetpacks Lazar rejecting polymers with a dyhidrocarbonite inlay, making your virtually indestructible, and faster than most X03sX06 is faster morr Agility and inbuilt Arm jets for single hand combat. Remember nobody is your friend after this day. You can only trust yourself and how the situation feels. Do your best. I will be back here in 3h. Finally, this was built as a bunker. I will seal the roof, of Sanctuary Auckland (Edens Park)" Michael jumped back, he was about 56 years old now.
Only humans in the modern age to build a miny Qultranet converter. Allowing him to travel to alternative times and become part of a universe live and die as part of the world and be reborn into his old self. He spunded crazy to the outside. But internally, he was intuned, spiritually awakened. But from a diffrent earth.
9:46 am 22nd October 2077, the stadium sanctuary.

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...