"The door dropped down, revealing the only light they had. "Quickly get in, and I must get to work!" she said urgently.
Joey was suspicious. "She knew something. I'm not going anywhere until you explain now!" he said, trying to sound tough but failing to hide the fear in his voice.
"Alright, I have to tell you anyway," she sighed. "My dad was a prophet. He predicted that by this time tomorrow, there may be a catastrophic event that will wipe the planet clean. Nothing will be capable of surviving. He told us that we needed to activate the tower and get everyone in the city into the mountain. They are all dependent on the original people of the land, and today will be the day they have been waiting for."
She paused, and Lily stood up, her eyes focused. "I know now what I must do. I have been dreaming of this for years. Sorry, Joey, I never told you. I was afraid I was wrong, and people were so cruel sometimes. I wanted to spare you my pain."
Her eyes dropped, but Joey knew exactly what to do. He held out his hand, pulled her chin up, and looked her in the eyes. Wiping away the one tear that rolled down her cheek, he knew that when she was sad at herself, she let the tears fall as some sort of punishment.
She sobbed and took a deep breath, clearing her nose with a tissue. He pulled her in and whispered in her ear, "You got this. I'm right behind you." He smiled, just like he did 10 years ago when she had her first panic attack, and he helped her centre herself. Since then, it had been a lot easier to cope with Joey by her side."
It takes 3 minutes to get inside down the steps to the ancient 150-year-old structure, which still stands and has got her stumped. But her great-great-great grandmother is right here. How many people get to meet someone who should not be alive at this time? She smiles like nothing matters but family.
Olivia was staring at the door, but they all knew what to do. She knelt, "Hey Olive, you know we will be okay. It's not like people say. We will be safe underground," Olivia smiled.
"Yes, I know many, but it's not that the rest of the world. How to hide if everyone dies?"
She had a point, but the war had escalated too much. Everyone who was anyone was preparing for the end. "Even if it won't happen, it's a plan, rather than none. But other companies."
"Hun, not everyone will die, but not everyone will survive long enough on the surface to maintain civilization. It will be chaos worse than grandfather's war."
She turned to Joey, "Can you carry her and not let her get down? We may be in a situation, but that doesn't mean we can't be calm doing so."
He nods and follows behind her; the GGG mother is already on the first floor. But the lights didn't switch on; something was up. They needed to get this great down.
Lily approached behind her great-grandmother, who ushered her over. "We have exactly 2 hours to get things rolling. All I need is for you to activate the power distribution centre under the stadium. Dad built it there underground, so if people can't escape fast enough, they can pile in underground and walk the mountain." She slapped the button at the same time as Lily. They both watched the doors rise, and the stadium lights switched on from where they were. It's a 1.25 km walk.
Joey entered, watching the slider walls go down and the panel or tip of the star. And Lily, I grabbed the keys and went to the roof.

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...