"Jackson and Aria Great Britania Glasgow South 1 year 2 months after Day MAD. When all he'll was broken loose on the earth for the 3rd time in its 9 billion year history.
Aria was reading the letter for the 10th time, making sense of why her husband left her in the ambulance on the day they fell. Her normal skin was not normal for a Ghoul. Somone who has been next to Jack for the past year hunting the glowing one has been scary. But Fouse the horse made fro them, she believes.
As Jackson climbed up on Fouse-Rad, the Horse changed to an undead green Ghoul Horse. Its mane glowing with radiation fire. Most things stear clear of her, but she had a tendency to wonder. As the pull forwad to go down a driveway, Aria has not been down in 20 years. Her old farthers' estate looked the same as it always abandoned.
The ride in was about 15 min, as they got closer, the gardens had been destroyed and then retreated. The glow must have changed things
Jack was tying up Fouse-Rad to the post when it pulled up . Jack let it go as the horse appeared to join the fog that rolled in.
Jackson shrugged. "She will come back when she is ready. Do you think..hes here? He said to Aria."Im not sure. He said that he was going to meet me here if we ever got separated. So i hope so." She also shrugged. Then, he walked to enter the estate's castle.
She lifted up a pot and got a key that looked newer than the doors themselves.
As Aria laghed, the door opened. And the lights begun to flicker on. The old home was untouched by the outside world. It's not a scrap of dust. Or a tray twig. Jackson positioned himself behind the door, then sut it gently. The fain sound of the Glowing Horse "Nahh" in the fog as the door clicked, locking them inside."What was that?" Jackson tried to reopen the door..."It's locked.."Do you have that key? She reached into her pocket, and the key was there.
Arias home was massive 115 rooms each with its own unique look. And architecture dating back at least 500 years. But most of the entrance looked updated. Or atleast thats what Jackson was thinking.
"Aria hears a voice behind her, and in the dark, her husband was stepping down the steps." he looked ill, or was he just a Ghoul. Jackson pulled up his rifle. "Aria pulled the barrel down and looked at Jack. With this face, she had not shown him."It said, "Oi, wait, one sec, Mr!" She walked, then stepped faster into a jog. By then, Charles was already down the steps.
"He was skinny and weak, but his hug was not. She felt his voice raise with hope. "How are you, alive? She asked with a pool of tears in her eyes. She blinked. And the drop fell fre landing on his old paramedic Sute.
She stepped back from Charles and hit his shulder, "Why did you leave me there? i was almost taken by.by.." Jack said it for her. "The Glowing One"

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...