Tuakau on the North Island, the sun was bright, almost too bright for Storm, Leo, and Wikahoa or Wikes. Moved down to the city. The snow had been falling to think on their land. And so headed to the city.
His family still owns the land, and that otherwise becomes a modern development. Out of all the 3 brothers, they had one sister, Allydecssa, or Aly for short. She was holding onto the back of the small ute. As they drive to town. As they pulled in.
Storm was the oldest. He believed in the old ways. And keeps to traditions. His brother Wikahoa is strong, and the Australian New Zealand UFC champion of 2076. And his family supported him. As they all piled out of the ute, Leo and Storm got ready for training, and they bumped noses. (Symbolising Ta-Ha, the endless breath of life.
Storm spoke Mori and English as a part of his Wahaiti/Humility, and the leader brother was strong. And his little brother Wikahoa was bigger than him now.
Always working towards independence from the power grid. They had their land set up for self-sufficient and eco-minded agriculture. Aquaculture and many traditional methods of preparing meals and talking have grown over the last few years.
They waved goodbye to Aly, who followed Leo to the training grounds. The bungalow and the Marae (homesteds) were traditional leaders in their community, and their dad had been doing this with his family for many, generation thousands of years.
Alldecssady was always moving. She was a dancer, and some part of her was Overactivated. And Leo knew this, and so did Wikahoa. He always looked out for his younger sister.
The time was 9:38 am on the 22nd of October 2077. The sun is especially beautiful. But nobody knew what was about to happen.
For them, it was just another day. She gave good buy to her Brothers as they went to Rugby's Final Between All blacks and Green Auzzys and Yellow. Not very often is the Grand final, held in the North Island. Tensions in the war have caused people to. Distracting themselves was the only way to keep the anxiety and the feeling of the end approaching at bay.
Then, when Cass ran to her mother, she hugged her and ended it with Ta-Ha, the endless breath of life. She smiled with her eyes closed. She finished the house. Perfectly located next to the Mountain of Dreams, situated po they dream different dreams and their love and family can be felt, through the essence of life, that is Family. For those who don't have Family we, give them a spot at the fire.
Leo and Storm walk through the stadium to the centre, where they start the chukka. For the All Blacks, it was more than a traditional method to convey the unique nature of dreams. Cas was holding her mother's hair as she pulled the strain of Hay. With flowers for their dance at night after the men finish the game.
Cas skipped towards the steps. She was always fond of the sky. And the beautiful colours that were wrapped around the sunset. She takes a breath in. As the time on her Smart Ring flicks over to 9:43 am. Thinking it was a mass of meteorites entering the atmosphere and burning up. It happens a lot nowadays.
She stood there watching the full beauty of the sky. But when she felt the ground shake and the fireball turn into a mushroom cloud. She felt the fear rise as she realized that it was what almost everyone feared.
She held her hand out and saw the cloud rise. Turned to discover the South Island was hit with 3 nukes that devastated the landscape. After that second rolled past so slowly, she felt the death rise into her chest.
But that.. was.. not the cloud, she feared it was the disorder and chaos from the things after. She knew her brothers talked of the prep. But she never knew what they meant.
Running to her mother, who was shocked but her face changed as Allicassidy, cubbed in to hug her mother, as her family, grounded around, faces twisting in fear. She knew it was the moment they arrived. It happened. She felt Cas run to her back. And pulled them in. Waiting for the cloud and fire heat to hit their mountain. She knew it was the end.
But, for the guys, it was a different story.

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...