It was a split seccond that passed before the last ship entered the slip stream of a Hyper-gate. The old ships Large but built to last longer than any of their own technology. Driven by the minds of only a few that passed the Architects Tests.
They passed through the Hyper-gate ultra windows. Behind them, the Albinos, Greens, and greys all united to escape the clutches of a black hole chewing up all that lay in it way.
The Hyper-gate ultra windows appeared in earth space. There was silence before the others through waiting desperately for any other ships. But the crew from.the final ship lasted as long as tbeu could but without knowing it, their ship was slip stream, instant travel the passing through the Hyper-gate was instant but due to the Chronotonium and Hydrogen Emission mixed with the solar flar that shakes their ship. The interaction of hy energy particals and Intence gravity was destabilising the Hyper gate. Less than a second for them, but 200 years passed for the last ship.
Rekiurum and Zaratans brother guided the ship into orbit around a planet that was said to be blue but form their scanners it showed intence radioactivity and swarms of cyclones that rage on underneeth them was the moon shattered into a million peices, but they where unsure what happened.
"Rekdiru Dyeekium, serikiaum" nothing is alive, or dead" said Zara her eyes widened as they showed the map of the planet with no drinkable water ,and fragments of the moon in a unstable orbit faling to the planet.
They felt the tragedy of their species slipping away from them. But then, over the communications system, a voice was unrecognised by their people.
"We have survived after 220 years underground we will endure, the surface has become more and more liveable, but the hostilities and mutations have grown out of control. Many of those surfacers who live above ground have been draling with things known as The Omnimon, mosters made long before the earth, they released them over 160 years ago, and the roumers are that they ar unstoppable. Undefeated Brosis Hood has established a fighting force to take them down. Anyone who wishes to join us comes to these coordinates. Latitude: -36.5000
Longitude: 148.3000 find the Steel tower we will endure "Adxetori" this transmission will repeat in 3 secconds.""Zara stared at the pannel. When Rekiurum smiled, his face had the same look she saw when he was facing the hords in the deep.
"We shuld go, mabey they can tell us what happened to our people?" But zara looked back at the children and women and said,"They might be enemys, we must find our people last we heard they were on the moon base. "
Rekiurum nodded, he dident like arguing with his sister she was always thinking about things and what the best way.
She got up and placed her hand on Her cuzes shulder, they where white recks, outcasts of their own society. But still, the greens and greys have to have survived where the rest of their ships?

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...