Jackson watched mikie scann the chamber. With his synthetic eyes, he was able to tell what happened. Playing a holographic replay of what happened here to Za.
Back abord the Mothershipe Zeta 3, one of the 40 mother ships planted beneath the surface of the holow moon. Earth was engulfed in an endles radioactive storm 24 years after the Post Apocalypse war. The year is 2101, and Za was captured over a year ago. Traped inside a steel cage at the base of one of the space bridges. He sees them come and go. With all kinds of people, they abducted.
He shakes the cage and yells, "Brotherhood, Brotherhood, Brotherhood." But it was the last time. He gave up after that but saw their leader speaking Gibnerish, clicking whistles and squawks.
"He wispered under his breath. "But none ever return from Cryogenic Storage. Her long red ress was that meant to be a statement ,he watched her, and they call her Zetara-Zang, their Commander/ captain. But when he saw her point at him. His heart sank. And he felt like he was next.
The greens are different from that one who is like an albino Grey, but with white skin. And he was built like abrick Shit house, as the qween watset, za called her pushed one of the engineers out of the way.
"He was next ,he was next," then the cage shook, and the electricity Battons sparked up, hitting Za on the back as he was forced into a bed and straped down.
The Brotherhood was holding back some of the nastiest creatures they had ever seen. In the backdrop, Mt Kosciuszko had the sun rising from the east. The bros and sisters of the mountain mob, along with Joseph number, 19, 17, 8 amd 23 drew the attention of the legendary 5 star mutation according to mikies software in the, helmets of the X07 Augmented PA armor.
"19 had a make shift Naile gun, attached to a chain of mining Nail wich is 4 times the diameter of a Railway Pin. The legs of the mega Roo took the chunk of most the damage as the tail wipped around at several other non, the Playmakers X06PAs, and the leggats of the Brotherhood who most get up but some. Break every bone and dont survive.
"We need to draw it away from the front lines. They are getting destroyed out there, " shouted Joseph Moakai in his upgraded jeted blue aromor. His job was to deflect the hord of mutants away from the mountian. But so far, several Titans have risen since the Alpha was seen in the back of the old Blue Mountains.
"Joeseph was holding the canon of an old wold ship, as he handed the MineRail Way Nail Gun to number 8, who keeps firing the rounds from the back of the train carage. As Joeseph leapt up off the train, that's stationary. And trows the cannon at the Mega Titan Roo. It smacked him in the face, and that got its attention. Fangs extended from.its salivating Jaw as it stood up on its tail and clentched its shulders the things going berserk.
"Its skin started glowing red. As its eyes catch fire.Joseph was jetting back and instructed the front lines to go back to forward base. As he drew the titan away from the hord. The super mutants, ferals, windigo, snallygasters broke throu the barricade Ava was holding back the wave with her spear. And the sisterhood at her back.
' The Steel Tower must hold ,if we fall our family's Fall, will you let that happen Sisters'
Most of them shouted No mam, as other seen the mixed hord and stepped back from the wall they built around the mountian. The first line was firing arrows with high Vecosity oil, which burnt for a long time.
The ferals are fast, and nearly half of them are Mirelurks, Cowkclaws, mega Goanna, and Iguanas that have 5 star mutations, making them harder to take down. Jackson was controlling the ones that aren't under the control of the Alpha.
'Come on, gals, we need to deni them this mountian,' shouted Ava, and the Elder of both Factions of the Sisterhood.

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...