Jackson was willing to do anything for the people he loved, and that wasn't many. When Cappy shook his head in disbelief, the pair made it to the 34th level's Science & Technology, Lab 17.When the doors didn't open upon approach, Jackson waved his arm over the PC. But the lights didn't activate like the LED or QLED lights were not responding.
"I have a feeling what we seek is in this room. I walked past it in 2099 when I was part of the Search and Recovery Team J-19 Alpha Recon 1."
"Back then, I was still new, and I regretted leaving every day."
Jack cleared his throat and tapped the side of his RC-TECH adaptive tech. It decoded the password for the doorway. "This encryption is 34 levels. How did they even create that over 200 years ago?" thought Jack as he added.
"They said nobody's been in there in 15 years. And it was a mystery even back then. We didn't know everything."
Cappy nodded as the green light flashed on, confirming the hack. "Did it," whispered Jack, as Cappy stood back. He's human, and Jack, an ancient ghoul who has not lost his mind, looks as human as Cappy.
The doors hissed open as the depression of air pushed out any dust while the air pressure equalized.
Inside was a pod with a blanked-out screen that appeared to hold a person inside.
He wiped the dust from the ID plate and read, "Ava-Moaki-Westerfield-Brown." In shock, he stepped backward, stumbling over a bucket and a turned-over PC.
"Jack! You alright?" Cappy asked in his Indian Bangladeshi tone. As Jack climbed to his feet, he went back over, tapping the LTDS tablet. He picked it up.
"Ava's instructions were to wake her up in exactly 70 years." Jack looked at the date and time. It just happened to be the exact date she wanted to wake up. "Jack, your name is here?"
"Jack, I saw you here in the future. Our mission was done, but now I have a feeling the Alpha Omnimonster didn't die. That day, we lost over 200,000 brothers and sisters of the hood."
"Tap - Defrost." As he read the instructions, he made sure he was pressing the right button. As he tapped the glowing dusty pad, the glowing frozen liquid began to move.
The grate below the front of the square chamber held an ancient figure from his day. A cool sense of calm covered his emotions as the non-wet, non-cold bio-gel flowed through the grates at the base of the chamber. Ava, adorned in her ABA helmet and spear in hand, looked like some mysterious warrior to Cappy, who was getting a sense like he had done this before.
She was still silent for the moment, but when she saw Cooper, her only reaction was to hug him.
As he embraced her, Cappy pushed her away. "Sorry, I don't know you. I'm Cappy." Jack nodded. Ava also turned to hug Jack, but she knew he didn't like physical contact. She gave him an awkward handshake instead.
"I knew you'd come, Jackson. I swear that's Cooper. Do you remember him?" she asked. As Cappy smiled, he knew that they were talking about him, but he didn't.
"I don't know, maybe he was here then lost his memory," Jackson was joking or being sarcastic, but as they talked, Jackson said, "I don't know, maybe he is Cooper, but I forgot his memories!" Haha, he laughed, but Cappy didn't. He was getting this déjà vu vibe but clenched his teeth.
Cappy spoke up but choked a little bit. "Why did you sleep for all this time?" he asked Ava. His eyes looked over at the chamber she emerged from 60 seconds ago.
"I was connecting to the Rainbow Leviathan. She was different, showed me things inside the Aromo," she banged her chest. "Things that I never imagined existed, things that need to be buried."
"Like I said, we survived the invasion, defeated the Omnimon, but there was something else we didn't expect. Deep under this mountain, there are things from so long ago that their existence has been forgotten. But it's all recorded in the augmented armor, made from advanced technology older than the universe itself."
"Let's just say that Bow showed me the armor was a conduit for the Quantum. A Qultranet synchronization across multiple planes. But she said, with her mother's death and protection against all evils in history, it left holes in the fabric of space and time, causing a Qultrawave called 'The Anomaly.' I only know all this from his help."
She walked over to a wall that had a case around it with a 12-code password. After she entered the code to the Vault of Ancients, she turned back before completing the sequence.
"Are you two sure you want to know this? Some of it is a bit hard to wrap your brain around," Ava said louder than she had spoken before. Cappy and Jackson both nodded. The immortal human with positive-only mutations nodded.
As the door dropped, a bed folded out with a white sheet over the single bed. A blue neon sky blue light flashed from beneath the sheet. When Ava pulled it back, a boy lay there, but he had scruff and grey hair. So, he was no kid.
"Ava Protocol Alpha," she said softly into his ear. Mikie rose up, taking in a deep breath. Cappy almost jumped out of his own skin. But he held his heart when he realized the thing was alive.
"Hey, what happened?" Mikie said in ancient Moakian. He saw Jackson standing next to Cooper, then spoke English. "Did we do it? Are we in the future?"
Ava knew that her immortality was no longer there, as she still had the scar from the final battle. Softly speaking, she helped Mikie up out of his 60-year plus rest. One heartbeat a year was hard to maintain, but he felt like he was younger somehow.
"Well, you two are a sight for sore eyes, Cooper." He nodded, but Ava grabbed his shoulder. "It's not Cooper. This is Cappy."
His age was hard to tell, somewhere between 25 and 55. But he doesn't really remember his age.
Mikie scanned him as Cooper's signature appeared above his head. As the other two left the room and they walked out, Mikie whispered, "That is Cooper. I don't know what happened to him, but he looks younger, and he doesn't remember anything of what happened here."

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...