He stood at the entrance to the mariner where his Omnisub was supposed to be. Amelia was still waiting for him at the large door. But as he took a step forward, he felt the radiation. It was like small strings of burning heat and light, and he could see the silhouette of his jetty.
As he took another step, he heard the howling and growling of Gouls in the distance. It had been 14 days since the bombs and people had gone insane.
Jackson Westerfield was a poor man who had built a hydroponic setup for growing food quickly and in high quantities. After several bunker conversions into food production, he got right into his Doomsday prepping.
As Jackson looked into the mist, he thought he saw something lurking in the strangely glowing water. It was a faint glow, but the plant looked like it had just moved a little.
As he approached the sub hatch hidden under the jetty planks, he pulled the string hidden under the plank to the side. The rope was strong enough and metallic, so it would not burn. The stainless steel sub was hidden with a secure he designed, and the cloaking mechanism was still functioning.
Tapping the side of the lid with his thumb, it scanned his eye and decompressed the chamber. After the readjusting of air pressure was completed, Jackson started the Fusion reactor containment field. The Quantum Computer and private satellite were still in a synchronized orbit.
The display read 4 minutes until the bootup sequence was ready. A simulated voice raised, "Mapping in destination Cannbarra Victoria. Confirm 15 min till Autonomous Navigation. Please confirm."
As soon as he left, Jackson felt the sting of anxiety again. He had to convince Amelia to come with him. But she wanted to stay with her mother. He went back, opened the door, and asked her again.
"If you do not come with me, take this armor. It will serve you well. When you decide to come, I will be in Koziosco mountain. There's a place where we will be safe."
She nodded. "I will find you, but Mother, she won't be able to make it. If she does pass, I will come to find you even if I have to walk 3,000 kilometers." She kissed him, for the first time, but he didn't want to make her feel worse. After the moment of passion, he walked away, but slowly. "I'm looking forward to it if it's safe."
When Jackson pulled away, Amelia was breaking down. She was so afraid, but Jackson looked so together. Like he had done all this before. She knew him for years and never knew he was so strong. The day changed people or enriched their qualities, and now he's the best he can be.
Amelia was confused. When the door closed, her mother's soft voice spoke hard. "Hey, girl, go after him. I have your father here. If we die, at least we are together."
Her mother's soft smile and her cold but wrinkled hands seemed so soft, and with her compassion and empathy, she could see she wanted her to go have a life. Her dad was weak in bed, he opened his eyes, and she forgot what they looked like, but now she will never forget.
He lifted his backhand to her face, and as she embraced his hand, he said something, and she fell silent. Not a tear, he smiled. "You are beautiful. Jackson is a good man. If he believed this was going to happen all these years, I would want to be around him too. People like that don't die in the end. They only learn and are teachable." He pulled his hand away and turned away. She hugged him and started running.
She hoped he hadn't left, but he was still standing at the door. The archway was open, and she darted down to the jetty. But something behind her growled like a wolf. As she turned, it was one of those things Jackson spoke of. She ran so fast it was almost at her back, reaching for her. Then out of nowhere, Jackson pulled up, held her, and pushed the Withered Goul back.
It looked at her and started gnawing at the bit like she was lunch. He went in front of her, and Amelia was so afraid of Jackson. However, he was controlling the Irradiated.

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...