As Joseph continues tapping on the augmented X06PA Frōdō "was a genius. He built the Exo6 with a tri-core fission manifold with high radiation resistance. They are powerful Mean and dradly, most of the numbered x All black PA sutes have this upgrade, but Joseph number 19 was undoubtedly the fastest. All the others move slowly.
He built in a fail-safe, causing the secret upgraded X06.1 was meant to be added to all 23 of the other hyper-upgrades. The fights are brutal and, deadly, some combatants die, evan becoming wounded.
When you lose the battle it, you're remembered, but only the champion gets to face the swarm, and rhe runer up has to clean up the Battlefields after the fight.
Eden Ark stadium was a community, but due to the violent nature of reality. It's now more important than ever to have community and entertainment. Frōdō knew that, he was the most prepared person in NZd only a small handful of people knew him, and evan then they all thought he was crazy due to believing in Conspiracy, and mythology as half truths.
The battle is about to begin, Cass was watching from the rooftop she liked seeing the champion fight from above. It always looked cooler than being in the crowd. She signed, and joey knew what she was saying.
Go get em, he nodded and then dawned his armour. It was opened outwards, as it closed him in, 19 painted on the back, his weaved and welded armour.
He stepped out to see the other opponents riseing from their corners, it was number 14 and 5 both strong and would not need armour but ,the game was not about the armor that only lasts for the first round. Aftet that to conserve fussion power, they have the final round, hand to hand combat.
As he pulled in, the goal was to get the leather ball to the opposite side. To win the first round, and to protect the Goals with a small team, the efficiency of their use of the field, and their upgraded X06PAs. He was lucky most people didn't know that Joey had an Augmented X06, the onky one frodo upgraded with, Lazer deflecting Polyhex-lattace coating and, 3 fission cores made it powerful
But number 19, I didn't know these upgraded parts were there.As 19s boosters locked in the jet, he flew up, and so far that landing on the Rugby platform, holding the ball. He leapt off the steps and flew straight for the ball.
Joey moved darting left and right as the other guys blocked him. Pushing him back as a team, his team was right behind him, but Number 21- Te-Reo 5-Koe- Potakri, 12-kenu- Drokaijin and 18-joeys cuz kora her, daughter is Cas.
She was slamming through the 4 blokes, and evan tumbled them
Back as he team and Kenu backed her. Pushing back the other guys, she was a tank. And kenu number 12 was right next to her and darted to get the first point.Playmaker Doin was watching, his heart skipped a beat watching joey, His brain said, fucked let him win so hes out om my hair. He felt threatened by Joseph, and joey knew it. He pushed the team to its limits.
After the siren went off. The second round was up. Now every player had to get inside their X06-s the final round was against the swarm. Not many players make it past this point.
As joey got back to the command room for 19. Cass and her mother visited him in the engineering bays.
As cass approached, she signed you, did great, and now finish it! Her mother gave joey a hug and rubbed noses. They are all close, the family was one of the last, bloodlines reaching back to the Great War.
Casses mum, who was wearing her number 18, was painted on her helmet and the shulder pads. And joeys one was so unique that everyone knew who he was. But the Playmaker was making life difficult. They didn't know, but the swarm this year has a Cruskohan Lurker, and a king witch is meant to be the second in command, and nobody has ever trapped one successfully and lived.
Cass put her arm up, slapped hands with Joey, their hand shaking back first and bumped, the the loud pop coild be herd from the third bay over, Kora walked off she had to get ready to. And left for the engineering bay.
Koras engineer was trained by Frōdō himself. And was skilled in weaving and structural GMAW.
He upgraded her arms, shocked aborbers ,and was tri-coated in byrillium for damage deflecting. But he was not quite finished the upgrades on
Joey was still seated in the chair next to his X06 when all of a sudden, he saw a vision. Something was calling him. He fell back into his chair like he was sinking, and he flipped backwards into the spirit Realm.
As he stood there, at the edge of the water roling unto a beach. with the water fsoft sound of water against the shore.
this huge thing with blue wings like a dragonfly and a metalic armour that was dark and nothing was in the things face just a huge blue water like smokey screen.
It said warn them, and he fell back up unto the world again.
Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
أدب الهواةThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...