After 200 years, they have used our technology to, said Alpha Zeta Prime. The council murmured, while the rest of the council of 9 sqarkced clicked and winned. She was standing there, believing that what she did was, right crash landing on that Backwards world. Where they breathe O2, the Zetas breath A different Mix of Gas found deep underground. Aftet augmenting half the fleet. She was ready to reem herself. Her partner, Zeta-Cerik, was holding the Alian blaster at the Hulster, ready for betrayal.
But Zetara-Zing was wiser than most. She had to hold her Alpha husband back. He grew up in a pocket, tribe. His entire family slaughtered in a great battle with the Greys.
Sole survivor of that event. He was quickly ranked up to commander after a few missions to the Nebulamas Sector.She was quiet, nit Zetara Zang. Was smart she knew that the council of 9 would not let them leave for the inhalation of Earthlings. The 9 nodded and pointed to the fleet.
She turned back to her Alpha, who said nothing as they departed for the moon base around Reuined Earth.The fleet positioning themselves for Hyper Gate, Ultra-sound wormholes. The 48 mother ships left for earth in 2124. After the world had already forgotten about them again. ALPHA, she clicked, pointing towards the wormholes. The ships moved into Vector around the brim, but only for a second before warping into an ovel strech, and gaping it through the UltaGate Wormhole, the shipes seemed to stretch Seconds later, they entered orbit around the dark side of the moon.
Zetara Zang Swarked. And the fleet moved into holographic Stim, camouflaged them while they landed. On their own pre build base. The expanding autonomous programmable Constructed, gradually with the shards and iron that makes up the semi sub crust of the holo moon.
Alpha Cetik was in the navigation pannal while The Zetara awaited the landing pad to be made, it grows sparkling liquid, matte- metalic formed into stairs that solidifies while she walked The soft silky purple cape flows down each step as she floats down the steps she was a qween. But in her own right, the solid floor level with the moon opened. As the Scientist Researcher, and Engineer come from beneth the surface.
She tapped her shulder. And the holo silp disintegrated like it was neve there. CERIK, she helled, and he introduced himself.
We had been waiting for you since the last rotation. And you bring an army, great! The scientists ushered them into the moon. The small team was ordered to land th rest of the fleet in the cover of the dark side.
Zetara-Zang Captain and Alpha Zeta Celik, the commander of the fleet. Followed the strang Zeta-cerian who dwell on the surface of the old world. Now, with the Remnants of The Empire planet x Rouge, otherwise unknown , the Orion Sector had to take things into their own hands.
The light bridge was extending into the darkness. She noticed their was a silhouette of silver Mechanical strictures, popping out of a huge empty holo spherical inside our planet shrouded in dark. But the shape was steel, shining evan in the dark.
The engineer tapped the side of a pannel. When it opened , a strange light shaped -porter as they stepped into the light, a light zipped across the darkness to a sphere made of the same material in the centre of the Holo moon. Floating with no way of entering. But Alpha smiled and stedped into the light trans-port. She was left to enter as she touched the light. The trans beam sucked her in any way. It felt like being electric static on the way through she, come to
Commander Clerik caught her.They entered a room that seemed huge. But she knew they entered that was strange, but when the Mad Green Zeta sat down, her floated and screens appeared. After anout 1 second, he waved Zetara over.
And, then, taped a button as a huge. Screen displays one of the rectangular tablets extinguishers into the ground.
Then a seccond screen appeared on earth, a huge vortex dropped a monster that had green cyborg like back walking on 2 legs, with red skin, a organic Cyborg, hybrid , largr ganges and a underbute, it crawled away in the left of the screen as, the scientists Green zeta tapped the screen and another tablet droped. The year was 2097, a week after number 19 went to take on the king mutant Krabs and the Qweens Swarm.
Joseph Moakia was holding a claw. He jusy defeated the King of all the king ,crab mutants of rhe swarm. And was eating its buster, Claw. When he herd a huge thump. He got chewed quickly eating while climbing the destroyed shi on the edge of the sea, he seen what made that earth quake of a sound.
The thing was at least 4 times larger than the stadium, and it crawled on 4 legs it barked in th air like a cawwing bird cross a Ape. Its claws had large finger appendages that looked like some sort of lizard. He ducked down, watching the thing dig its claws into the mountian side. He swallowed, and the thing herd him from there, heem had to be at least 4 kl away from milford Beach Auckland East, the monstrous Omnimonster, barked again as Joseph moved under the cover of the water.
But he knew it was heading for the city, and Eden Ark, stadium. He hears a strange voice over the intecom.
"Shhhhh,,, must get bAaaakk, stadium in lockdown, playy, mmmaker, out of control, Frōdō MK14, i am the continuity of his. Conciousness, to be exact. I was told to go to sleep until 97, then chose a champion! Your the Paragon one of the reincarnated Moakia family form 824 years ago, small family predicted the end, and these creatures you aee, are sent by beings from the stars who wields the Omnimium Steel moon- out moon! I will explain when you get back here. "
The voice cut off, and Josephs boosted up into the sky. As he had jetpacks, thst has 3 times the Fusion Core Capacity, allowing him to move at incredible speed, and with fear comes anger.. He sighting the omnimon. And drew near..the thing seen him and three a tree so fast he had no time to move but it only clipped his armour.
Suddenly, he was surrounded by 3 other creatures that looked at him and cracked. Clicked and whistled communicating, he wondered. As the stadiums were flashing ,he landed inside the border as it dropped below the surface without the omni-muntant seen him. To the other creatures, it appeared to just be part of the landscape or ruins. And they moved on.
Josephs was pulle into the dark, that seemed like her was being attacked, but he was beig huged.
Cass was swinging a key around her wrist. As she laughed, haha, but no sound came out. She was smiling and pulled him to a pannel that glowed with blue light and a hand drawn face, or something of a man with a scar on his face..and black hair at the bottom of the small screen it said Frōdō Mark 14 and a date 07.10.97.

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...