Bossman Typan drew his sniper as the crew retreated into the cover. The trees, although green, somehow weren't affected by radioactive fallout. As the shots clipped one of his crew members as they scampered behind the trees, each shot was calculated and precise. BT was hidden in the mountains and had a perfect vantage point.
The roof was completely clear, and the shots fired came from within the structure itself. His men in the distance sounded disturbed. He shot at the tower, frantically trying to bring down the person inside. But he failed to recognize it was synthetic, a security system automation. Then, from above, a flare went up. He had to get to his men, but half of him said to leave while things were distracted. His chopper had only one seat.
As he lifted off, he saw the rooftop. It was clear. He positioned the chopper to the H pad, lowering it, but as he touched down, the roof was clear. The blades churned down as he ran to the only thing he could see that was an entry point.
The box rising from the smooth flat roof had a seal but a small opening where he could see something inside. The blue light and the steel were not rusty. This was strange. What is this made of? "Bossman Typan," a voice crackled over the radio.
"The old geezer lied to you. There's no way in without the blood of the ones who built this place," Amelia said over his crew's radio.
"Who is this?" Confused, he stepped back from the door. "What are you saying? There's no way in?"
She was holding back one of his commandos, who had his arm around his back. She had him pinned, and the others had already retreated.
"If you leave now, I will spare your men."
Bossman Typan drew his sniper and looked over the edge, but when he did, his ego drew a shot seeing her in his sights. He let the bullet fly. Below, the Mark IV Century Gun bent sideways and let its own bullet fly, clipping his face as he dropped back, holding the blood back. He ran for the chopper. Hoping to get out, the propeller churned up. As he lifted up, the joystick was slipping, and he could not see through one eye.
As the leader attempted to flee, the tower had its own plan, letting out a .50 cal shot right through the engine. Amelia let a shot out of her western revolver, clipping the raider as he fled from the sight of his bossman failing.
She was unaware of Jack's part in this. Oblivious, she pressed on, with Cappy's crew next to her. She had spent the better part of 20 years researching and traveling the bushland down under, finishing her bounties, and got a hold of a device called the RC-Tech. The stadium was still intact with a dull blue light in the car park dome, and the structure built to last thousands of years still stood amidst the backdrop of thousands of overgrown trees. The roads were barely etched into the soil from the years of flora overgrowth.
Cappy was smiling.
"What made you think this was the way in?"
She shrugged and popped a holotape in her RC-Tech computer. A raspy voice spoke with a southern Australian accent. "I read this book, or rather a pamphlet that spoke of a car and mining expo here the day of. They say the people fled underground here and vanished below the mountain." As the voice fell silent, and a final breath was let out, she stopped the tape.
"That was a survivor of the day of. She was around for four months before she passed away, coming back as a feral. I had to end it, but she told me that below the third pillar of the stadium is an elevator platform that drops down. Apparently, it's the other way into the mountain and a very old way."
She drew a flashlight, unsure what to expect in the small city of Koziosco Mt. Cappy's crew followed suit, each armed with various handmade junk weapons.
Cappy was whispering,
"I hear the mountain is filled with abominations, all manner of mutant beasts, even undead cave jaguars. Some say even mountain lions and tigers, lions, and other creatures that were let out of the zoos in the cities, and old pets of long-dead owners. These hills have more than just mutated ghouls."
His crew member, with the large automatic pipe rifle with the forward scope and grip handle, said, "I hear that even mutant snakes have been seen around these parts."
Amelia shrugged, "I ain't scared. I'll take on anything." She did have a skull above her head when Cappy shined his Pip-Boy at her. "Get that thing away from me," a voice shouted in the distance. She screamed before being taken out into the shadows.
"Just stick by me," said Cappy. She was ready, but what the heck was it? The crew started firing their makeshift weapons. The pipe rifle man was running so fast towards the danger. Cappy knew him well; he was friends with the one screaming.
By the time they made it to the edge of the forest before Mt. Koziosco City, the gunshots without a silencer echoed across the mountains. As the rest arrived, a pack of ferals came running full pelt at them, charging and tackling the crew. Amelia, who was a ghoul, fired several shots from her sniper at the one attacking Cappy. It had long nails and was withered like a husk, but it spewed radiation from its skin like an aura.
Amelia pulled her hammer out and slashed its brain while kicking the other two off the guy with the pipe rifle. His gun was jamming and he had no melee weapons. Idiot, she thought as he fell. They were not worried about the shadow beast, but the pack grew. She had to move, firing at them while walking backwards, and then turning and running again. She knew they'd chase her if she had her visor down. Her black eyes seemed to make her invisible to them, not to mention her non-radioactive mutation made her no target for humans but ghouls she could handle. After drawing the 17 ghouls and three withered ones to a vantage point, she climbed up and fired, thinking they wouldn't get her.
But then one climbed up. She had to fend it off with her arm, but something happened. She pulled her dive helmet up without thinking before the thing was followed by three more. She felt a shockwave of radiation. The ones she killed shouted, "GLOWING ONE!"
Most of the crew had gotten past the horde, but Amelia, who was a ghoul herself, started feeling the call of the glowing one. Her power rose and in the distance, under Typan Constitution, the Red-Belly-Typan crew's Jackson felt her signature, her very energy, and matched her. He was the prophet of Atom's glory but he was chained up. The only thing he could do was enter the rad-fog and meet her.
His glowing eyes rolled backwards as the dust fell off his face. His body entered the radiation dimension, a plane of pure radiation burning green like the flame of a mighty fire, but he felt no pain, walking hands up, seeing her, and what she faced.
Invisible to all, in some parallel rad dimension, she suddenly felt a mind she had not sensed in a long time. His voice entered hers and she became the second prophet of Atom. The ghouls, feral and insane, knelt down and did not look up. They must see in the radiation storm of that dimension.
Jackson said, "My power is your own. Now take what you will. This is real. Atom sent me to stop the horde, but I became trapped in the Typan layer." She stopped and all around her things seemed brighter, like she saw the essence of the life around her and the walking dead. The glowing one was still there, trying to corrupt the horde. But Jack's power was forced on the glowing one, as he took the corruption away. The glowing one faded into a bubbly clear boiled skin, but it was no longer controlling and using necromancy.
Amelia smiled. He could see her but not touch her face. She felt his invisible hand reach and then it was flung back. Jackson woke up to Bossman Typan holding a sledgehammer to his skull.
He controlled him, but Jackson let him be lost and alone. He didn't care what happened to him before. Now he was no longer alone; she's still alive. Did Atom save her, or was it fate? He felt the air fill his lungs for the first time in 40 years. He had a purpose.
Typan lifted the old man up.
"You told me that the roof was the only access to the secrets of that mountain. Now you will take me to the tower and get me in." He shrugged and sat back down, awaiting his next moment.

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...