She fell for about 1 minute flat, but nothing'm expecting things to come at her. The fall was peaceful. Like floating down a tunnle with endless wind blowing her back up. But when she saw the walls going up. That's how she knew she was falling down, a voice called to her.
Without her helmet on Ava, she assumed she was unable to see the memories. But falling next to her was the man who saved her the previous prophet he smiled and yelled "wahooo"
Then chuckled, "You see.. you really are flying. He dipped below her, kicked back on his arms, and then smiled. "You're falling for great things. You see, this is InfiniFalls, a parallel portal to the multiverse, your destination, hahaha, any destination! He ducked into the wall, and the halls of the infinite fell light up. The voice called her.
And a well opened up she felt like it was the one. And diped into that portal. Slaming into the ground and rolling sideways, the dimention felt like she just jumped into a wormhole. And come up out of the well but felll flat.
Ava B was the daughter of the jones family but not an air, but a lesser known fact, her grandfather died in the war in 67, and with her inheritance from the estate's was granted, under the prophets belef that Ava was special.
He knew that when she stepped foot back on the mountian. It's more than just the mantle of Tera novakai, the cycle of rejuvenation. After 5 minutes, she came to.
But somehow, she was floating, being taken by an invisible force, but it was like the world ahe was in was made of nothing but light, she first thought the flower are, a dream but they are literal light.
The force that carries her is the daughter of the Mountain Serpant, The Rainbow Leviathan. She saw a forest of light, then she came to. Standing up, "You're found me, i was calling mother, but she..shes gorn now a part of the universe as she wished.
But now, im here in the earth, and i dont know what im supposed to do," The voice was feminine, but she was soft tonned like she didn't like raising her voice. Beautiful ava said,
This place is stunning. What do you call it? "The voice sounded like it looked around itself. But when it replied, "This is me, what elece do you call it? Beautiful, yeh, i suppose."
"Ava felt the crisp air. It truly was another world. " her tiredness and exhaustion were gorn, but she felt odly peaceful. "What can i do to help? You discover what you are meant to do?
The voice, which lights up the trees and surrounds plants when she talks. "I have spend most my existence here, i want to explore the world im responsible for, thats the only way i can see how it is, i feel it but to understand i need to be there to help!?"
Ava felt her vibe and wanted to help her, but how can a being who is the size of a country walk around. She thinks for a moment. And Snaped her fingers, "i got it."
Has your kind ever made an astral from, or use any kind of dream mechanic's?"
"We are astral beings. From the plain Aplong the plain of water, our Astralunix Cosmos, you're standing in it now, my vessal as youd call a body is the geode, at the bottom of the Infinite Falls, its cracked open and i have explored most the welss dimentions, more of them are opening now, that...mother is not here to keep them separated."
Ava stepped forward, so you have a way to get around then. That's good. Can you say go into this atmor here im wearing?
She spoke, hmmm, and gave it a go, "Hey there, i did it... you know you have a hole universe in here, small pocket dimentions and evan a.. she was cut off. Then, ava called out to her, the non corporeal form of the reincarnated Rainbow Leviathan. Then static,..
'Hey, i found something you should see, Well, i have to show you she emerged from the armour with something solid. And physical it was a strange ovel opal lile Rock with white and red shining from the flawless of its centre," it looks like a nebula"
Not knowing what that was, the entity nodded, and her ghostly appearance was not scary more whimsical.
" What do you think it is,"
ava asked her eyes fixed on its centre , her silence was cut when, ava thought What shule i call you?she spinns around in a loop, how about Bow? Said ava, who watched the strange figure. Stop suddenly and think , yes, that's ok, Bow, yeah!""We should get back to the city?" Ava said, and Bow flew into her aromor and said,"Yep. Im all set. "In the aromor she was seated on a chair at the edge of a clift that extends for hundreds of kilometres, a landscape form the first cylce made by one of the monks of the ANU, "Astronordic Nomads Unanimity"
A special form of believers after the first 100,000 years after they landed or after Crash landing on earth from Mars. The Nomads travelled the ever change8ng world immortals. Seeking to enlighten those they deem worthy.
Noah, built the first Virtual World in the ABA, and as ava set out to go back the way she come, a voice in the armor said "the short cut is through those rocks, just jump over them,"
Ava was starting to think this was nuts but she jumped over these seemingly non important socksor what looks like rocks, with 3 layers she landed on the other side but flew up immediately, as the infinity Falls swapped gravitational positions and she was going right up, but faster then she fell down.
The cliffs of The underbelly of Mt Koziosco City. The tip, also known as the lost citys of the forgotten kingdoms of the Nomads. Each nomadic tribe, a section and descendants of the Astronordic Nomads themselves, the Anu.
They lived by telling stories, tales of times passed, and roumers legend and myth. As copper covered his face, crying, overt the fact that the leader they needed was missing. Lily, who was Avas daughter, and senior Lily entered the bastene.
The expedition was still on hold, and Lily didn't listen to her mother any longer. The Sisterhood was ready to up and leve for Appalachia. But when Cooper turned around. He noticed them looking above his head. And turned back.
Looking up, Ava was floating there like she had some kind of power. But the wind was strong enough to push Somthing up. She then leaned forward, landing on the Level.
"What are you two doing down here, Lily asked. But Cooper answered, "we are looking for the source of a significant Stockpile of iron. But it was an error in the scann," Yep, let's go," ava said to cooper, who nodded and walked off. "They will move on leaving soon. Wispered ava.
There was a secret election. Between the Brotherhood and the other factions. But with Salazar GreyBorn, and is men missing. There was no leader.
Part 58 extened, Zeta-invasion.
Just as he woke up to the sound of his men being attacked, Za jumped up he hit his head on the snall bunker bed he was placed up unto. The others are only arguing. When Za stepped forward. OI WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING? "
His boiling voice raised, "What the heck is going on, we were on the ground, then strange lights, now we are here!" Whatever this is, we need to work together."
" The two men, who without their power armour felt the fear of battle. Za under the guidelines that there was an escape.

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...