She stood there, watching the undead, or Goul like the insanely irradiated husk of flesh and bone. But when Jackson grabbed her hand, she went with him. She was afraid, yes, but her father told her to. Go to have a life outside this bunker.
But the noises creaked her out, people screaming and not to mention the other strange sounds surrounding the newly formed swamp. The glowing plants and reeds make for a beautiful site. But before Jackson could stop her. She plucked the glowing stick. And sniffed it. But he jumped.
Seeing the water ripple. He knew it was not friendly. It was a trap. The glowing stick was an allure fish. Its huge mouth wrapped around Amelia's body. He fired his harpoon upgraded with the lightweight strap, and with it only having one shot, it hit the strange creative in the nose. Its blood and acids spew out when he yanked it aside. Barely missing Amelia, who had her hands over her mouth, luckily, Her WC ring was clicking, and it activated a rad wash. She was standing inside the compartment with the hatch opened.
By the time they made it back up onto the jetty, every Goul and mutant from the city could hear the moaning of the legendary Angler mutant. He noticed something sticking out of its gills when he yanked it off. He realised it was an energy weapon, its lights still shone blue. And it appeared to have full, ammo. He strapped the holder under his arm. And pulled into the sub, shutting the thick bulkhead. After the depressurisation of the sub, it was completed.
After the hatch and the depressurisation cycle were completed, they both had to go into a decontamination system after 15 min. It was completed. But Amelia didn't feel right. She had to give up her parents and make it out of Britain.
The automatic system, onboard the Omnisub. Was simply made, but some hybrid technology has been implemented to ensure the safe travel of the occupants. Amelia sat back on the bed. And takes a breath out. She turned to the wall. The manhole was covered. And a voice said.
"Would you like the porthole open? The AUI was an automated system, but it was built with humans and technology incorporating the compass and empathy of humanity. But at the same time, logically attuned to the needs of humanity. She nodded but didn't realise that there may be even worse Scarry creatures. It had only been 14 days since the high-rads hydrogen nuke went off over 350klm away. But the destruction was still felt in every direction.
The porthole opened, but it was green and gunky, nothing to look at. She watched a strange shadow swim by. But none had any clue what they were. She asked the AUI to close the porthole. And she did. After 2h of the sub moving out to open water. In the outskirts of London. People who were not directly impacted by the fall.
They silently moved beneath the channel when gunfire and explosions erupted from above them. The AUI
Or Auey as he liked to be called. Spoke up. It appears some of the survivors have started fighting. We best stay clear of these types. They will take anything they can from you, as the rockets and bullets fire. It was not the people fighting peopleThe hord of Gouls following a Glowing one started rushing the human pack. The hoard, being 100,000 strong, completely overpowered the 10,000 humans gathering. Within moments, 90% had been turned or irradiated so bad they instantly churned too. Either freshly turned Gouls are strong. But Jackson Westerfield had not made it out of the city yet, the glowing one spotted them moving under the water. Sends out a mighty howl. And the hoard adding new, fresh Gouls continues down the channel. Following Jackson for some reason.

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...