The trip underground towards the mikie had Jackson, as survival buddy, and joe was with his cousin Zeurah Moakai ,the second family' of the Borthan island, tthe mountain, felt like home, but the old Diamond mind, reinforced with Anti-Halflife coating. Made it all look almost brand new if it weren't for the 20 years of junk and rusty cars piled up attempting to flee the city the day off.
Many people didn't know about it, the best kept secret on the Gold Coast. At the time, it was 2000 individuals believed something was coming. That they had to prepare for. The mine shaft track 2as built, By the F500 Corp, under the Name Jones. He had hands in everything, either owning a fraction or more than half of the reserve banks of UnitedStates and the commonwealth.
Little was known how jones was able to have his hands in, all this, but some say he is over 150 years old but looks 25-40
The trek through the underground after, they clesred it a few weeks back. Joe was always on the lookout. Searching for things that can be useful.But after defeating the Lagendary gecko, the path was relatively clear. Appart from the odd feral stragglers who seem to leave them alone, was it because Jackson was, a intelligent Ghoul, nobody knew from the looks of things, he looks at them, and they turn away like they just seen Somthing evan more terrifying.
St first the sound they hear. Become muffled by the distance of the mine Road. "Joe raised his head and signalled the others, jackson herd roumers that he lived a t the mountian for 20 years before the break out of the first war in 2025.
Soom after ,Joeseph number 19 waved Zeurah in front of the group. She had a tripod Gatling-Gun, and it appeared to be museum quality, but it still fired. She had her night vision scopes facing the darkness that seemed to go on forever.
We have movement, Zeurah shout3d, ordering 12 and 15 up to the turned over car. Mikie already had his
(Buffed-High frequency split beam Gyroscope-Split Augmented Grip, with the Sniper-Recon Scope) crouched down behind the Playmakers.
"I can't make out what it was, whatever it is, its surrounded by a red flameing glow, "legendary! Mikie shouts as he can not make out what ,"The face had tentacles without eyes." Mikie-FA yell3d, as joey used his jetpack booster to leap up.
Locking his , longatude, and latitude altitude, balancing the jet she zoomed in on the legendary, his scaner Mikie upgraded to, detected Legendary Signitures, and calculate how much resistances, damage threshold, eva. If the beast has a green "webbing wrap3d over its skin, according to the viser inside the helmet, "it's an Qween , one of only 3 to be sighted in this reign.
Joe sent all the data to the rest of them, and Jackson raised his voice "Mole Qween" shi#$ " theres no way to defeat this, its blind yes but has been known to call other blind, and albino its cheeping Squark, folow3d by a click"
Suddenly, they're felt the ground shake, and jackson knew what was coming.
"As 12 twisted her feet, the stone beneath sent vibrations through the ground, and several upheavals of twisted dirt as the creatures break into the mine.
The sound was as bad as the smell, the things that come storming over the cars, all had one thing in common, Albino mutation, makes them extremely hostile. Nothing can beat the albino sense. 12 was thrown up into the air. She felt it at first, like a wabble of a 1.2 earth quake.
Mikie fired his lazer sniper. As the beam connected, it was like using a water pistol while on the Tumbler, and fmaiming it at a stone falling from above,
His hit was direct, forward to its carapace, the Albino Deserts scorpia, some of the mist deadly, and poisonous Snakes and Scorpions live just beyond the mountian, but to see them all the way down here.
Joe slides in the ground leaps up off the car whilst jettisoning his sute leaping backwards, his X06 slammed into the Scorpion, as it was floating in mid air, from.the gunfire of all 23 Playmakers, and severyal, Wāhine Toa (warrior Women) wothout power armor, fired the line of 200 arrow let " fly it was enough to hit and stunn a few of the Mole Qweens Albino Creatures.
The playmakers moved forward Inch by inch, moving slowly through the wreckage of what happened here over the last 20 years.
After making it past the old abandoned junk town. One of the playmakers hooked a hand around joe as she thee im back, to his armour 12 landed back to catch her gun.
With Mickie's upgrades to the compression of both the legs. The arms moving around have increased 100%, making it easy to move around and no penalties from strength. The low radiation made it easy to explore any environment.
12 and 15, moved up to fill the spaces, as 8 and 6, pulled up the tripods. The bullets they have, from the last 20 years of manufacturing, producing Rounds , along with the Didgitizer function of the RC-TECH, weist computer upgrades, Jackson's gave Mikie they have been able to eliminate Weight, and maximise speed. The sutes work in Bianary to the upgrades, made to most of the armour.
12, who was next to number 21, Zeurah Moakia, spelt a little different to The Moakai, both of them leaders in their own factions. But due to being related, they have no desire to fight. Zeurah stepped forward she had given her Gatling Tripod to numbe 8, who was running to the next position while, joe laid fired on the, distant Mole Qween , named Legendary (Mquale) nobody has ever survived her Army, that is called when she, is in danger.
"We need to take down Maquale. She's well known around here .it's why people dont go this way. it's way too dangerous." Jackson thinks as he remembers, breaching the shores of Australia 18 years ago. His mind is as sharp as ever, but he feels like it was just yesterday.

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...