Jacksons nervous swallow was heard across the table. Evan Bow hears it. But he was not nervous, it was just she had this Raidiant Aura.
"Do you like my dress, i thought of it as i was pooling the essance left of my Egg.
Ava smiled, yes your beautiful how do you feel darling?
Shrugged, holding her wrist, them said "its very diffrent i feel all these things i never imagined. But most of all hungerMikie laughed then created some food with his Wrist Computer that looked golden but he moved around as if it was made from aluminium. Jackson never noticed him wearing that thing. But he was always looking out for new ideas his belt comp, was nothing compared to that thing he just synthesised some food. Come on.. he smiled as the hole table eas covered in good food that looked as hot as they may taste.
After eating for about 2h, they where on the way back to the portal. That was closed a while ago. "The others ran up to it, what happened how is it closed?!
Bow trotted over to the old fractured wormhole, then waved her arm over it. These strange blue symbols appear. As the wormhole opened up.
The stepped though only to be surrounded by Typan Clan members. The Red-Belly-Typan Gang got through the defences. Holdong a Roamer by a coller and pole.
"Jackson squinting at the Roamer. His jacket was the same as the Bosman he took out not long back. They must have used him to sniff our the back entrance.
"What do you want, said Ava who stepped forward with her hoodie up, and her mask down spear was now separated into a blade and a staff.
"We only seek, our leader Za, he was captured by Zeta-Reckulorian, before you two went to sleep and forgotten about him."
There was this look in his eyes, Ava recognizing him "joey!?. She almost let down her guard. But his eyes are different. She cant see them.
"Yes, that was my name, before i was left for dead at that base you raided " she looked over at mikie, who was shocked he survived, but was unable to help him, " hes possessed by a shadow creature.!"
Both cappy and Jackson stepped back as far as they could without getting a guns barrel in the back. "You are going to free Za, now from the icey Tomb you trapped him in '" all hail Za-" the several hundred men yelled Za, za za' as soon as joey did.
"Mikie stepped to the side when Bow looked angry at the one who use to be Avas husband And number 12 but died long ago. Is somehow here. Bow knew the stories Ava was told by mike, and shown the footage of what happened at Areas-56 & 57. Her power wabbled back and forth, as it tuned in with mikies thought he felt her energy raise suddenly.
But she dident move an mm, but the red clan went flying. Or somone was fighting them but in such speeds evan he could not catch her movements. On those occasion he did. She was already bending the guns, of those RBT clan that surrounded them. But half ran off into the darkness, as Ava spoke up over the gunfire.
"we cant let them release Za, after the zeta lost the first battle, they took anything they could to fight against us, mutating our own brothers and sisters.' Ava was pointing to the Sisterhoods old barracks."
The 5 of them run fast While mikie planted 3 tripod Gatling-Gun Auto-Cannons. That fired explosives rounds.
The RBT clan was moving deeper into the Brotherhoods old baracks, and dident expect there to be so many traps, the leader. JOEY, was rolling next to several of his men, when one of them blew up. He ducked left as th others went one by one. Into the death trap Za made for anyone who might come lookikg for him.
As Joey lay there on the ground, ears ringing, he felt somthing pull him as he was dragged underneath the floor by some beast.
But when he seen who it was, Za he said "i have spent 80 years trying to free you master " his eys went black like a sharks blinking when it breaches the surfaces. Then his eyes went back to normal. "I have been here for 10 years, free but couldn't find the rest of the Brotherhood. We need their power armor. If we are to Corrupt them all."
Hos voice sounded a mix between a rasping voice. That deepened with his excitement. "Ava is free, she may know"
His Voice echoed, in the under tunnels, but nothing more then muffled explosions to the others, who have escaped Typan clan for now.
"Gathering in the cryogenic Chambers, Ava was searching the rooms when she entered one she backed out, and her hands covered her mouth. "What.. what is it" asked jackson
As Amelia and mikie approched, Cappy was already looking inside,.. hes gorn theres no way he could have escaped that on his own"

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...