He was still out of it, making it back to the door and inside after the nuke hit. His mind was lost. Eyes rolling in the back of his head. But Amelia, after a few hours, stood by him talking. He was dreaming of talking to her. Or at least that's what she thought. The sound of more and more nukes echoed into the night. Somehow, they were not directly affected.
He came to, breathing heavily, but swearing loudly as he raised his head, she placed her hand on his smooth skin.
And said, hey hey it's alright. You made it back in before we locked it down." Amelia said in her thick English Accent. Her smile took him away. I'm glad you're ok. I was dreaming you followed me across the ocean floor, to Australia, as I was a withering irradiated husk of waterlogged Bog Goul, haha, " but he pulled back into the bed. Hey, what's going on? Is there any chatter on the CB?"
He felt his heart pounding. But something didn't feel right. His waist PC detached like a phone-compute. The style was compact and small enough to be pressurised, and the dust and filters in it made it one of the most advanced technologies that Amelia gave him. He always thought of her. And wondered if she did the same. But this gift was kind and expensive. She never spoke of anything other than friendship. So he assumed, she was not into him.
But as he recovered in the bunker, it had been 11 days since he already felt good. His radiation had faded away. And somehow, he was ok. The morning after, he awoke to people screaming and running back and forth in the street above. Wondering how anyone ever survived the blast, he felt it. And it was at least a km away. The power in the street still churned, but people sounded crazed.
He had to find out what the heck was going on. But Amelia Sara G kissed him, and she held him back. And whispered don't go. But he had to. His hazy bubble bubble-line declined and 1000-radiation resistance. He built it himself when his preparation skills grew he invested in everything he needed. And built it all into his house. The huge 2,000-millimetre-thick wall dropped out and hung open.
Jackson, being as game as a madman, walked out in his camouflaged Hazmat with O2 and nitrogen tank mix, capable of walking the surface for 2h without getting much contaminated air.Pausing outside the bunker blast doors. They opened outwards like a cyclone protection system. H3 prepared for every single idea he could imagine always writing down ideas and new ways to survive any situation. Writing several survival books and novels.
Not in any of his books could be prepared for this. His heart pounding, but when he opened the door, he felt no anxiety. No stress like it melted away. Like he was working on a book.
While closing the hatch, he felt something move across the concrete like hard steps. Stomping through the smoke and fog. A person he went to see if they needed help. They walked out into the street, and he followed.
The tree was an upheaval of ruins and debris cars shattered but what flew past his face one after the other, not even taking notice of him. He didn't understand what happened to them but they were people shrivelled but still walking but they got so irradiated they lost their minds. But what got him was their mouths they had no ears or noses, but their teetwcoverededde in blood. Like vampires or zombies from the stories.
He stepped back as a few more came sprinting by screening and howling like creatures. But they had yellow eyes. Some glow and his guger counter went bananas, ticking overdrive he stepped further back as the glowing One raised its hands and those dead around raised like zombies from a grave standing like they just got given necromancy life.
But he didn't believe what he was seeing, closing his eyes he felt them calling the glowing one calling him through his eyelids. He saw a storm of radiation that zipped and zapped with a green glow of lightning. But he felt the emptiness and the hollowness of that Goul the One glowing. With a green radioactive glow. A fog of irradiated air seeped through the streets he felt nothing.
Either his bio-hazard superior Radiation Sute was a prototype, or he never got enough time to give it to anyone to produce. There was something else in the mist behind his eyes, something undergoing transmutation. He never thought he would get so close. But the thing was a hulk of mutated flesh.
Then he opened his eyes, and the Glowing one looked at him. And cowled calling more of the undead irradiated people. He watched as 200 to 300 Feral Gouls chased the Glowing in as it ran off over the broken down Dubble decker bus.
He stood there about to take off with them. Pulling himself back like some zealot about to chase after the prophet. He turned back to the ally. And moved back to the hatch. But he was pushed back as another feral chased after that glowing one.
But he got up and opened the harch. His decontamination shower was off to the side. He didn't want to irradiate anyone in the bunker. Evan thought it was only a few people he still needed to protect from himself.
Standing under their decon shower, he opened the backup safe room that he built as a fail-safe in case he had to survive just outside of his safe home. The shipping containers were ded together off to the underside of his house in the city. He built this illegally and with his own hands.
But Amelia was standing right there. Jackson held his hand up as she did too. He taped the walkie-talkies, and she answered.
Why are you out there? What happened? He takes a breath in, then out. Pulled his hand away.
Theirs an XIX006 Prototype in my cellar, it has enough fusion Power to walk the entire circumference of the earth 200 times if I die take it and the sub to Australia the channel leads to the sea, and then the AI will complete the rest of the task. He dropped back like he was never going to see her again. But he went to the secondary bunker. 1 week, 2 weeks and he didn't change he ate good food and cleaned his blood but, it still had some kind of knot in the DNA.
That no matter what he does his body heals, he cannot die and I have made him lose touch. After 3 weeks he cleared himself and attempted to enter the bunker proving his clean body.
But Amelia was distant, she felt confused about the world he described she could not face going out there no matter the protection. But after a few days, Jackson was ready to make the move to the submarine Omnisubersabe capable of flying and going underwater but he needed to put the FC into his OOmnisub engine
She pulled him back but he had to go, she hit him but he showed her. That her mother was weak she cannot survive. Her cancer was in its 3rd stage getting into her organs. He would wait but he had to check it at least.
I will come back Amelia ok I am only checking the sub's condition.' Her smile faded but she nodded and he pulled away closing the hatch to the backyard. His armour was one of the first AI-powered Quantum Fusion core-powered.
The Metallic, Ai integration & Cooperation with intelligence Mechenes. He got this given to him by a man who invited him to Australia to be a technology Research General. He funded his own Prototype Power armour which was meant to be presented to Australia at the Mining and Convention expo, for mining a rare element known as Quantazieum Hydrosillicite with unknown qualities and applications.
The few allocated to work on secret projects only talked about in person the Otherworldly technologies and pseudo-science methodology making very few believe in what they have achieved.
Reverse-engineered from the crashed Spacecraft. Or craft of wormhole and Anti-gravity technology. Jackson shook his head he had to focus not on what happened before all this. But what he can do now?

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...