The elevator, well, weighted pad, seemed to drop faster and faster. Strange yellow light illuminated the Abyssal darkness below. As each level dropped away from them, they practically fell 1000 feet per minute. But that's not some sort of inertia. Dampers and static fields of electromagnetic invisible radiation.
At first, Lily's Ring, the one her grandmother gave her, was clicking. Ticking, clicking, winning, and even wearing. She taped the side and a transformed Personal. Interactive Organisational. Stats and information devices. PIO-SAID Wrist computer formed around her dominant wrist. Light weight practically weightless.
She wondered how her great-grandmother built this thing with the technology being what it was. She assumed that what civilisation had. Was the height of technology when secretly organisations such as British-Australian New Zealand- Mining and Agriculture, Scientific Space and Earth Resources.
(BAOMSSSER) Baomesser Corp was not well known by the Commonwealth, USA, and Australia, hidden in secret. They are responsible for loaning money to very large lucrative banks. And from that reserve interest, making so much owning half of the world was an understatement.
All of the big giants in the technology industry like Rob-Co and Nuka-cola are small compared to the sheer breath, and with Baonesser Corp being so old, people people the combination of loans and ideas pitching to Mr Jones. He took on all kinds of researchers and scientists. Saving them from death through Cryo-sleep. Also known as cryogenics. But as they were the centre of all research, exploration and discovery, those in the know. Never talk of what happens in Mt Koziosco.
Have signed a non-disclosure agreement when the 3 surfaced dwellers are. Reach the last level. The break stopped the elevator on its own.
Just before they hit the bottom, the darkness split when the sensors and lights activated. It was brand new, every inch of the place coated in a non-half-life coating, making it indestructible or at least non-decaying. As Ethan sparks up his torch, bright enough to see.
Lily noticed they stood on thousands of cryo-sleep pods built into the floor. Some of them had descriptions like dedicated researcher Jame Cooper Gridine. Rejected by top companies for advanced cryogenic research. Press the green button to speak?"
She was leaning on the green button, and it released the man, trapped in ice, but the ice instantly turned liquid and almost gelatinous. Jelly, like she saw him, almost gulp. But pull on the handrail that drailed the Bio-jelly.As the man took a breath, not affected by any cryo lag or any sort of sickness or the temporal kind.
He stood up dry like he was not in the water at all, some sort of somoni-cryo-gel. She was fascinated by this. And asked the man.
"Hey, what was that? you were frozen like in water? It was strange how you're not wet at all. She felt a lab coat as clean as anything brand new. Did he go in there with a brand-new lab coat?
Ava was suspicious. She searched for 16 years for the answers unfolding right before her.Hehehm, he cleared his throat and pulled down on the collar of his coat. He straightened the device attached to his coat. Under his coat was a gold-lined jumpsuit, but it was so tightly wrapped around his arms that they could hear the movement of his breath.
"My name is Research General James Cooper at the Underground This is my life's work. 200 years, he pulled his head back from the Coffin he had come out of. And took another breath.
Haha, I told you fools I would make a sustainable way to travel into the future they just didn't know anything about ha, I was lagged when I proposed the bio-gel cryogenic method to VT-University Appalachia ha. They won't forget the day they rejected me from joining the researchers at Vault 96. He pulled out and started walking and talking.
You see, as we discovered that several possible futures were proposed by Mr Jacob Jones he was the visionary that built these networks of cities under the feet of civilisation while maintaining a cover that was Exploration mining, Dam good building 7,000lkm of underground roads from here to Western Australia, some say that he even went as far as the United States but that, can't be I was placed here to act out his plan to survive what he called total Annihilation."
We never knew what he meant until the invention of Atomic And Hydrogen Bombs. Using a cover for the use of advanced technology from outer space."
He paused and turned to Lily her jumpsuit was blue, and he had blue tips lightly blending into her hair. Dr. James Cooper West. Was written on his lab coat pocket.
Lily noticed that he had a scar on his right cheek and a sort of limp when he walked. Like he was in an accident.
Ava was no stranger to advanced theories and was loving the story. But Ethan felt like he was trapped even, though there was technically no roof.
Come now, "said Dr . J Cooper, as he taped on a blank wall that seemed to go nowhere. But as he pulled his hand back. Sure enough, a wall retracted vertically. While Ava, who was the ancestor to the local. The last decent of the Walgalu and Ngarigo Peoples. Hesring roumers of her family still alive up here somewhere but never actually told Ethan.
She swallowed nervously and followed Ethan, silent, not sure what to expect here. This is a spin-out situation. She had to get a grip, ethan was there he was always there a hood friend. She pulled on his arm. "Hang on, i need to chat for a second." Ethan pulled back from Lily and Dr James Cooper, who seemed to know what she was doing or just going with the flow.
Hey, i didn't tell you the truth. Why im up here, in the snowy mountains. My family used to live here, and my grandmother spoke of the mountain super landmass expending to the corners of Australia as one single slab of gannet.

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...