2077 4 weeks after the T-2 Nuke hit Britain London city. The water was cold, but jackson knew that he was climbing up the slope holding the huge rock he was stronger than he realised. I'm calling this form of mutation he was able to record them with his Rc- Ring and waist computer system that now placed a bubble around his body, giving him the illusion of a forcefield.
As the waves pushed him forward, nothing seemed to target him. The Hord was in small groups along the coastline. The Largr crab mutants seemed to be small, but somehow, nowhere they are evan larger, about 4 feet taller than him.
As he made his way into the city, Jackson Westfield covered his face and technology in a rag. That when he sneaks, the lights are dimmed as the radiation from the ocean gave him several ability he dident know how they worked.
Jumped up onto a car roof and ended up on the roof how on earth, is he able to leap this high. The dust from his landing fell down into the ruined city below. It's been 4 weeks now, and he had not expected there to be anyone left.
It started with small grouped, huddled around fires. Then, as he walked, they were groaning, moaning, as Jack walked through the street of turned up cars and broken homes. The sound was unbearable. He thought people sounded bad the first day. This is insane. Most of them have boiled skin, missing noses others had black eyes like a demon.
Their skin seemed to be patches of skin attached to withered muscles, not to mention the sound of millions of people dying. He felt their pain. Somehow, he was seeing what was in their heads. It was a physical part that scared him. Their insanity made him jump out of their.
He was flying, well thats what it felt like right to the house he left with, Amelias parents he had to check on them.
But as he approached the doorway, he hears the insane scaww of a Goul, a feral he called them. And her mother she was to, with atom now. Jackson entered the room, and both of them ran right at him and then past him. He looked at them as they ran off, he dident have it in him to take them out. Collecting his gear and wepons that Didgitizer collection activated, and most of the heavy things become like a gram, his backpack was light but his strength at 16 and intelligence 15, the only thing he had to work was the lock, his mother gave him, she said,
"Jackson, when you think the time is right open this , i hope it finds you more luck, then it did me,
He held his bracket the gift she gave him, long ago before the cancer took her. And his father to. The lock was not too hard, just a twist and pull. He was in. The chest popped open, revealing a set of gloves nothing on earth can make these things.
Then he taped them, the gloved appeared on his hands like they were glued on. He waved them off but to no avail.
After a few moments, Jack pulled his hands away from his face. And a voice in his head echoes acoss a plain as he sees into the distance. The clue crystalline like image of a land made of blue. But he was there for a second, then it faded away like it was never there to begin with.
He sat back in the dusty chair and realised the field of view was Augmented on the gloved it had a hatch on the top side. As he taped it, the bone like case popped open. Reviling that it, the glove was part of a set. He then saw the mountian of snow, with humanity build under it.
He saw a woman, the Astronordic Nomad, a qween of the galaxy. But he just left Amelia for this vision he saw and looked confused while he hung his clothes over his mouth. He darted up to the roof, seeing the hord descend on the millions in the street. Before he could stop them. They become part of the Glowing ones hord. He felt his presence like a glowing beacon to Atom, then, he heard a voice say,
You are Atoms Will, go forth and spread his light. But he was hearing the glowong ones voice. He shakes and twitches as the, the resistance is futility, and struggle is strength. But your will, is mine i will rule this Land"
He pulled away from the eyes of the glowong one, black but glowing, and jumped up to the highest mark on the map, he was there for weeks before he had courage to leve, and continue the mission the brightness of Radiation has beckoned him to, destroy this imposter. And wipe his hord clean.
He was watching from above the thousands of glowing ferals. Following that dark green one, without evan a word he watched them, drown captives in the same radiation they are made of. The mega centre of all 3 that hit the coast. He was pulling his eyes away from the horrific sight.
But jacks recon has been insane. He mapped out the edges of the hords territory.
Atom was speaking to him often now, then he was a few days ago. It must be unhappy with this Defiler of atomic radiation. The thing speaks with no gender, a mix of feminine and masculine tones through the words.
One thing that Jack felt was the irritation and misrepresentation of what Atom is, this defiler of nature posing to be, the one who called himself Radiation itself, Gamma, Xeon radiation electromagnetic, evan the other ShemRads have been complaining to him. To stop this abomination from destroying the future.
Jackson has been recording this thing for weeks now it never leves its castle, taking up residence inside the old Ben ruins in the centre of the city. The glowing one, Jack has nick named "Glow-Traxion" a sort of intelligent Feral.

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...