He cleared his lounges and spoke with determination and grace. The Playmaker Or Leader of Eden Ark. His brown skin and ironic nose have most of the settlements attention.
"We have been here for a good 25 years now. After the great swarm wars of 81, we have decided to make for Auz, whoever wins the Arena leads, and joins the following the surrounding settlements from the Swarm as Eden escape. With last season being the most devastating in history, we have no choice but to make way for us to survive is to make for the coast."
The settlement was 120,000 strong and the swarm takes 2,500 people a season.
Aftet Joseph turned his head. He scoffed and almost spqt on the ground. But nobody hesrs him anyway. Number 19 had a lot to live up to. His dad defeated the swarm in 79. And 81 dieing to defend this place. After the loss of Frōdō in 97, nobody here understands what it's like to fight for family and die doing so. it always keeps playing over and over in his mind. The day his dad left and never came back, it was 10 years later that the old man died he told me the truth of the first week. What actually happened then. He was old and crazy but, Frō spoke the truth and always had everyones best interest at heart.
He designed this entire place for the sole purpose of surviving an event. That nothing can withstand.
As Joseph Mōkai had a tail, he unnoticed, but she was trailing him. But keeping out of the light. Her bame was Cas-edi Mōkai Josephs little cuz. He headed towards the Filtration tank, and then yowars his home number 19, was assigned to, exploring the northern part of. The old city Auckland.
And he was going over his mission briefing. Onky to be frightened by some little scurrying , shadow he at first didn't think anything of it, but when cas clesred hout his bottle caps. She had them in her right hand, smirking.
"Ahhh, i got you again, cuz. i bead nobody can catch my shadow. She sneaks off but gos casually invisible die to her skill in sneak. Joseph put 2, fingers up signing was her, language she was unable to, hear anything since she was born. The Street doc said the other day that Cass had a rare form of sound depraved, drumbs she can't hear ,sounds but vibrations. Somehow, it is making her capable of feeling the movement in the air. He always worried about her name after his mother Cass was a splitting image of her.
When Joseph pulled his finger back in. She knew that he was going to challenge Playmaker Dion. It was the first time he had the guts to challenge their leader. The only 2 other people have challenged him, but he always played dirty and somehow got away with cheating. The rest of the Eden settlements assume he's a hero, joeys dad told him the truth. When he was, 7 His dad Jeremy was strong,
The flashback was, of his dad, his voice was rarely angry, his cool nature made, him confident.
Joeys dad, one of the last true heroes, Joseph thinks as hthe words, ring in his mind. "Thing, ya need to remember about Doin, son is," he won't show, who he really is, unless, theirs danger, he will do anything to protect his own life. That means kill. People like him will rule the end of the world, with fear and anger. Rather than empathy. Love and compassion. These are the most important emotions. When you feel it's not right. Answer that with anger, to fight fear with anger. As fear turns into anger. As his mom came in, she was where the Playmaker came from. Cass. He kissed her on the cheek and rubbed his nose for more than a min, the present breath as , 3 year old Joseph breaths out. He opened his eyes.
The only other person who knew was Frōdō Michael andrew Lee, joey was so worried that he would never get the chance to challange him, with all the excuses under the sun why, they cant have it out.
As he walked into the Battlefield,
Tonight, we have 11s runner-up vs. the champion Joe Alcasidy arena Fight against 11 and 19."The show man yelled out the time was 8:00pm the time when Joey walked up to his armour. The winner of this match will get the privilege to face the swarm where they will be tested for courage, intelligence, and agility. Perception, Luck, Strength, Charisma, Speech, survival,

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...