Numbe 19 was hunting the first monster to pose a threat to the Eden Settlements. He was talking to Michael Frodo Andrew Techmo-14 or explained that the "Playmaker was planning on letting Joseph or. No19 to the Swarm. And never expect him to ever return. MAF-14 beeped, and his voice box was authentic it sounded exactly like him.
Joseph nodded, so what do we do about the Playmaker. He is surrounded by heavily armoured Power Armour. How do you expect us to. Take out 26 of the most elite of (Recon-17 Dev Alpha) they are smart and won't let anyone near. The Sly Prick"
Excuse me, "said joey Cass, pulled her hand up," her hands and pulled back the closed fist, and thumb on top. " she then signed," her hand folded over her arm and mimed network."The smile face on the blue screens was Michaels way of saying, hey shes right."""
Joey nodded and said, "But how are we going to get them all away from the Range-Finder!
The screen went, yellow and, the MFA said,'i will proceed with identifying the frequency the rangers use their sutes in, and i can control them from. Here, i will clear the way. You just end it 19! Casy signed "power, Together and her mum grabbed her hand, and they left for the Armo bays, where it was late and only 1 person was there.
Cas pulled up to the armour and dropped down and uncliped the anchor, holding the sute to the floor. Her mum looked at the floor. And pointed, " can you" move through the air ducted and keep an eye on joey, if MAF can help a ,screen come up next to them and he placed a map, to his secret lab, "she will be safe there we can monitor and. Send back up! " as they said goodbye, the hatch opened, and Cass went in she followed the path and did what her mother said.
But the thumping and shockwave of the monsters above made her stop she cant hear a thing. But the vibration through the Foundation made every move through the underground a hectic ride. Much was happening above, and nothing the settlements are aware of. The quick action by MFA14 and the secondary protocols for Eden Ark. The people listing to a radio station that plays some old beats on repeat.
Like the channels of his mind, joey navigated the junk town like a boss. And had no trouble from the Rangers he was in his recon armour and sneaking mind you. His skills are notifications on mute. The wrist C9mputer Light on Blend. He climbed the stacked junk city of Eden Ark.
He was a shadow with Ninja perk and Silent Running Perk on rank 3. Her was like shadow , silant as an empty cave. The only Ranger still in his armour was Junior. His skill in battle is unmatched.
And with 34 wins in the arena. He was someone 19 dident want to mess with. He Silent crouched down. Pulled his silenced Playmaker Prime Silenced 50.Cal holdong his breath he pulled in. Holding the finger right from the edge of letting go.
When the light from the camera above the door shined in his scope, something he didn't expect, the guy walked right into his scope, or right where he could get him. The bullet let loose. And flew true with no wind. And dead silent, the bullet ricocheted from the air filter into the helmet. The armour froze and went limp as the eyes went from a Remnant X03 Prototype Eye to. Blue haze. The armour walked off.
Joey dropped his gun into the matrix of his wrist computer. That sucked his gun into the -Didiphysic- Dimention of his inventory Didgitizer. He flew off the solid steel roof and the ground sook. He saw it move as he flew.
The lights cut out for a moment, and he was in. He got the door open and pushed the folds of the curtains back to the way they were. Befor he was seen. He waited, saw his chance, and pulled a knife on the Playmaker. Knowing there was no way for any peace with him in charge, but before he could, he dropped the knife and punched him down.
The Playmaker laughed while he bleed from the mouth. The words "you're just like your dad, thinking he was right. Look at us. We are all losing our shit. There's no food. The government has not been seen in 10 years. We can't let this end. He was struggling, but joey tied his arms up. And placed him in Jail, he had in his office.

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...