As the Bossman Typan, the rest of the Red-Belly-Typan clan moved on the city abandoned next to the mountian. The tower staning behind their leader. Jackson is still moving forward in the group, being dragged behind like a slave. He felt the crisp air of the Raidiactive storm brewing. The world is still barely holding on. He felt her beyond the ridge, but she was different.
After healing a second time, the crew infront of him, holding their wepons toghtas Jackson, the century old Ghoul, still sane, somehow holding on. But he knew one thing: Atom, the one who sent him here, 40 years ago to find the Artifact , his power is channelled through Radiation wepons. But this one was different, made by a blacksmith of both Swords , ballistic and explosive built by the one, named Mr, Jones he told him this tail, before going under southwest of Appalachia
Way off rhe map, he traveled from there to here acros the world to find her, Amelia he evan abandoned the call, From atom who warned him, of the hords and their corruption by the necromancy Glowing ONE.
Je kicked the dirt. Remembering when he was here 45 years ago, looking for her but met this group of powerful warriors, both of their settlements at peace, 2113 was a time. Suddenly, he was taken back watching the horizon fade invisible, as he blinked Jackson was back there.
The shores wrapped gently across the sand of the Eden Ark stadium. The crew managed to get the entire hull up to the city by moving it with man power and the 23 power armour augmented sutes.
It took 3 days, but we did it ," Jackson was helping as much as he could fixing repairs on the electronics abord the old stadium. It was almost mid-morning when the Moakai family, their settlement, dug a new Hāngī , after catching the crayfish what are called mutant Perls, and their fishing methods catch freash fish yes, but most of them are mutated beyond digestion.
Mikie, who was working on the port bow, left the side engine, adapting it to take tracks so their city could move.
Jackson knew this man was not human he spoke like one, but from his travels through the wasteland, he's got to be a synthetic. But whether it was human and now is not, he had no clue.
"How are you today, mikie?" He slammed the open-ended Spanner at the huge engine that sounded like a diving bird close up.
"You're still at it, i see, i have some technology i scavenged.
Jackson Westfield , i do have some trade, scrap, and also this. " he held his hand out and uncovered the gowing jar, inside some flower that had a bioluminescent glow. But it was a clear, purple greenish hue with a stem that was thorny.
"What is it?" mikie asked his hand, cupping the jar, "i found it in the western mountian range. It's immune to radiation they grow way up above the atmosphere. I was looking for a way past the Eastern Hills"
Mikie scanned the organics. "This has a fifth level 5 star mutation,"making it rare as,"
"I'll give you these, i was able to synthesize a stronger compound for you, but now i know you're a sort of Ghoul well lets just say your full of mutations about 34 to be exact, im still working out your abilities, but it seems they are all, positive Mutations. Making you immune to disease and radiation gives you perks.Here i updated your Index, it will reflect and slot each perk, you can use when you can use them, like night only perks, and wepons Passive effects like increased zoom, and night vision when you crouch, have yo tried sneaking?"
Mikie pulled up the tape with instructions. Jackson crouches down and becomes slightly invisible. He stood up, and light stopped reacting. " What, that's strange,"
They continue talking for about 30 min about all sorts of things. Joeseph number 19 was helping the others simulate the pit with fire, and weaping the food in palm and banna leaves, the biggest stones on the bottime covering them in sand after rhe ambers burn down then the food, it was a feast for 20,000 people to the center of the stadium has been adapted to be their fire pits known a Hūngī, its was a long day but by the night, all the food was prepared and the group had a great feast together.
As Jackson drifted back to the present 2151 along the southeast side of Mt Koziosco City. Bosman Typan was pulling Jackson like a slave thinking he was just a weark Ghoul, bu his face has changed. Turning back to see Jackson, his skin fully healed like he was human again. But he shook his head and shorted at one of his men to go check him.
Jackson head down, face covered in a dark shadow of the moonlight. His hands sparking with some green lightning with fires of green, he melted the chain. Looked up right at Typan. His men stepped in front of him. Or rather, he used them as shields.
He lifted his hand up and folded their wepons in half, some fired at the same time their hands exoloded. He was floating or moving so fast. Typan can't see his movements. His crew 1000 men shooting and firieng, leting fly rockets and one of them had a nuke tyoen instructed him to let it fly, the MRIV was free his men still in the crossfire as Typan drove off, he turned back to se what happen to the mini'nuke as it detonated Jackson held his hand up.
The mini-mushuroom cloud dripped back down as his power was restored from the Atomic ,high Oraganic rad abortions, Typan was breathing heavily while his electric Humv, adapted with spikes and a snow plow lepes into the air. His driver franticly turned the wheels.
Jackson was already up, infront of them hilding his fist flat then he opened it, the car flipped from the localised teleporting of that Mushroom cloud, he pused the mini nuke exoloded underneath the Bosman Typans humv, sending it into the air.
Jackson had to check if his tormentor was gorn. But when he approched only one man was left in the wreckage.
He saw some drag prints and followed them to a tree he was strung over, bleeding out. "You don't have a clue who you're messing with, 'im only one of the Typan Bossman. When they find you, you won't survive. Jackson lifted hi head, and pushed him back into the pocket below with several ferals stuck in mud.
He scrambled to make it out, but the radiation turned him. Before he reached the mud, Typans eyes went green, then black, and he became a Roamer. The mud dident hold him for more than a second before he climbed out of the pit, Jackson saw the Roamer look back at him, then run into the woods.
Jackson shook his head. "Oh, o well, if he comes back, i will have to finish him. The Roamer was piss bolting straight into the open landscape. His breathing heavily poster like a Staunch Kangaroo, he was running for weeks, but come to the oceans edge, joining a pack of ferals, preying on victim's attempting to land on shore in the south.
Jackson could not shake the feeling that he was right, that Typan was not his name it was just a name given to the Bosman of each sector of the region, maybe.

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...