Fallout Australia Part 7 into the City

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The underground was vast, and Ava and Ethan followed Lily, the only person in town who seemed to know what they were doing. Ava asked why they were there and what they were doing, and Lily explained that she had inherited 100,000 trillion dollars before this and was now obliged to help those less fortunate. She wanted to use the money to build sustainable homes and land.

Ava sensed Lily's frustration and stress and eventually asked a serious question. Her father had left her notes hinting at the truth about some mines he had worked on and how they were all connected.  Lily's eyes widened, and she explained that she had been looking for people like Ava and Ethan who wanted to uncover the truth, no matter how difficult it was.

Lily asked for their help in convincing the town to go underground before 9 am. the next day. She couldn't explain why but asked for their trust. Ava and Ethan agreed to help, and they headed towards the stadium underground. They passed many people walking the streets, looking at the cars and mining expos, which were just a cover for getting people to the underground on the same date each year, in preparation for the prophecy.

Ava, Ethan, and Lily all felt nervous and anxious about the upcoming cataclysmic event, but Lily had not yet explained the details. All she knew was that people would die, and without help, she was afraid the anxiety would not go away.

They walked for ten minutes and found an intersection with words above one of the tunnels: "Stadium." As they entered the underground, they noticed that the walls had not broken down after 150 years, with no red patches or rust anywhere. Ethan was the only one who noticed it, but Ava found her words and explained that it felt like impending doom hanging over all of them.

Do you ever feel as though you are just about to die like every present moment you are about to pass away? It's not fun!"

She said, but Ava was shopping they would comfort her, but she felt it also, an impending death doom.

Lily turned right around on one heel and then saw her face was serious. "Yes, I do too. It's horrible. Almost like dying!! "

The stadium had several open levels that had them all Awestruck.

The place went down so far they could not see the bottom.

"How on earth did he build this in 1997? It would take 50 years." Lily smiled she was not sure, but these two seemed alright.

Unprepared for the answer, Shellura just mumbled along.

"Well, apparently, he builds it out of several hundred diamond iron gold silver lithium mines across Australia underground. My great great great grandmother will know more about me."

As they discovered there was no power, the huge underground city was dark damp and empty. But there was a small dim light that reflected off several other mirrors like it was right, there for them to see.

Do you see that Ava spotted the yellow light from up here? What do you suppose that is meant to be? It's the only light down here. She spotted the elevator, but it was not powered by electricity. As they got in, the thing slowly dropped from their weight. There was only a break that they assumed got faster and needed a break.

The elevator moved slowly at first, but as they went on, it got faster. Ethan pulled the lever down and stopped it as it got too fast for control. But it all appeared to be constructed with high, carbon-tempered steel.

By the time they got to the bottom of the Abyssal darkness below. They touched down, but the light seemed brighter from this far away.

Lily moved along the path with grace, but she was determined to pull this thing together, save who she could, and get past this disaster. She is not one to believe in random coincidence, but she was homeless a few years ago. Now there's no doubt that it's real.

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