Year 2151 one day after, The Red-Belly-Typan Clan, gather, lesding the hord of 500k, towards the mountian. after the final fall of earth. Amelia the, outbacka, known as the Bounty hunter. And Jackson, Cappys crew. Gather under the Steel Tower, the origin of The Brotherhood. Has been a mystery for years.
Amelia, who has been to the US, and Canada looking for Jackson. She had found him, after n3ver finding him after 30+ years she is giving into hopelessness.
She looked at Jacksons eyes, his big black eyes. And wondered where he was looking. When he turned his chin to her eyes. Both of them look older than the 22-25 years old.Cappy, who was looking into the computer system, the hack was very hard. And it took him ages. Both of them stood there watching the screen. But when cappy opened the roller Shutter. The lights from RBT Clan were bright. They must not know exactly where the Tower is.
The sesrch lights, off in the distance searching for, Bosman Typan. Who just joined the Hord as. Roamer, he screaming , Signals the other, Glowing ones. While cappy broke past the security.
"The lower levels have been offline for over 50 years." What did you say, you knew about this place?" asked cappy, who was surprised when Jackson answered he dident look any different to the rest of them. Appart from the Radiation Spewing off his decades old clothing and the scare crow hat.
It was secconds later that Jackson answered. "Well was with the crew when they were at their peak. Aftet a difference of opinion. It made it harder to stay when leadership changed." The brother hood, after that, disappeared. I come back multiple times. Only to discover there was nobody home.
"It was 30 years before gettin, da corage to enter dis place." Jackson was talking as short as possible, with the TYPAN Clan, on way.
The lower parts of Mt Kosciuszko had a low atmosphere. Making it hard for the Ghouls to run, slowing down by both the slopes and the sheer sloaps that rise from the base of mt Kosciuszko.
Jackson stopped when he heard, "Cappy hack the Hard Computer network terminal. "Yess, i got the word, "designation"
The huge door, that was at first a wall, then as the sound of the Bulk-Bunker Entrance. The door was slow, and about meters thick, the wheels are made of a high-poly PVC material. And it looks as new as it was, when installed over 200 years ago.
"Do you think they are still alive?
Jackson smiled, a cheeky smile, and just plainly said.
"There's a possibility. They all survived, but its been 50 years since i have been in contact with the Brotherhood. At Kosciuszko Mountian.
"Amelia looked over at the door, as it sounded like a train, that pulled the breaks. She was always driven to head back here, i have never been inside, but i was told many times that, their was things out of their control. That's what Lily Junior. Who died about 30 years ago.
"As the air that pushed across Amelias hair, and face. Smelt like the freshest air. She had smelt. Breathing it in deeply, she also smelt Rusty Steel, which smells like the saliva-mixed with Clay.
As they walk together towards the massive door, Cappy ordered one of his crew "pointing to the roof, and then eyes." Yes, sir, " some of his crew dodent speak. But they made up for it in Expression.

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...