Jackson pulled up next to the old hospital, The Falcon.
Aria, who was still thinking about the golden book she had in her backpack.
Diverted jackson, by asking ,"This was his last known location, according to his contract holder. They sent multiple people to check his progress. But nobody's returned."
"Yeah, thats it, they wont give me the rest of the payment until we have evidence he is either dead or alive,"
The horse, who still looked like a horse of the apocalypse. Green flesh showing and a glowing rad tail. It was momnets before Aria grabbed the reins, and it transformed. "We can leave her out here!"
Jackson - "Well then let her go, she will find us, Aria let go and the horse wondered off. Into the fog like it become a part of the fog and vanished. Aria was blankly looking at the fog. When jackson said :
"Let's go. We need to get inside." The trees had died, but the leaves and stucks moss and earth the entrance was covered in nearly 8 months of seasonally debree.
Most of the lights are working Aria herd something, grown. Then, I looked back, thinking it was the Fouse-Rad, the Horse of the apocalypse. But it was from within the structure. Stubhill entrance, the road entering had several hundred cars, piled up the u bend road, the entrance looked like it had ,a localised explosion. Scorched marks on the outside.
As jackson inspected, the ambulance turned over, Aria fell back, almost to the past, but as she sat down, the room was different.
Inside the ambulance, the day of 2077, 23rd October 9:42am.
Aria was looking out the windows. When the call came in, "we have a shooting down town, Glasgow,"
"We are right next to it, "she smiled, not evan thinking. But when the call was cancelled. "She looked back over at her husband, driving the ambulance.
"You know what, we should go check just in case." she was still in the bliss of the moment. "Charlie turned his head. When I see something flash.
"Did you see that, Ariah?" He asked Aria who. Turned her head left to see nothing.
"Na, what was it? She asked, hoping it was a rainbow.
Charles started getting the strange sensation. In his chest, the flutter of doom rose up out of his belly. Then he pulls up behind an allyeay. In his head, he was thinking, this day was going to come.
"He looked into her eyes. She had a green hazel and blue ember on her left eye, but her right was normal green, but at this moment, they looked blue, both of them.
"You know i never get to tell you how amazing you are, your kind, generous, willing to die for family, and sacrifice anything to save one person. "The world.. is going to need people like you to balance the bad"
"Aria was smiling she has not blushed this much since the day they met. charles leaned over and cliped her belt in, and then his.
She looked at him, his black hair and blue eyes, sh3e wanted to say, the same.."Charles i," the shock wave hit them, 22 second after the slightest little quake, the ambulance turned over, flipped and flipped, and Aria was not thinking. But then she felt it go quiet. Blanking out, in a white out from the Panic attack.
Her hands over her head, Jackson tried to get a response from Ariah ,but she was still crying. But breathing deep and out of control.
He lifted her up and spoke louder. "Aria, Aria.. what is it....?
Then, she pointed over to the ambulance. It was like being back then, i.. he died saving me, i dont know, really, but that's where i woke up?"
Jackson told her to stay put, and he went over to find out what it was all about. Pulling the turned over Abbulance up Against the other turned over cars. From what jackson can see, the ambulance was empty, nothing.. but he has seen something glimmer under the sand.
"He climbs in over the already scavenged medical supplies. To find a envelope, that had a Metalic stamp with a reflective matte surface.
Gurne Roling bed, and inside the drivers seat, was a necklace and the envelope.
He opened the unsealed letter. And read the contents. " You were in a comer for 5 weeks the one day i go get food, you wake up? Come find me at your parents' Estate. Signed Charles.
"Jackson was unsure if this was for Aria. Until he handed the necklace and letter to her. 'Her eyes widened, 'he was alive, he diden leave me.. i was ... she broke down crying. Balling, actually.. he comferted her, but when she realized he was , at her old Castle.
"We have to go. I have to go. He wistled the Rad-fouse , then said, "Can you wait one second? i want to check if there was anyone here..
He disappeared behind some cars, and Aria, whose heart was full with hope. Waited for 3 min, and he dident return. 30 min passed, and she became worried.Leveing Fouse for a moment, ahe darted inside. The dark was illuminated by the subtle lights of the reception desk. Nobody at work for at least 12 months. She thinks as she silently moves past the desk.
Beyond the entrance was a scattered hospital that looked like it was just left yesterday. Somehow, it is still clean, but only a few misplace items from obvious scavengers.
Aria wispered "Jackson "Jackson!? Her voice was crackling. But it was the dark ominous room up a head she was concerned about. The screems she herd were her own when she saw a skeleton.
Jackson was there he reached out, hushing her, and she slapped him in a nervous reaction.
"We have to get out of here, theres somthing up with the security. The camras keep looking at me, but i can't find anyone here?
"Aria knew this hospital. She worked here a while back. "Follow me," she wispered as they sneak past the reception to the morgue.
The entrance was blocked by hundreds of chairs tables and benches like it was trying to keep something in. Jackson rose up from his feet and said.
Jackson -" i dont think that there's anyone here." But as he said that, something groaned from behind the barracks of patched together make shift walls.
"The dead, walk, " in blood and a note stapled to. Hand print "Falcon changed locations, left us a trap if anyone gets this I went aftet him, hes not getting away with what he did 5* G Walace."
"Hes gorn to a place called " Futurity Tech HQ?
Aria had not heard that name in over 15 years, not since her father retracted public investment and shares in his company.But when her farther "Damian Falweather. Her mother always said he dose things for no reason and out of the blue. "That's my farthers old compay. They have been out of the picture for nearly 15 years.. what do my family have to do with this Falcon guy?
Aria was not ready to give in to the idea that her dad was some bad guy. This falcone guy is worse. He always was cryptic..
"Then we are going to the same ,place do you think your dad had an underground secret laboratory."

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...