As She stood there watching the old man fade away. He passed the final test and was the background of her dream realm. Turned into an empty and endless void, she realised that these dreams she had. And her choices are all him The prophet must have sensed it he smiled as he passed with his eyes closed. He didn't change, but his body slowly faded away until all that was left was his hair and fingernails.
Ava was watching a light burn so bright she filled the entire void with light. She took a deep breath when it expanded she was looking at herself from the third view, but she was sitting on the stump with the bone armour. But she was different, a ruler of a great land.
She woke up, but it was like she knew it was time. Opening her eyes, she saw only the armour neatly stacked on the stump. His hair and nails are somehow still here. After hearing a laugh and his spirit fading into the universe, she felt he was at peace living a very long and full life.
When the others got back, Ava was standing up, placing the nicely kept bone armour on, and the augmented outfit began.
At first, Ava felt the sting of small filaments attaching themselves to her spinal cord, and Cooper smiled.
The smirk was only slightly there, on the corner of his lip. But Lily and Ethan both held their hearts high she was going to be a great leader. Cooper, his survival, was no accident he planned this. And had to give Ava the memory she was born to absorb.
After she turned and picked up the Tusk spear made from a mammoth and several enticed animals. She walked like she had a purpose, and Doctor Cooper waved her over.
Hey. Now you have accepted the Mantal of Dreameare ready to take on the Nucleus Kaidōh a special Astral-nordic memory, every Previous Astro nomad has inherited the memory, a special bond with all ancestors that have ever passed through the mountain,"
Cooper stopped silent, Ava hugged Ethan and pulled away, then asked.
'Whats, this Nucleus Kaidōh, and what do I need to do? She was serious. Usually, it's not that easy, but she felt like this was her chance. Quickly now, it takes 12 hours to upload all memory to the cubula tendrils that are synced with your armour. The armour of ancients, they say it's as old, if not older than the earth itself pieced together by Mythical creatures said to hold great power for the one who used it.
It was taken into battle for many, many million years."
She was shocked, looking down at her hands. The bone was all connected, and it had a faint glow in the cracks, and its age was not detectable. Closings her eyes. She lets out a breath. And takes a deeper breath in.
"While you lily go get things ready for the Koziosco city evacuation, just call a fake Cyclone Cat 10, and that should get everyone going under the stadium. You know what to do, Ethan."They nodded, and Ava followed the Stranger Man, Doctor. Researcher Cooper was storming to the Fusion core. And underneath the panel was a switch he pulled.
After a few seconds, something smoked out. Ava saw Cooper glance at her, and he pulled out tongs as if the item was in liquid nitrogen. By then, the strange glowing Crystalline 12 faced Gem of flawless quality 56 carats.
The wind was loud at first, but Ava was not listening to the wind. The gem had already attached to her spine at the back of the Sabre Armour of the Ancients.
Dr Cooper was talking, but she didn't hear him her head was spinning and her ears ringing. she focused on the sound of his voice as she came to the gem fussed to her bones, and she started seeing things.
Ok, this next will be a bit strange, you will experience something profound and impossible so just go with it. She saw things alright, strange shapes, andghostss he opened the panel on the floor and lay her back into the pool of biolumanessite liquid. The Bioluman gem was active. He saw it in her eyes. It was like a flash of blue glow as her eyes turned left and right.
The pool felt like it was the perfect temperature. The sites she was in had some sore of affinity with the biolumanessite liquid. Glowing as it wraps around her Sabrearmourr, it was electrically charged.Theesitee takes care of theAnteriorl memory Ascendancy. A sort of connection to something inside the gemstone that contains ava feels ,like its a hundred thousand minds all existing as one but separately. Written on the surface in small writing.
"From the stars, we came to the stars we go to, the nomadic Astronordic Nomads Chant."
Being thay her DNA is connected to the Ancients, and the first people to land on earth 3.1 billion BC a time she is expiring now. She has seen many, many generations countless to infinite to count. From planet to planet they hopped, but not destroying but adapting, until one Planet, one they come from and returned, but nobody remembers only through Dreams, a astral Ansetral memory, a palm print on the universe seeing ancient memories she never thought possible dragons, and demons angels and gods.
She came to breathe heavily as she climbed out of the bioluminescent pool. At first, her ears ars ringing, then silance. But something remaining her soul invigorated like a Quantum Signiture evolution of the Plain of Aplong in her heart.
Ava looked around, and the hundred thousand people once separately contained in the bio-gel of the crystal. Still contained, but now awakened, she recognized this place not like before but like a thousand times. Over thousands n ,millions of years, this place is the beginning. It is Eden, and Earth was our home once before, and it's our home still. We will endure, even if we have to go back to the nomadic ways."
Her eyes flashed yellow, then back to blue hazel. But she wondered what she had just said. And Doctor Cooper explained.

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...