Fallout Auznzd: NZ Part 23 Shula couda woulda.

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As soon as frōdō saw the light from his protective survival gear, communication from Alycasidy sounded like she was underwater.

"Quick, you need to get everyone to my location. Storm is trapped, and I can't get him out alone."

She was almost broke, but Cas was strong she had brothers who had been strong for her. But with the recent loss of Leo, he was hitting her hard, and with the struggle of her, other brother, then out of nowhere, a few jetpacking All blacks come swooping in. About 5 of them made it.

She instructed them to reach the other side of the bridge, and then Cass signalled them to lift together over the comm. Then, the first attempt was almost a failure. But the teams are used to each other. On the second go, cas was next to him. And pulled Storm out. As the bridge began to slip, she got him out.

As they reached the surface of the lake, Michael came over to the comm.

Oi, fellas number 17, is in trouble he said that one of the civilians has a special gun, and they are using it to blackmail him out of the Rad-resistant Mech, site X006 was not designed, to withstand a Tac-nuke. But as soon as she rises from the water, cas yells, let's go, Cas, who was still dripping as she walked side by side with Storm, who pulled her back, worried for his little sister.

Storm pulled Cas back, he couldn't see her face, but he knew she was not thinking straight. With these metal skins, we have boundaries. They can't achieve what they used to, touching noses hugging, and handshakes are a big part of their culture.

Then she flipped around, "We need to retain our family connections, we have to bring them, family is very important.

Cas didn't know what she was doing. The chaos of the first day has been insane not to mention her reason for loss. Was affecting her mind, when the storm pulled her back she lifted her arm, turned her head and tilted it sideways. Storm knew what that meant it meant that she didn't care what he said. Now, she was completely focused on saving everyone.

Storm was older than them and had been her brother for 19 years. She lifted into the air, and the others looked at the storm. Where is she going now?

Number 17, who was calling his mate number 1, suddenly a voice crackling from the internal com. As Cas flew up, she was crying her com, muted she felt the slipping of the memory she had, for Leo, who was 22 and like her best friend.

Her heart tared away from her soul. She felt like nothing mattered if you lost those you loved. But Leo's voice and memory were reviewed in her brain's eye.

The memory that flooded her mind was that of a huge game they had vs. the Australian Roos, but without knowing whether they would win, storm and Leo at the front cas were seeing him, and his fearlessness and pride.

After the game, they went fishing like they do on the lower east North Island south of Auckland city.

After having a good day swimming next to baby dolphins and orkas and catching several large King fish, and some local crustaceans like pickled sea urchins. After the economy crashed in 2061, it took ages to recover, and most people activated their land and used aquaculture to achieve sustainable and worthwhile aquaculture and aquaculture.

But, as the attack happened. She was unaware that Leo was attacked by a great white shark. The entire team came together and saved his life, as they were celebrating with a drink on the beach. After 30 min, survival was only due to the 17's help. He was involved in another attack, but after this, Leo was different. It must have been due to the shark attack. He was ready to die, but he's grown now. How can she? How can she keep going without her rock? Her friend was born. But it was more than that. Her close friend was now missing from the world, and without him, she felt like it was all useless and all the love had been sucked out of the world.

But the storm could sense it. He felt like he had made sure that nothing had happened to her. He signalled 17 over, who nodded, he was a tank, although you can't see his strength through this metallic medium. He knew what the storm wanted, and they instructed the others to find the rest of the team and help them. They will meet back at Eden Stadium.

Meanwhile, Cas was moving rather quickly across the stormy sky. It had only been 37 min since the moment the world to its knees. Without thinking, Cas found herself on the ground. But it was not for saving someone. It was to investigate some sort of distortion in the radar system. The Xo veteran customised X0PA was just a short abbreviation for the welder's design, Frōdō was a Tripple traded, Engineer,/boilermaker his goal was to bring this team together to, defend their culture and home, but the world was so far out of reach.

It made it impossible for Michael Frōdō Andrew Lee to foresee. But his dreams have been able to connect with a future sight that comes in handy when you are a little crazy and know things, people don't know.

When all of a sudden. He hears chatter on the Com. It was a frequency from Australia. It relayed a message on a loop worldwide broadcasting,

"Come to Mt Kosciusko Networks of mining caves, connecting the city to the mountains west of NSW, and the steel tower."

He replayed it to the team and added his voice at the end. This is it. We need to make it, too. AUSTRALIA, with such a small area, he knew it was the right way, but he also knew that the Maori wouldn't leave their land. They'd rather die here than lose the history.

As he thought this, Cass replied, "We are not living in New Zealand. We will defend this land even from ourselves. She was, followed by several voices agreeing. Michael was at a crossroads. Maybe if he scratched his chin and then looked up to the left. His head churned.

The Protocol was connected, but to go underground, now and across the ocean to Australia seemed more impossible than holding NZ. By now, he is packing back and forth.

Then, with a click he had built several VBird upgraded to, last for thousands of years without rusting, the special lacker, and power coat were given to him by This man in the 1920s before he went into hypersleep for 130 years before waking up in 2050s. He was young, and when he lost his power, he was trapped in this earth's reality until he could find a way back to Earth's prime.

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