As they gathered for the convention, after parties at the stadium, which was half like a hotel. The blue holographic light at the zenith of the stadium and hotel holds enough people. But none are prepared for what's to come or how to survive it.
Jackson Westerfield rejected his ticket out of England. To the convention, he knew that if he did go to the United States, he would be trapped away from anyone he ever knew or loved. A sport at VT-UNIVERSITY, as a lecturer, was too good to pass up. But he knew that if he went to the Appalachian mountains, he wouldn't like it.
One thing stopped him, he was in love with a girl who was not in love with him but if there was a chance that she would fall, he would rather be friends with her and not live alone without her face. It was not much to look at, but he had a shipping container double-plated. And refurbished to house 2 people for 25 years.
He had saved enough food and built a hydro setup. After doing a course at university. He knew now that horticultural. Agriculture was important in a busy city. He managed to convert an old government bunkeintoto into a Foointo product, an anhydropowerer from the sea. He was not the wealthiest man anymore, but now he will survive.
He just needs to stick with Amelia Sara Gor-Vande S . He hated her last name and wished. She had a simple life. Her family is very wealthy but doesn't have a clue how to use it.
He was just a good friend, never wanting to give up his love as a poet, and a writer his heart was filled with music and words. Some feelings he can not explain in words, bumusicct makes sense.
He was reading an old snippet from a newspaper from a few years ago in 1997 when a man disappeared during World War 2. Never to be seen again, mas Estate in the wind. Until air is found.
Koziosco Mining town, Kozi he looked up on his WC computer. Projecting a holographic 3modulele of thmountainan live feed from satellites, the design may not be as sleek as the PmodulesesUSs has. But he liked it either way. JACKSON! Shouted a voice, rushing him from the reception. I told you not to come back here. You're banned. He got up, smiled,
His charm was not going to work on her. She had enough. But he backed away and talked.
"You see, I needed to find one more thing out it was a location in heading to Australia. Wish me luck."
It was 3 until his departure. She nodded. Gooriddancens, you're a menace, Jackson, stays out of trouble while you'rgonern. Then, when he nodded, he saw it coming right for them. What the heck i it..
He was just a few blocks from his house and workplace. But he would never make it. And what of Amelia she.. he didn't just pull right to the house, ran in, and found her. She was talking it up, and they had 20 seconds to get to his house. From there, they can get underground. But the nukes, they were coming, he was right. How can he get her attention?
It's an emergency. I need everyone to follow me to the mansion. They started running, but only those who believed him ran as fast as they could across the block. At his house, the cats blocked up, but nobody could everyone, tapping smartphones or letting the car drive.
He saw this coming, that's why he had his motorbike upgraded with masks and signs. Then, when he saw the power armour standing right in their way, Amelia was holding his hand, not knowing what to think. She saw many people standing around wondering what was in the sky, burning up in the atmosphere, a meteorite. A satellite, he felt their confusion but had to focus. They had 12 seconds left. It's almost like slow motion.
But a ticking timer on his watch was ticking awainth 9 seconds he opened the door, let in only the ones with Amelia, and closed the door on the shipping container. The lights went up, and they ran faster than they ever ran.
The blast door was large enough to hold back a blast, but he didn't count on it to be a direct hit. Realised the King lived just a few blocks away Jackson Westerfield pulled the door faster, when it was sluggish he realised was banging on the door, so he pulled around pushed them in and closed the front of him, Amelia'sscreamingg but her mother held he back.
He ran he had 4 seconds, and got to the door and r wiped it open, and it was his mother and father, letting them in he yelled run but the words did not flow out of his mouth, he thought he got hit, but he looked down and nothing happenedust dusts wasonowherePulling them in and closing the door was enough exposure to make his Giger counter in the Weist computer tick erratically.
He was pulling in his parents. But they must have been just as to why is he not atomized. The ash was the worst it was in his lungs. His mother was younger. At the moment of division, his skin was being detonated at the same time as the shockwave hit him. His sight was changed. He can't see, but he can still see her and smell.
Gaging and walking forward, the nuclear splisplittinghis atoms made him immortal at that moment. And the Goul emerged he felt his mind splinter as everneuronon was soaked with radon and electromagnetic radiation. The gammer rads from an incoming solar flare, cascading his transmutation into the first Goul known as the first. Stumbling and rotting, he felt 160 years fold past him like a fleeting dream.
His mind endured, as his skin withered remembering his love Amelia, whom he saved. That day coming, he wandered across the ocean. Somehow, with a weight belt holding him down on the sea floor.
He felt it, but the sense of direction, the year is 2104, 25 years after the bomb hit him and his family, or so he thinks his computer is stiltickingng and functioning under this kind of pressure. Whitening out. He came to a beach that extended for klms. Something pushed the land out, and the water retreated. Something pecked at his head, but he pulled. But behind him, the power armour again, for some reason, it had followed him all this way. But he was a little worried about who it may be.
Approaching cautiously, his nose was missing, and the only thing that was left was his rat tail. She tapped the side of her helmet. And the X06 III armour hissed as she popped it open.
Did you,.. are you Jackson? It's me, it's Amelia Sara Gor-Vander. She shook her head. I swore I would never use that name again."
Her laugh. He felt so bad, but his skin was not dry yet. His bog goul-like appearance must offend her sense. I'm sorry, mam, it's been a while since I heard your voice. How did you survive it has to be at least 25 years.

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...