Za was holding his fist closed. As the zeta Reckulorian Doctor experimented with the (FEVC17), a corrupted version of the virus they created to irradicate the human race over 200 years ago. After reverse engineering, Grew, the first Fission Battery, then the Portable FC.
They have been sent to exterminate the rest of the human race. After they took our technology and violated it, " the Zeta-Reckulorian Doctor was speaking English. Well, it was Salazar Greyborns inclination that he must be.. as he felt his skin warp and his bones crack.
His voice droped to a deep, nasely moan as his shulders grew sharply and green crystal broke through his skin, and hie size grew rapidly, so much rhat the Doctor was stepping out if the room ready to decon, when Za grew so large the small room was to smal for him, and his break out through the surface of the moon was met with the retaliation of the empires Wepon.
The mega beam shot of, hitting Zas chest his skim was now green, but the blast was enough to send him flying off the surface of the dark side of the moon and into the lighter side But he was thrown once again when several of their ships drew Partical beams that seemed to blast into an explosives shockwave of dust and glass like sand that tumbled and entrusted into the skin of Za as his body mutated again from the Radon-Radiation.
As he was sent into the earths atmosphere, the speed he entered the atmosphere melted the moon dust/glass over his skin. Creating this Burnt Chard like obsidian skin as he smashed into the water of the coast of Eastern Australia. His body was instantly cooled. But his mutations grew.
As the mixture of the water, that's toxic with radiation from nuclear impacts across the globe. Made Za the first behemoth with crystsl like gems growing from. His skin he walked out of the port of Old Vic, his mind still in tact to return to the mountian.
As the war continued at Mt Kosciuszko, Jackson was unable to stop the titans that lay waste to the blue mountains. But when Joseph returned to get his crew, the roo was stomping in the distance. The ground was covered in blood, and it was not the ferals they had full mech sutes and heavey weapons.
He kept looking around, examining the train station of old Kosciuszko city west. When he saw Somthing flash at the base. And check in with them "anyone from Steel Tower come in?"
19 was almost waiting for 5 seconds before Ava answered, "we have to shut the door, you will be on your own, the Towers Auto system will activate im 10h. If anyone doesn't return by then, "may you find peace in this world." She had this tone, but then Jackson was closing the bow of the steel ship like towerr riseing from the highest part of the base of the mountain.
As they retreated, the walls and windows also closed shut. Leaving them stumped as to how the others can get back.
Ava was ushering the others back to the Brotherhood, then she got this feeling she has not felt since....The Alpha. She said out loud and over the intercom."Joseph answered first."we knew this day was going to come. Have you gotten everyone to safety meet me at the old city in 2h? " Jackson was with mikie as he opened the wormhole system
We can't use this more than 3 more times. It is extinguishing my "Power," he said as the both of the steps through no idea where the rest of the Playmakers are.
"Jusy, as mikie stepped through Joseph, was about to follow when something grabbed him. His armour crushed his leg from its strength.
He kicked it but fet like kicking a rock. When it spoke, it sounded like a grumpy Arbiter. " You left me there 4 dead as Za spoke Joseph recognized his tone. "Salazar Greyborn! But your team was taken by drop bears. "
"We, its only me. They all died the first night." Za said as Joseph noticed his scars. "What did you see up there?Joseph asked
"They experiment without mercy or empathy for what they create. These "THINGS" MUST BE stopped, " his voice lowered."For now, we wok togva." Zas voice was breaking under the sound of the Alpha, attempting to control his mind.." he scoffed, then his meaty eyes start glowing. Then they hear the Alpha Call its mutant army away from the mountian to Za. who was with number 19. When the rest of the Playmakers Appear being chased by a Mega-Roo, its boiling skin, and blind eyes make it A Undead-Ghoul Make Kangaroo.

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...