With the Zeta-Reckulorian empire on the verge of evacuation of the 25,872 Greens Albino deeps and Reckulorian Greys. The empire dident prepare for the extinction of their world, planet next to them is getting closer and closer with each orbet.
"Theres still many left in the tunnels, we have to save them, the 2 Albinos with the ICCM gems have been saving as many people as possible their heightened Abilities and Ultra power makes them the only ones who can do it.
Zaratan and Rekiurum both glide down the cassem towards where the reported cavein was when Zaratan colided with a rock the size of a 10 story building she went right through it.
Her husband Rekiurum was just behind her holding the Transporter node that will transport as many people to the shuttle as possible.
The gass was erupting from deep within the planet. So close to the Black hole now that the planet itself is warping the
But there was still time Zara knew how long they had and had a timer. If they dont get down to the deep Recks, they are doomed. The shuttle will leave without them.
Reki looked out she was pointing but it was too late, she watched him colide into the stone this one was way too strong the element was know by them as Indistatium the strongest naturally forming element on their home world.
He bounced off it, but fell back she darted towsrds him, and Rekiurum was knocked out cold. Zara shouted, her voice carried to him but did not lift him to wake.
It was after the moments passed that she pulled herself toward him. And slapped him awake. It was no doubt she had to wake him, but how, after 18 seconds, she saw his eyes, the big ovel like eyes on a 35-degree angle open slightly. His white skin was pale, but she soon saw him come to Rekiurum! Rekiurum! (REK IY URYM) He came to he was worried but Zaras' eyes caught him off guard, and his mind was not in the same place. "He cupped her face and smiled.
She shook his armour, and he looked up and pushed her aside, trying to protect her. And he did his gem opening up to become a protective shield. Then, as the decaying orbit dropped faster and fadter into the event, the horizon of the black hole technology stopped working, and the Architects Tech was their only salvation.
Sabing them from many harsh Relaitys that followed the Founders of the Extinction. The ships built over 12 billion years ago were their only hope of escape.
They fell for a little longer before descending into the final drop to the ground. Where they saw them, they were mostly children and women from the Yakori tribes they must have been left behind in the initial Evac.
There were 35 of them, huddled together under a rock that was the same element as Indistatium, and that was what saved them from the falling debree.
When Rekiurum and Zara found them, t hey looked like they had given up, then a ray of hope crossed their face as Zara told them to hold hands.
Then, as Rekiurum looked up, he covered them in a crystalline sphere that protected them as they began teleporting. The shuttle was piloted by Zaratans brother, who promised not to leave without them. As the Deep recks from Yakori tribe buckled in and placed their helmets on. And the ship was guided out but into a Hyper-gate that opened.

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...