The Augmented Bone Armour was vibrating silently. Next to her bed as the commotion outside was dampened by their Quarters. After dressing and getting ready like normal, Ava had been the leader of this settlement for over 2 months now. The prophet was always with her. She felt his presence in the dreams she had of the deep past. Seeded in her DNA, reaching back to the first people on earth 9.8 billion years ago.
She was holding the door as it opened, and the sound was louder than she expected. Millions of people are moving about the hals of Mt Koziosco. The memory was glitching well. that's what she thought as the busy halls faded. Like she seen the future or past.
When Ava pulled around the bend, a normal amount of traffic moved through the 34th level below the mountian. She was not expecting this to happen so soon the 356,000 occupant's pf the mountian are all assigned specific jobs allocated to them after the first Ocu-T assessment they discovered that most of the occupant's who survived where from multiple backgrounds. The day of the cataclysmic event. That turned out to be the end of the world. Was just the beginning.
The structure that the Brother And sisterhood occupied was built on top of an evan more ancient structure. According to the Astro, nomads in the Augmented BA speak of the lower levels as if they, themselves, lived there. Ava would not be surprised if this was the truth.
Then her assistant came out of nowhere, starting of today hun we have the inspection of the X07 Prototype Power XOs, and the team says that Lily the seccond has been watching takes of her great grandmother She also has been requesting an audience with you, my lady. She spoke of an assignment, and the Rangers have been practising for weeks. Do you require a lineup"
After Ava nodded, agreeing, the Elevators took them to level 2 where the Engineering and Manufacturing Coop woth Robitic entity's under Lily Senior , or Mis Jones Senior. She was old now but had spent many years in the cryogenic ancient vault.
Her age didn't matter. She only wished to impart knowledge. When one of the Recon-12 Rangers comes running into her class. Ava was just approaching her inspection when another of the Recon-12 Rangers ran to her as well. Handing her a handwritten note.
They both read at the same time. From Doctor Jones, the first Lilys farther had sent them a letter, but how. The international networks are down. Nobody has received a letter for months.
As the letter reads, "To my Dearest Family, i send word via a drone, we sit here in a Vault one of the finest, but as theres no way to get back to you, i have entered Sleep stasis until one of ,the Projects VB16s can come collect me. But im afraid, theres no way to get to the surface, VT university has given me my own vault, so i wont be returning if this letter reaches you find me in south Appalachia to the east of Nuka-cola plant. " 35j73y29c" you will know what to do with this apon arrival. Be careful. We have no idea how far this MAD destruction has brought humanity. "
Soom after Lily got up, she had to find out what to do. Both of them were heading to cooper. He was the only one apart from the Moakai who could help'
Both of them entered his office in a huff and puff, red but ava was not there for the same reason.
Do you know about this, Dad hes still alive somewhere in old USA. Cooper nodded and pulled up the same letter.
We have a choice to make one sector need to investigate the other regions, plant down The Brosishood, and take back the earth. That's what jones whanted, he sent this in the hope that in the future, after, you can always go find him right now, we need to figure out auz and how we can protect it."
Cooper was right. He made sense that they csnt split up right now. Lily was followed by her granddaughter. Who was homless before the family estate fell to her.
"I will go. He has not met me, but i wish to be useful, and this can be my way of exploring on my own. I will take a small fleet and go when the radiation storms have died down."
Cooper nodded in agreement, not lilys grandmother she was almost 80 years old now and looked 50, but she saw it as a way to die, but Ava said nothing. Cooper looked over at ava. Who was consulting the Memory's of an ancient human who had his world lost to the same thing 20,000 years before earth was forming. He was showing her the things that can happen to organic matter when affected neutrino Particals. Released from a pulsar, but for that to happen, she didn't understand.
But Cooper was now holding a clipboard. He looked over at Ava again, who was now face-to-face with her ancient ancestor. Speaking through her, it was ominous,
"Before you can understand the ramifications of separating right now, these creatures are coming, and i have seen them in my dreams. They take everything from you, leaving only a husk to be controlled by the Alpha, long ago for every Omnimon that was ,formed an anti-neutrino mutation occurred in dna of, individuals that connected the Shemtah to the Shemtoh. And creating these, Qultranetwork born monsters.
Ovet the eons, the evil ones where extracted and placed in indestructible material known as Omnimium Steel, formed once in a multiverse at the end of the big crunch if at all it occurs." The Architects build this system to remove these monster's from peoples signatures freeing them from possession.
Ava stopped taking but just realised she was speaking, kike a half awake dream when you hear yourself talk just before drifting back to slumber.
What happened? She didn't remember, but Cooper explained.
"Well, you warned us of something wcan'tnt ignore. The hood must be formidable and ruthless if we are to endure to this time, when these creatures roam the planet.'
Ava walked off. She didn't understand how she was tied up with these things. And what is an omnimon? She felt this doom, impeding on her chest, making it hard to think. And Lily's, junior whos in her 30s spoke to her husband, joe 's, now with their daughter lil, who smiles at her mother as they gather around her and embrace her love.
Lily junior had to think of her family, but the calling to find her grandfather who was lost, before the war started in 2066, the day of his disappearance was connected to The battle of anchorage.
Ava, who was friends with Ethan, but they never went anywhere she felt like her friendship is worth more than. To ruin it, but she was lonely and taking the responsibility of the Mt.koz Project seriously. She walked off, going into her work head down.
Arriving at level 2, engineering and manufacturing. The Mechanist and Heavy-Fussion Engineer's have stopped working as soon as she enters. Ava hated being the leader of this place, not formed the peop, e but due to the respe, t she loved them all, but wanted to be treatenormally, l but after word got out As Ava The saviour. And she was the one that got them into this place. Now they are safe, she is responsible but dose not want it.
As she inspected the line up of 12R, the 0X7 prototype was designed by Lily and Researcher Cooper, James.
Ava had her eyes clearly visible behind the helmet ABA, making her look mean, evan angry. But she was talking calmly this, extraction fan is it cooled. The only thing i can see is this pipe?
The engineer stepped forward, this is mine, mam, the coolent is a Poly-neo-intercooler, with a 67 tetrabite memory!, allowing me to move freely, without any overhearing from the tri-fussion core"He tapped the finger and it opened up, he had it suped up, maxed out overstocked, but the flashy look was cool, she asked
"Dose it move faster. Or is it slowed down by the its weight?
He was named Sargent - Fairbanks his fathers family beleved in mr Jones's mission left him the estate on the edge of town. Making him qualified to hack and, Augment the prototype.
before this mam, was in university for 6 years Engineering was my passion beofre i was dropped from a VB and the old X01 broke my fall but i fell through shattering my spine and leggs.
He was walking around in a Chassis of an old Tb45 but his leggs missing and arms replaced with organic , robotic implants from sectors 4 level 1" she only noticed it when he turned to close the mechanism.

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...