The others landed in front of Ava while she looked out, holding a compass she just fromed somehow. Jackson, who saw Ava do some magic he had never seen before, yelled out, "Hey, wate up, you need me, you said. She took off on the back of a sparkling unicorn with a pink glowing firey tale and eyes that looked like a forest.
Jackson tried to do the same when Amelia came from behind. And the others who yelled what this place was. Cappy held his hat, and he felt some strange familiar vibe to this place.
He started getting Déjà Vu, but this time, it filled out his memories as he started getting the memories of a hundred years plus. He was crying but also laughed. When he saw his wife Die. He screamed. But only for a seccond. Then Cooper dropped his hand. He forgot he was Cappy, but his mind murged with the past self. Becoming "Capour Gupta" he seen Ava, disappear behind the distance hills and Jackson still there talking to the others.
Amelia asked jackson,
" Why is Ava gorn Rouge? He turned to her direction. Then shrugsShe said something about an ancient city underground, where she just said wait for the others, and meet her west. At the huge tree."
He pointed to the only tree that rises from the horizon. Jackson was holding the compass and said she made this thing, then took off. we need to follow this, compass towards that, W point.
Cappy. Are you ok?
Amelia asked, but he just knelt there, then got up. "I remember now why i chose to forget, the pain, and heat can't take another day without her, so.. i took my memories away and just walked out into the Wasteland.
"I know now why.. It's the feeling i have, like my heart is falling down from the sky in an eternal, endless fal of missing love. The pit was endless, but he mustered his Curagous Capour/Cappy swlf.
" was holding the compass. It seems right, "but we are inside the Augmented Bone Armour. Aba-mega planet the size of a universe we must not get lost or we may never get back out, stick with me Cooper has been here before, hes a part of me now. We need a ride, jackson has the ability to craft things here. Can you think, na imagine somthing to get us across that scape." He pointed towards the huge distance that dident curve.
"Ok, so, i just think he had years of experience trecking across the globe. And one thing he wished he had was a huge air ship.
His mind was closed, and his eyes, while he cleared his mind he seen nothing, but then a huge ship started sparking up with some sort of Glowing Star dust. The thing was as big as a city, and run of clean energy.
The ones flying the ship must have been created at the same time as the Air Ship "Gappergon 97" as the Virtual Look was real. The others who come flying down from the air ship. Pulled up with windless Tri-fussion like mikie would have imagined. Jackson turned to Mikie, who smiled his heat beating behind his Tee, with the wirds Dubstar on them.
He steped forward as the men and women's of this world have been metled with the imagination of Jacob who by creativity Created this city of The Alabeziom was written on the side of the massive city made from a marital that they are familiar with Carbon Steel.
"Mikie , sir, we are told to take you and your companions to the city above. Alabeziom. "Shouted the one who looked like a General of the military. But her metals show her experience. As a brigadier G.5, Jackson nodded, and mikie stepped onto the Shuttle craft.
He was smiling from ear to ear, and he noticed the engine was completely covered in a semless Shell. And the vehicle itself had no vibration. He had so many questions

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...