Jackson and Aria followed Charlie, who was em guiding them toward something he called the Hive. Soon after the 25th room, they passed Charles, or Charlie was pushing one Arias dads Doors open, evan she didn't go in there. But she was still curious.
As the doors opened a light, I started glowing a greenish blue from beneath the doorways. As the huge wood doors opened, the room was filled with green trees and plants that took up most of the surface. Behind the bed covered with vines, grapes that looked like watermelons.
"He guided them to an archway made from entangled tree roots and flowers. It looked older than the house, but
" it was not possible for these Fruit to exist. Said Jack, who watched Charles part the overgrown doorway.
As they followed him into a sort of elevator. That went down but on the way. He said, "i have been stuck inside for about 12 months now surviving of this place, i found beneath the mance.
As soon as the elevator stopped, Charles jumped up, out the man hatch. Then said "the doors won't open. The onky eay inside is up. "
Aria pulled herself up she was strong enough to lift a car. And sonwas jack who leapt up landing gently on the flowers and vines. The hallway went down for about 2 min walking before turning left, then right and through a wall.
As Charles disappeared, Jack was left with a sense that the wall was not waving his hand through. The rocks shimmered.
"Come on," said Aria, who pulled him through. He was almost blinded, but as he staggered, the landscape was much like above was a year ago. "They call him the master, and he built this place for them. But they left. i dont know when, but this person or, i like to call him Ep. He's very difficult to explain. He drew out into the open.
Then, inside the living underground ecosystem, flying insects, and birds fish in the river , with food abundance, there's little to make you leve.
"I wonder who this episode is, but when they reached the settlement empty. It was a wonder where all the people were. But when Jack and Aria entered the main centre of town, they saw someone standing next to the river.
"Ep," pronounced Eép, turned to face them, and his features are strange. Same eyes as a human, but with no nose or ears, he looked like a smooth skin. "When he said "greetings" it almost sounded simulated. But then it carried into a more authentic human voice.
"What are you doing here, Charlie?
He straightened up his back, then held together his poorly kept outfit. The robotic movement almost made him look like he sounded. A stiff upper lip.
"This is Jack and Aria i told you about."
He scanned... she's alive, and with this much radiation, there's no telling how much you have absorbed." Ahh yes, 24,000 radiation Osmosis over ,hmm with this information we can synthesise, a new plant life in your honer. Mam? He bowed and then looked over to Charles.
"That's right, he asked your permission to create a plant form?" Said Charles, who then turned to Aria, " she nodded, not really understanding.
Then, as the strang life form, planted a seed that grew within 1s into a huge tree that almost had her hair. It was nothing like her..
But she smiled and said, "Thank you," pulling Charles aside. What's this thing, and why are you talking to it like that?
"He shrugged, they where like children at the start he said, not kike him anymore, the others i mean, they left him here alone for, who knows how long but he says its. 13 months, but i think they took off for the surface thats, all i can gather from him "Said Charles, who then looked back at the organic Futurity tech synthetic Android Evolutionary. She heard roumers of an advanced project that continued from the 60s, but it can't be this..
"My dad said something to me a long time ago," from nothing, to something they will walk the earth while the rest of the humans suffer. They will take the earth, " but i never knew what the heck it meant, until i saw that Ep fella."
"What, are you saying he and those others were created by your farthers company, Futurity Tech. But that was closed down they evan announcement it publicly."

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...