As soon as the sub left for the navigation to Australia. There were many sounds the AI was picking up. Strange heat signatures cause radioactive distortions that glitch up the radar. But Jackson was just getting out of the decontamination shower.
One thing that Jackson said to himself was when people mocked him for being prepared. He had no friends back then and only knew Amelia from growing up together.
Jack usually keeps to himself and when he was given the Sub by Mr Jones's company. Biological, scientific, research, and development then, as the sub creaked and warped under the pressure.
He knew that the people who built this thing were geniuses. Especially the advanced power systems he read about in the manual.
Amelia was still in the decontamination shower. She was still feeling the grime guts, and she was not expecting that. Although Jackson seemed to know what he was doing, how did he know this much? She always assumed that the things he knew were of little importance to her. But now these skills have a lot to offer.
His transformation from human to living Gaul, as soon as the sub was hit, an Alam went down. Making it hard to hear, above them, several groups, gathering to get into the outer city. Escape was the only option, but it was a blood bath out there. Those who didn't die on the first day became zombies after the radiation was finished with them.
The hunger beat their minds up to such a point that many broke out fighting. While going under the bridge, heading out to the east side of the channel. The Hord was moving in. Taking out people and turning those almost feral over to the glowing ones side.
The civilians had no weapons, and only a few had made some by hand. The sky above was glowing green, and the rad storm covered the city. The growing water. At first, those in the city still thought it was another nuke, but with all but 200 launched, it was left to the survivors to maintain any civilities.
But, the hoard was upon them, the game storm and radioactive lightning struck this Scavenger, who leapt up, as he was struck. Then, in mid-air, he turned his eyes to black, and he became immoral those lucky to keep their minds become powerful more often than not, followed by a super mutation that, either gives you a negative or positive, permanent ability such heightened sensor.
Sometimes granting, power can have negative effects. But those hit with the lightning, from one of the glowing storms rolling the planet, sometimes the transmutation gets out of control, and insanity Feral kicks in. If I don't, that affliction often means something worse than death. Suffering as a Goul losing one's nose, ears, and even body parts. The worst part would be your smell, like death piss and blood.
Jack and Amelia see the alarm, warning them, but the Auto Nav system has already signalled the bridge that pulled up. Splitting apart for the boat, the hoard was halfway across the bridge. When the hull started, being struck with the bodies of crazed, knowing only the pbpgw, and feeding on people of the last week.
Death and violence rise as the hoard enters London past Big Ben. The sub was still moving, and thumps got louder along with the screaming, Amelia was frightened she had never heard these sounds before, and they could hear it in the sub, even the 20mm thick hull.
Jackson pulled her in, her ' No matter what we will be ok, as long as we stick together. We can do anything I planned all this, to escape the city, was a prep and a half, it took 3 years to get things ready so that when we went, there was nothing to stop us from escaping.

Fallout Australia/Nz FanFiction
FanfictionThis is a FanFiction story based on the popular Fallout game series. It is a spin-off of my own books, combined with a mash-up of science fiction and passion for gaming and adventure. The story is the beginning of a three-pathed game that will last...